《The Puppy Project》Epilogue
I tried not to cry, I really did but seeing so many people standing in front of his coffin made everything in me break.
He thought people hated him for being him and for being an asshole most of the times but one thing he didn't know was he was loved by many for just being himself.
Death is a reminder how special and unique a life of each person is. We are reminded of the kind of life that they lived and what their sacrifices are.
Tyrone had an arm wrapped around me, trying to calm me down. Grumpy was sitting on my feet, staring sadly as well.
We pulled away at the sound of someone's loud footstep approaching before the door banged open.
"How dare you cuddle! Did you know what your Grumpy did to my Attitude? HE MADE HER PREGNANT!"
I moved my gaze away from the TV screen and wiped my tears away, glancing at Tyrone before turning to meet the furious eyes of Aron Thompson.
Standing at twenty eight years old wearing a fancy suit and leather shoes, Aron had the confidence of a business man but still had a heart of a child.
Yes, the asshole is still alive and very much earning a name through his own business.
After that very day, Aron was rushed to hospital and thankfully had managed to pull through.
Remy was charged in life-long prison and all his illegal assets were surrendered. The company was being run by his friend and all the earnings were donated to charity until now.
Aron took up business and graduated with flying colors, it's been three years since he started his own company and it's been growing since then.
"Attitude is pregnant?" I gasped excitedly, moving out of the bed while placing a protective hand on my protruding belly.
After being married for three years now, Tyrone and I finally tried to concieve. I was in my last weeks of pregnancy, my due date being next week.
I was surprised that Reaper wasn't here today considering he was the god father of my child.
He tends to be overprotective like Tyrone and would fuss over me.
Reaper became more of a father figure to me than Jack ever did. Reaper and I just sort of clicked and it wasn't a surprise why it was him who walked me down the aisle.
Tyrone and my family loves him and his motorcycle club. Even Aron and Casper were adored by them.
Aron crouched down before picking up his pug who wore a pink collar with the name tag 'Attitude' on it before pointing at Grumpy.
"Yes! Grumpy had sex with her without my permission!" Aron exclaimed, running a hand through his hair in frustration.
A fifteen year old Casper popped up behind him, his blue eyes seeming intense than ever with curly hair spilling on his head.
"It's not something that you could hold against Grumpy A-bear, he fucking adores attitude." Casper grunted out, heaving a sigh.
Tyrone moved out of the bed, placing a protective hand on my stomach."Casper! I told you to stop cursing in front of the baby!" He scolded, making his blue eyes widened in guilt.
Casper raised his hands in surrender."I'm sorry! I forgot! Aron's just being his usual as-butt self and wouldn't listen to me." He grumbled, throwing a glare at the direction of his brother.
"This is great news! You're gonna be a father Grumpy!" I squealed, turning around to the sight of my chill baby.
Grumpy's ears perked up, before he stared at Attitude and let out a rough bark at him. It made her tail wag before she jumped out of Aron's hold and moved towards him.
Attitude started to run in circles, letting out excited barks. Grumpy jumped out of the bed, his tail wagging as he made his way towards her.
"Awww! Look at them! They're gonna have cute puppies!" I cheered, watching as Attitude lick Grumpy's face.
"And where does my opinion fit into these? Attitude is still young and Grumpy is Grumpy!" Aron's demanded, his lips in a scowl.
Just like that I felt tears well up in my eyes, my hormones going in a haywire. Their eyes widened while Tyrone pulled me closer to his side.
"Why are you being such an asshole asshole? Aren't you happy? We're gonna be in-laws!" I cried softly, Tyrone throwing a glare at him.
Tyrone's chocolate eyes softened when they turned to me, pressing a soft kiss on my head."Love, no cursing in front of the baby."
Aron made his way towards me, his green eyes guilty before he pulled me away from Tyrone's hold.
He wiped my tears away and huffed."I'm sorry bitch, you know I love you right? I was just kidding with you! I'm so glad Grumpy got Attitude pregnant." He said, but I knew he was lying from the way he turned red as the words spew out of his mouth.
Tyrone moved closer to me, his brown orbs frustrated."Aron, I said no cursing in front of the baby." He repeated, his tone firm.
My friendship with Aron has grown through the years and I could read him like the back of my hand now. Even Casper considers me as his elder sister and I love him to bits.
Tyrone and Aron learned to grow past their anger and hate, becoming brothers despite not being blood related.
It was a funny sight actually since Casper was gifted with three overbearing brothers. Neo is the one who helps him with the ladies, Aron is the one who pushes him to be wild and attend parties, and of course, Tyrone is the strict one and disciplines him when he crosses the lines.
Peggy and I were the chill one and supports him in what he chooses to do but of course, occasionally giving him our own words of wisdom. Chica and Eliki were the ones who teaches him the basic moves to pull on the girls he likes.
Tyrone and I grown more in loved as the years passed by. Becoming the sheriff made him even more kill joy and expressionless but one look at me and different emotions are flashing through his eyes and our kisses.
It was funny how his cop buddies would discreetly offer wide eyes at one another when I visit the station and a wide smile would grace my carrot's usual blank face.
