《Most Protected Of All》Grandma!??!


Robert's POV;

I sat in my office with all of my sons each of us doing our own thing. The twins were working on updating our security system. Luke and Matt were contacting more guards. Damon and I are working on files so that we can free up our weekend for Rose. My father had taken Rose to the park accompanied by Logan and Alex Right when I was just about to sign off on another document.



Without lifting my head I yelled. "Come in Blaze". I knew it was him because the only person that lives in this house that actually knocks is Blaze. Blaze opened the door and closed it behind him. He had an uncomfortable look on his face and a bright red handprint on the side of his face. I stopped my work and rose my eyebrows in amusement. The twins could not keep their straight faces and they broke out into laughter. Luke grinned finding the red mark on Blaze also quite amusing. I cleared my throat.

"Um, Blaze would you like to tell us how you developed this...um.. birthmark??" I asked trying hard not to laugh. Blaze lowered his head in embarrassment and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Um, well so you know that old lady that got past our security?" Blaze said. We all nodded.

"Well We brought her here to be questioned and well she got angry and yeah." Blaze said.

The twins and Luke lost it and started laughing.

" You got beaten up by an old wrinkled lady!!" Ace yelled while rolling on the floor.

"And she was probably in heels too!!" Adem added joining his twin on the floor. Blaze turned red. Deciding that I should take care of the person the scared my daughter I cleared my throat once more making the laughter stop and everyone going back to their straight faces.


"Where is the woman?" I ask Blaze. Blaze's eyes move everywhere not meeting mine.

" In the living room," he says. I raise my eyebrows and before I could ask why Damon did it for me.

"Blaze why is an enemy of our family in the living room and not in the cells?" Damon asked. We all waited for Blaze's response while Blaze just shrugged and mumbled something up the lines of "Because she slapped me."

We were all surprised because it is not normal for Blaze to let a woman much less an old woman beat him.

"Just come see and you will know," Blaze says walking out of the room. We all share a look and get up and fellow Blaze downstairs. We reached the bottom of the stairs and what sat on the couch startled me.

"Mother??!!" I ask in disbelief. My son's faces were the same as mine. Shocked.

"I -I what?? How?" I ask confused.

My mother left shortly after Rose disappeared and we never found her everyone thought she was captured or that she ended it because of how close she was to Rose. Having her turn up now startled us all. And why on earth did she scare Rose that night??!!

Before I could even say anything to my mother the front door opened and Rose walked in followed by my father. Weirdly enough my father acted like he knew my mother was here the whole time. Right, when I was about to question My parents.

"Miss Lily!!!!" Rose yelled out in happiness and ran toward my mother. My mother pick Rose up almost like she had done it a hundred times.

"Hello, Rose how have you been?" Mother says. While still ugging the life out of my mother Rose answers her with a muffled voice.



My father walks toward My mother and they kiss each other like they just saw each other this morning.

"EWWWW!!! what was that?!! Do ever do that right in front of me ever again!!!!" Rose yells and wiggles out of their hold and runs up to her bedroom. We all smile at her. We turn back toward my mother and all at once raise our eyebrows.

"Umm Mother car.." I was saying before I got interrupted.

"Grandma!!!" the twins yell and rush over to her.

Well, I guess interrogation can wait a bit.


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Sorry I didn't update sooner!!!!

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