《Glittergolf》Bad introduction


Dad-bear over here wanted me to "have more friends" and "be more social" or shit like that, well I'll show him.

I walked around the Pizzaplex, signing books, papers, posters like usual. I really don't know why he thought of having more friends being a good thing, plus, there is literally no one in this Pizzaplex besides me, the other glamrocks, and Dj music man with the tiny creepy versions of him.

Ugh, I already got bored of walking I turned back and was going to my room when Fred' stopped me "Where are you going?" "My room, now get out the way, bear-boy".

"Didn't I tell you to talk to the others?" Freddy said, crossing his arms like a mad mom. I should really call him Mom-bear.

"Well too bad, there are no "others"."

Mom-bear grabbed me by the arm and started dragging me back to were I was going originally but changed plans.

I shoved his hand off and started walking the other direction, "Monty, turn around now!" I stopped to turn around and started walking backwards, just to be petty.

"Come on Monty! He can be fun to hang around with!"

He? Who the fuck is He? If it's another Worker he wants me to meet I'm gonna break his microphone.

I turn around, to start walking with him.

"Ugh, how long is this gonna take??"

"Not long from here, I promise you'll like him"

"You know if it's another Worker, I'm gonna punch that smile off your face"

"It's not, trust me"

It's not like I'm tired but I was bored out of my mind from walking.

We took so many turns and doors that I can't count how many, We eventually stopped at a door that looked like a Sun and Moon together on a blue background.


It looked really babyish, I really do not like how this is starting.

Freddy opened the door and we went in,

It was normal until some yellow faced freak ran straight towards us, it was so damn fast to the point I think it teleported.

"HELLOOO!!" Sun beamed, He ran straight to Freddy and jumped to wrap his arms around his neck to form a tight hug.

"Hehe, hi Sunny! How has it been?"


Sun exclaimed, he let go of the hug and started to make gestures to control his pure happiness.

Monty looked at Sun with a freaked out expression and looked at Freddy to make sure he wasn't going insane.

"Monty, this is Sunny. He's going to your..er- assistant?"

"Assistant?! Assistant on what!? Am I not good enough?" Monty was skipping to conclusions.

"Oh! You poor thing! You ARE good enough!!" Sun lowered his volume a bit, as if he were actually concerned.

Monty grumbled in response, turning a bit red from the sudden affection.

"No! Not that at all! It's just that..well, it's been heavily requested by our fellow staff, to have him help on the 'destruction' "

Monty mumbled as if trying to defend himself.

"Correct!! I am your new forever friend!!"

Sun was way to pure to understand that Monty was not to happy about this choice.

"Oh my! I am so sorry for my rudeness! Let me show you around the daycare!"

Sun pulled Monty into a hug, sadly Sun was only a bit above Monty's chin.

Sun released from the hug and grabbed Monty's hand, "Come on, new friend!" He pulled Monty towards him and kindly asked "Is it fine if I show him around, Freddy, pretty please???"


Freddy chuckled and nodded "Thanks for your service, Sun"

"YAY!" Sun quickly ran off with Monty, basically dragging him from how fast he was going.

"Now, what would you like to do, new friend!!" Sun said, now facing Monty.

"Uh, I would like to go now" Monty replied, shoving Sun's hand off of his.

Sun looked at him sadly, "oh..do you not like being touched? That's fine! We can have fun a different way!" Sun let go immediately and gestures Monty to follow. Sun showed Monty to a play structure, Sun started to talk about it, but the more Sun spoke the less Monty could understand. Sun spoke and spoke, it was so long to listen.

Monty's patience was running low the more this went on...then he burst "LISTEN HERE YOU FUCK FACED FREAK! HOW ABOUT YOU SHUT UP AND SHOW ME WERE THE DOOR IS" Monty yelled sharply, he ended with a snap as the voice had nothing but anger and frustration, nothing that Sun had ever heard before...

"A-ah, got it..." Sun whispered, he was quickly frightened and his movements had hesitation written all over them.

"It's t-there" Sun pointed at the big doors parents come through.

"Ahem..COME BACK SOON!" Sun quickly traded his feelings for a smile and brushed it off like it was nothing.

Monty looked back at Sun "I'm sorry, bro. Uh- that slipped out, I didn't mean-" "IT'S OKAY, FRIEND!"

Sun placed his hands on his hips and waited impatiently for Monty to leave, while he struggled to apologize.

"MHM, MHM YEAH!" Are the only words Sun gave to Monty as he stuttered and tried to fix his mistake.

Sun pushed Monty to the door and nodded quickly at what Monty had to say, obviously not caring or paying attention.

"GOODBYE!! SEE YOU TOMORROW!" Sun slammed the doors shut, leaving Monty a sweaty mess stranded in a daycare.


Don't worry, it gets better.

I know it's bad, but it's another option.

I've been wrapped up in school and haven't had time to write anything, I hope you all understand.

Again. It's unedited, so a lot of space mistakes and stuff. I'll fix it later

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