The relationship with his dad somehow grew okay and there were times where Addy would tear up at the sight of them laughing together with beers on their hands.
"When my baby is born, you'll bring attitude to my clinic right?" I widened my hazel eyes, jutting out my bottom lip slightly.
My passion and love for pets had grown and who would've thought that I'll end up becoming a veterinarian. We graduated high school carrying our pups and the smile on Mr. John's face when he learned Tyrone and I were dating made it seem like he knew from the start.
Aron groaned, pulling me in for a short hug."Yes Zoe, now stop crying."
That made a scowl slip on my lips, crossing my arms across my chest."Are you telling me what to do Aron?" I narrowed my eyes at his alarmed green eyes.
Tyrone heaved a sigh before rubbing my back gently."Calm down baby. You know Aron doesn't like you crying."
I turned my glare to him."You know I can't help it when I cry!" I angrily said, taking a step back from them.
"Zoe, it's not like that my love." Tyrone said, his voice in soothing manner.
I was about to say something when something wet slid down my legs. Aron gasped, pointing at the floor.
"Tyrone! Zoe just peed! Isn't that a sign for something?" Aron's exclaimed, turning to Casper.
"What? Ah fuck! Baby, we have to bring you to the hospital!" Tyrone said, rushing out of the room.
"No cursing in front of the baby Tyrone!" Aron scolded, before turning to Casper."Don't just fucking stand there and get the baby bag Casp!" Aron bellowed out making Casper rushed out of the room hastily, the dogs following after him.
I felt the start of contractions hit in and shit, I wasn't supposed to be in labor until next week! I let out a grunt and Aron immediately ushered to my side.
"Stop cursing and help me walk," I gritted out, walking in a slow pace.
Aron rolled his eyes before bending down and carried my body bridal style before running carefully out of the room.
The car was already running once we got outside and Tyrone immediately rushed to help me.
The two of them were rambling and shouting for Casper to hurry the fuck up, rolling my eyes at the fact that they were cursing in front of my baby.
Tyrone quickly threw in the bag when Casper handed it to him, not wasting a second and strapped my seat belt on while I took deep calming breaths.
"I'll meet you at the hospital A! Round the family up and text Jett!" Tyrone drove off and we were off to the hospital.
When we finally arrived to the hospital, Jett was already waiting at the emergency door with a wheel chair.
He had his nurse uniform on and quickly helped Tyrone move me into the chair, pressing a soft kiss on my head as a greeting.
"Welcome to Labor cherry, Motherhood is gonna look good on you." Jett chuckled, making me crack an excited smile.
"How the fuck did you convince me to not use the condom?!" I hissed out, trying not to scream from how painful the contractions were.
Tyrone smiled, not bothered by the way I was holding on his hand so tight."Don't worry babe, I'll remind you after a month."
I threw him a dark glare, letting out pained moan as another contraction hit me."The only reminder you'll see after this is my fist hitting your jaw." I gritted out, leaning my head back on the hospital bed and took deep breaths.
"Okay, you're finally dilated Ms. Adler. You can start pushing now." My doctor said, making me glance at Tyrone.
"Are you ready radish?" He asks, his lips pulled up in a breathtaking smile.
I took a deep breath, feeling him press a kiss on my forehead."Ready as I'll ever be carrot." I smiled shortly before grimacing at the pain.
He nodded, pushing my hair back before starting to count."In 3 2 1, push my love." With that I started to push the human size jelly bean out of me.
"FuuuuuuuuuuuUuuuuuuuck!" I screamed out, all the while pushing until my lungs couldn't take it anymore.
"Radish, don't curse in front of the baby." Tyrone reminded softly, pressing a soft kiss on my head and wiping a sweat away.
"Yes! That was a good push Mrs. Adler. You can do this!" My OB-GYN said, her voice hyping me up.
"Try fucking pushing a baby out of your vagina and then tell me not to curse while doing it!" I snapped, which only earned a warm smile from him.
"I'm sorry my love, you can do this. I love you." He encouraged, wiping another sweat away.
I did another push, feeling my face turn red at the force and felt the baby moving out even more. Fuck, why do I have to do so many push?
I'm so never fucking Tyrone again.
"Yes! I can almost see the head, just two more strong push Mrs. Adler." The doctor said, my panting resonating around the room.
I took a deep breath before doing it once again. All the while, Tyrone pushed my hair back and whispered sweet words of encouragement.
"I love you and all carrot," I breathed out, tilting my head to face him."But this shit hurts like fuck so no sex for a whole year."
I didn't even wait for him to reply before I did one last push, giving it my all. I knew my face was turning red and I didn't exactly look pleasant but oh well.
When the sound of loud wailing met my ears, I felt relief flooding in me and my shoulder sagged.
"Congrats Mrs. Adler! It's a healthy baby boy!" She cheered, tears welling up in my eyes at the sound of his cries.
I can't believe I'm a mother now, me, the Zoe Smith who punched Tyrone on the first day of school and let her curiosity run free.
Tyrone let go of my hand briefly to cut the umbilical cord before he came back to me, his hand lacing with my fingers.
