《Most Protected Of All》Exploding Stacy.


Robert's POV;

"Dad, why didn't you tell me if you knew Rose was out there and so close to us?" I ask my father I figured out that my mother knew Rose was alive for 5 years!!! My father looked at me.

" Robert, what was happening in those five years?" My father asked in a calm voice while holding his glass of whiskey.

My eyes wandered around still not seeing why I couldn't have had my daughter this whole time. My father saw my confused face sighed and leaned forward and looked around making sure Rose was not around. Once he was sure she wasn't here he turned back to me.

"Son, your mother found Rose a year after she was kidnapped. Rose was in the foster care system and your mother wanted to bring her back to you but she didn't because I told her not to." My father said like it was nothing. With a look of disbelief, I said that only thing I was thinking.

"But why?" I asked completely broken. My father ran a hand through his hair.

"Son, when I told your mother not to bring her home it was not because I was upset at you no it was because we were at war with the Russian and Indian Mafia. Tell me would it have been smart to bring Rose home during a mafia war?" My father asked with anger.

" I would have protected her," I say quietly. This made my father stand up in anger.

" Really would you have??!! Because I came to this house to see my granddaughter. And what I found was Rose running for her dear life because her FATHER COULD NOT PROTECT HER!!!!!!" My father yelled.

A single tear ran down my face because I wasn't strong enough to protect my only daughter. I turned my sad and angry face toward my father.

"Why did my mother not stop Jack from hurting Rose?" I ask with anger standing up.


"Because Jack came in wanted to adopt a little girl and he was great acter so your mother did not suspect anything and he gave off a feel of a kind man. Your mother saw no problem in having Jack care of Rose so she let him take her. After a month your mother went to see how Rose was doing but Jack had moved out of his house and she couldn't track him down. So your mother cried and wept for 4 years and she tried to find Rose but was unable because you still hadn't taken care of the Russians. Then your mother found out that you found Rose so she wanted to make sure that it was actually Rose so that is why she snuck into your yard in pecked through the window." My father finished still glaring at me.

I sat back down and sighed.

"But why did Mother sneck into my yard? She could have just come in," I say not understanding. My father sighed again and sat down too.

" Because of two reasons. One she didn't believe it was Rose so if she found out that it wasn't Rose she would have surely gone into depression again. Two Since she was taking care of Rose and then was looking for Rose for those years her showing up right then would cause more drama than needed. " My father said explaining.

Footsteps were heard and my father myself and my sons all looked up to see my mother and Rose coming down the stairs. My mother's face said it all, she did something she wasn't suppose to and she was proud of it. And my daughter's face looks like she is the queen of the world.

Damon stands up and picks up Rose.

"Hey, princess how you doing?" Damon asks Rose. Rose then flips her hair over her shoulder and looks Damon dead in the eyes.


" I am no princess I am the queen!" She said and I can see my mother's face holding a proud face. All the boys awed her. Damon smiles at Rose.

" Oh I see, and where is the queen's crown?" Luke asks in a teasing tone. Rose snaps her head toward Luke and gives him a dead serious look.

" It is invisible duh," Rose says. We all burst out laughing because we all know for a fact that my mother thought her all of this.

Rose was just about to say another thing when the doorbell rang. We all looked confused at each other. None of us had anyone coming over. Damon walks over to the door and opens it slightly. Before Damon could close the door an ugly-looking girl pushed her way through the door and literally clung to Damon. OH great.

Rose's POV;

And just when I was going to ask dad why he had tears in his eyes the doorbell rang.

I tilted my head. Did we order pizza? Damon put me down then walked over to the door and opened it a little then this lady push the door open all the way. Uhh, rude!!!

She grabbed Damon's arm and it looked like she couldn't walk because she was holding on to Damon like she would fall if she didn't hold on to him. She had this bright pink hair and a really small dress.

Oh no, she must be so poor she can't even get herself clothes that fit her.

Oh, I know.

I rush up the stairs and open my door. I open my closet and look through it. I don't have anything that would fit her. I know, I walk over to my bed and grabbed my biggest blanket and these giant slippers that were way too big for me but I really liked them. Oh well, she needs them more than me, I mean she fell on Damon she needs better shoes.

I walk out of my room and walk to the stairs.

"Stacy leave now!!!!" Damon calmly says but he sounds really angry. Oh so her name is Stacy.

I make my way down the stairs and I see grandfather and grandmother look at me and once they see what I have in my hands they look like they want to laugh.

I wonder why. Oh well, I have to give these to Stacy.

I walked over to Stacy and tapped her leg to get her attention because I think she was having trouble looking anywhere else but Damon. Weird.

"Hi Stacy my name is Rose and I got you some stuff because I could see that you don't have enough money to buy clothes that fit nicely. Here is a blanket because your clothes look really small so you can cover up with my favorite blanket and then I saw you couldn't walk in those weird shoes so I got you my favorite slippers. " I say smiling up at Stacy.

And then there was a silence.

Stacy looked at me with a really red face and her mouth was gaping open.

I was expecting her to thank me but instead, I heard a dinosaur roar then and a bird screeched and that all came from Stacy!!!! Can you believe that!!!!. Stacy then turns so red that I think she might just blow up.

My eyes widen and I quickly grab Damon's hand.

"Run Damon she is going to explode!!!!" I panic and drag Damon over to the couch. Before I could hide I heard all my brothers, dad, and grandparents laughing. I look at them confused aren't they afraid of the exploding Stacy.


Please leave comments!!!!!!!!!

Sorry people I couldn't update sooner up but I made it up to you with a long chapter.

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