《Most Protected Of All》IN HEELS!!!?!???!


I stormed over toward the head of my security and looked him dead in the eyes with so much rage that I might pop some nerve. I took a deep breath and pinched the bridge of my nose.

" You mean to tell me........ that the person...... who snuck pass ... my laser fence, guard dogs, thirty security guards and some how managed to find this house that might I remained you is in the middle of nowhere is ..... a.... stupid ... small .... old .... wrinkled..... lady?!??!!???!??? And not only that, but she still managed...... to leave .....without a scratch while in ..... DAME STILETTOS??!???????" I yelled with rage probably turning red.

Blaze just looked down and slowly nodded his head with shame then he cleared his throat.

"Umm boss ......... I sorry" Blaze said like that would fix anything. I took a really deep breath.

"At least tell me you know who is old lady is." I said trying so hard not to yell. Blaze nods his head like he accomplished something great.

"Yes boss of course. The old lady runs a orphanage not far from the city we live in now. " Blaze says proudly but then the look disappears when he sees my face.

" Not only was she old but... she RUNS A STUPID ORPHANAGE AND SHE STILL MANAGED TO GO UNNOTICED BY ALL OF MY SECURITY!??!!???" I yell stupefied by Blaze's response.

Strangely enough my father was sitting on the couch drinking whiskey like he didn't give a care. This made me raise my eyebrows. Wouldn't he be more worried about Rose!??

" What was is old lady's name?" My father asks Blaze. Blaze straightens his back.

" Her name is Lily. " Blaze said but once he said her name my father crackled then stood up trying but failing to keep in a snort of amusement.


" Excuse me gentlemen but I have a glass that needs refilling. " my father says and then leaves. Myself and Blaze look at my father's back with astonishment. How could he be this calm!????

In shaked out of my shock and then turned back towards Blaze.

" I want you to take three man to go and fellow that woman and make sure that she won't bring any harm to Rose. Am I understood?" I tell Blaze professionally. Blaze bows his head a little.

" Yes boss right away. " Blaze says then storms off.

I walk back to the hospital wing and open the door that have a squeak. As soon as my sons heard the squeak the all pulled out their guns and pointed them at me thinking I was here to hurt Rose. Once they realized it is me they all relaxed and out the guns away. Rose was finally awake and was coloring totally unaware of me in the room. Such a precious sight to see my little Rose so content not putting a care in the world. Good for her we care about our world so much.

She is our world!!!!!!

I am soooo sorry everyone I have not been able to update for a long time and I apologize to all of you. I know this is a short chapter and I am sorry but I have been having extreme writers block and couldn't do anything about it.

Please tell me your thoughts on this chapter.

Please leave comments!!!!!!!

Thank you guys for your patience with my book!!!!!

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