My eyes fluttered, meeting his teary orbs."He's beautiful radish. Thank you for nurturing and giving birth to our bundle of joy. I love you both you so much." He pressed a soft kiss on my lips.
It was a magical moment for the two of us and even more when they placed my baby boy on my chest.
I felt tears escaped my eyes, feeling his skin on mine made everything real. The struggle of carrying him for nine months melted away as I felt his heartbeat gently on my skin.
It was the third time I saw Tyrone cry, the second one being at our wedding and when we exchanged our vows.
Tyrone stared at us with so much love and warmth that it made everything worth it. They were both worth it.
I felt my eyes dropping from exhaustion, my eyes closing in complete bliss with a smile on my face.
Zoe Adler is not only a furmom but officially mother now.
I walked up to my house, making sure to check the surroundings was clear. It currently eleven in the evening and I just got back from the station.
Inserting the key to the door, I quickly unlocked it and made my way inside. I took my shoes off and placed them on the rack first knowing that Zoe hates when there are shoes littering on the floor.
I paused, a frown settling on my lips when I noticed the rack was filled with shoes. Not just any shoes but men's shoes.
Trying not to groan, I closed my eyes and placed my shoes on top of a random one. I quickly unbuttoned my uniform, feeling hot underneath the layers of it.
Walking into the living room, I tried not to groan in annoyance. The motherfuckers were here again and the pillow fort was rebuild.
Jett, Jax, Neo, Casper, Aron, were in the air mattress with my six year old son, Dexter while Reaper was sleeping soundly on the couch.
Dexter Adler was complete a replica of me but had his mother's beautiful hazel-gray eyes that I adored so much.
Personality wise, he was much more like his mother. Dexter was full of mischief and loves to question everything and when I mean everything.
Every little thing.
He was friendly and respected girls at his age, curtesy from his mother and his three god-mothers: Chica, Eliki, and Peggy.
What annoyed me the most is how his god-fathers, these motherfuckers, would try to convince my six-year old son to do a sleepover every single night just so that they could eat my wife's delicious food.
Thankfully, radish actually outgrown her laziness and actually cooks delicious food for us.
I tried not to make a noise and laugh at how Jett was cuddling to Neo. Jax was practically sprawled on top of Aron who had his foot near his little brother's crotch. I made my way upstairs and into our room.
It wasn't that dark, a small lamp was on and the sight of my beautiful sleeping wife made me pause on my way to the bathroom.
I didn't even notice that my feet was already making my way to her until I was hovering over her frame.
God, how did I get so lucky? Zoe didn't only save me from my pain and anger but she's the reason why I'm the Tyrone Adler that I am today.
I placed a hand on her cheek, my thumb gently rubbing on her soft skin. The freckles that I adored and she had grown to love was free for my eyes to see.
Leaning down, I pressed a soft kiss on her cheek, nose, and lips. Not being able to stop myself from doing so.
When a soft smile graced her lips, I knew she caught me. I suck in a sharp breath when her hazel-grey eyes opened and met my chocolate ones.
It's been years since we've been together and she still manages to capture my heart with her smile, gorgeous eyes, and personality.
"Hi radish, I'm sorry for waking you up." I murmured softly, taking a seat at the edge of the bed.
She shook her head, her long ginger hair sprawled on our white pillows."It's okay, how was work carrot? I missed you." She sleepily said, placing a hand on my back.
"It was good beautiful." I answered, before gently narrowing my eyes at her."You failed to mention that the fuckers are once again in our house." I pointed out, her giggle meeting my ears.
Shit, that sound went to the wrong head.
She pushed herself up, bringing the hand on my back up to gently run her hands through my hair.
I let out a sigh, loving it when she does that.
"You know they love Dexter." She reasoned out, making me roll my eyes.
"And they love your cooking way too much." I grumbled."Can't they just hire some personal chef or something?" I huffed, making her pull me in for a short kiss.
Just like that, I forgot what I was ranting about and got carried away. Zoe's kisses are something that I'll never get used to and consider myself lucky to have them forever.
She pulled away, making me pout."How about I make it up to you?" A mischievous smile gracing her features.
I smirked, immediately pulling her in my lap and enclosed my arms around her waist. She let out soft fits of giggle as I stood up and made my way to the bathroom.
Zoe immediately wrapping her legs on my waist and her arms around my neck to secure herself.
Who would've thought that I'd find my first and last love through The Puppy Project? Definitely not me but I'll be forever thankful for that very day that I decided to walk on that very classroom.
The goofy smile on her lips made my heart warm, her eyes shone with love and adoration that it made me press my lips on her.
We shared a short kiss before pulling away."Are you ready Mrs. Adler?" I asked, a genuine smile forming on my lips.
Zoe grinned, her hazel grey eyes brimmed with excitement."Ready as I'll ever be Mr. Adler."
Thank you so much for the patience and support that you guys have been giving to this book since day 1!
Every comment, vote, and the fact that you even added this book to your library means a lot to me and thank you for giving this book a chance!💚
I'm a little bit emotional here, there's so many things that I'm gonna miss in this book. My characters, doing the updates, and just everything that comes with TPP🥺
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