《Bottom Dream Oneshots》April blues


TW: attempted Suicide (pls skip if it makes you uncomfortable)

Story type: Angst

Ship: DNF

Words: 486

(Pls don't play the song yet)


Todays the day. I'm going to ask Dream out. I picked April fools because if something goes wrong I can say "April fools." I saw Dream walking towards me in the distance. He didn't look to well if I'm being honest. "Hey. What's up?" Dream asked. He sounded really tired. "Well I just wanted to say..." Dream looked up at me trying to read my expression. "Listen I really really like you and I wanted to ask if you'd like to be my boyfriend!"

I said it. Dream looked partly shocked but calm. "George-" Dream looked up at me and for the first time looked like he wanted to hug someone. "I- I like you too." I looked at his eyes in shock. "I'd love to date you."


I had just gotten the worst call of my life. Dream was in hospital with severe injuries but they wouldn't tell me why. I was trying to find a parking spot but there was none. After 2 minutes I found one and quickly pulled my car into it.

I ran into the hospital reception. "Excuse what room is Clay Harrison in?" "He's on the second floor, first room left to the stairs." "Thank you so much!" I ran up the stairs and into the first room on the left. "Dream!" My heart tore. I saw Dream, the love of my life, laying there in a hospital bed with a severe head injury, broken arm and from the scans 3 fractured ribs. "G-George...?" "Babe what happened?!" "I'm sorry but he tried to commit suicide." I looked at the boy who had said it. It was SapNap. "What...?" Dream had fallen asleep so he couldn't here the conversation. "Yeah his mental healths not been the best, he didn't want to tell you because he thought you had enough on your plate right now." I looked at the raven haired boy and then at Dream. "What happened to make him want to commit suicide!?" "His parents. They abuse him. Verbally and p-physically. He always covered up the bruises because his parents told him if anyone found out they'd kill him." SapNap was on the verge of crying and I already was. "No... NO NO NO!" I grabbed Dreams hand and held it up to my face. "Please don't leave... I love you so fucking much..."


"I'm sorry babe but you really need it!" "I don't want to go to therapy! They don't understand!" I was trying to take Dream to his first therapy session since the accident. "Cmon it's just 30 minutes. I'll go in too?" Dream looked at me. "Fine..."

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