《Most Protected Of All》Ashamed Brothers.


Robert's POV; (After the call)

As soon as My father hung up I was raging. How dare those people hurt Rose!!!!

We were currently in a big meeting and the man that was speaking was constantly stuttering right and left. I stood up and once my sons saw me stand they also stood. I knew that they had no idea why I stood but they followed me in whatever I do. I can see everyone's face pale once they realize that we were leaving.

"Umm. ... uh... M-Mr. Black, w-where are y-you g-g-going?" the man that was speaking early said. I all did was grunt the left the building with anger.

Outside the building, a Black SUV was waiting. Once we all made it inside the vehicle all of the boys looked at me with questioning looks wondering why I left the meeting. I sigh.

"Tom drive faster toward the airport," I tell our driver anxiously.

"Dad what is the meaning of these?" Damon asks with confusion.

"Rose." That is all I could say through the anger. As soon as I said her name they all started flooding me with questions.

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH ROSE??" The twins asked.


"IS ROSE OK????!!!!"Luke asked.


I sigh again running my hand through my hair.

"Alex and Logan got knocked out and then that gave Rose's abuser time to look for her and he chased her through the house and then your grandfather was visiting and found Rose before the man did and your grandfather put a bullet straight through his brain. Rose is traumatized and needs us and then like a minute after that someone left Rose a note in her Room when your grandfather was busy and the note had some type of chemicals on it and it burned Rose which the pain made her pass out and now she is in the hospital." I said while giving the driver a death glare that meant if he didn't speed the car up I would end him.


I looked at my sons and to see that the twins and luke look deathly pale and really upset. While Damon looks like he might just explode with anger and Matt I can tell wants to go on a killing spree.

Once we finally reached the airport we all but shoved and pushed people out of the way not even waiting for an escort. We reached our private jet and Matt slammed the pilot's cabin door open.

"WOULD YOU TAKE OFF ALREADY!!!!!" Matt yelled at the pilot. We were all surprised because we have never and I mean never heard Matt yell.

Soon enough we were taking off and everyone even Damon was fiddling with their hands and everyone's eyes kept looking out the window hoping we reached the house even though we just took off.

I picked my phone up since it dinged. My father was updating us.

"They took Rose to the hospital wing in the house and Logan and Alex just woke up. Rose is still unconscious but is stable. " I tell my sons what my father text.

All the boys look down at the ground in shame because they were not able to keep their sister safe. I was going to comfort them but I myself felt a lot of shame for not being able to do the same thing.

"Attention Mr. Black we will be landing in five minutes." the pilot announced over the speaker. We all grabbed our bags already so that we can get off as soon as possible.

Once the Plane landed we all ran to the next SUV and jumped in and Damon kicked the driver out saying that he would drive too slow. Before we could buckle up Damon was speeding out of the airport like it was on fire, I mean none of us could blame him we would do the same.


Quickly packing the car we all ran to the house once inside was all ran toward the hospital wing nearly tripping over each other.

Right before we could bust open the door my father stopped us all with a deadly glare.

"If you want to come in you will do so quietly and without disturbing Rose. Am I understood?" He says with a stern voice. We all nod quickly and slowly and quietly open the door.

What we saw was heartbreaking. Our little Rose was unconscious and an IV drip on her and her hands were bandaged up really big. All the boys went over to her and tried to fit on her bed then after finding that they couldn't they settled around her bed.

I walked over to her and sat at her feet and we all stay like that look pitifully at our Rose.

After two hours I went out to speak to my father to see how it happened. Once I found him I was just about to speak with him when my phone rang. My father raised his eyebrow at my phone wondering who could be calling.

I picked it up and looked at the caller. It was my top security personal. Blaze.

" What is it?" I asked with confusion. The last time I got a call from Blaze was when Ace got in a really big fight and nearly dead.

"Boss I found the person at the window who scared Rose".


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