《The Puppy Project》25| The Weird Stomping
Zoe's P.O.V
It's been five days.
Five excruciating days waiting for the damn results and still no conscious Tyrone.
"Do you want anything dear?" Tyrone's mother, Addy, asked.
I shook my head,"I'm good, thanks though." I smiled softly, focusing my gaze back unto the tv.
"I'll be back," She nodded, walking out of the room with her purse.
The day Tyrone was rushed to the hospital was also the same day where I met his mother and little sister. It was a completely embarassing scene considering I looked wreck with the bruises and blood covering all over me.
Tyrone's teary eyed mother who didn't mind my state, pulled me in for a tight hug. I haven't met his father yet since they were busy finding Aron who, from what I've heard, gone into hiding along with his cronies.
Aron's Father was surprisingly helping the police in finding his missing son and even visited here, a day after Tyrone was brought in.
I wasn't here to meet him though; I had to go home to take a shower and a change of clothes.
Mom cried when she saw the state I was in. Unluckily, She was on duty that day here at the hospital and had been informed that her daughter has been brought along with chief's son.
I didn't want to leave Tyrone who was in the ER but she ushered me to an area where I was checked by a doctor and brought back after where she and I met Tyrone's mom and little sister.
I was given the 'ok' signal by the doctor but the bruises were expected to heal longer due to my illness. He gave me strong painkillers though and wished me well.
I was forced to go home that day but the nightmares were unmerciful resorting in me going up to Neo's room and cuddling up with him like we used to when we were kids.
The police took my statement and I didn't even waste a second in telling them my side of the story.
I've been absent for a two days now and have been excused considering my beatened up state.
Eliki, Jax, and Chica visited been visiting each day and yesterday after class, told me that the school area was under investigation by the police. They were trying to find out wether Tyrone was taken within the school grounds or not.
I glanced back at Tyrone, my gaze falling to his limp hand that was currently held by my own.
I traced my thumb softly on his bruised knuckles, my heart tightening at the thought of him fighting alone for his life.
Broken ribs that thankfully didn't puncture his lung, scratches and dark bruises on his body, black eye, cut lip, and a 3-inch gash that runs along the side of his forehead.
The doctor declared that he was in a coma considering the blood lost and head trauma he experienced from the bloody baseball bat that was recovered a few meters away from us.
I didn't even notice it.
The warmth from his hand was the only protective barrier that assured me from my nightmares becoming real.
I haven't gotten a wink of sleep, my demons and nightmares were at bay and knowing them, they would take advantage of my weaken state.
It's so damn true how people would say that your real enemy is your mind.
I sighed tiredly, shook my head to clear up any negative thoughts.
"Carrot," I softly uttered.
"You've been having your beauty sleep for three days now. It's okay though, you can take your time but just," I paused, my heart painfully aching at the thought of something bad happening.
"Don't take to long okay? We're all waiting on you," I sniffled, tightening my hold on his hand.
One tear fell and that was it, I refuse to let Tyrone hear me cry. The doctor said we should all talk to him since he said that Tyrone could still hear us, he isn't just physically conscious to reply.
The door opening pulled me out of my teary state. Addy walked in with a cup of steaming coffee in her other hand.
She can probably tell that I'm close to crying but didn't push me to talk. She placed the cup of coffee on the table hastily before pulling me in for a tight hug.
"Thank you," I whispered after pulling away.
She brushed a strand of hair away from my face,"Don't overthink Zoe. I gave birth to a fighter and I'm sure as hell that he ain't quitting easily because of this." There was no hesitation on her tone and it made my heart breathe a little easily.
I nodded in agreement turning back to Tyrone,"You hear that carrot? You're a fighter so get all the damn rest that you need and come back to us after." I said, my voice firm.
The door opened once again, taking our attention away from him. Chica, Jax, and Eliki strolled in earning a confused look from me.
"Skipped?" Addy asked, raising a perfectly arched brow.
Chica nodded,"Classes were boring and we miss our bad boy," She shrugged, making her way to hug us both.
Jax gave us both a kiss on the cheek and Eliki followed after.
Eliki recoiled pulling away from hugging me,"Girl, I know you're worried as hell but you gotta take a damn shower." She deadpanned,
"And eat," Chica continued, referring to my sunken face.
"You can add sleep too," Jax muttered, eyeing the dark bags under my eyes.
I was about to protest when gave Addy gave me a scolding motherly look.
"They're right dear, Tyrone would probably lose his shit when he sees we didn't look after his future girlfriend," She shook her head, earning a laugh from the trio and a blush on my cheeks.
Addy and I have been getting close this past few days. We took turns in watching Tyrone but it was usually me during the night since there was no one to look after Emma Adler.
She basically made me tell her how Tyrone and I met. I told her everything that happened with him and somehow at the end of my storytelling, she was convinced that her son harboured feelings for me.
I, of course, denied that there was anything going on between us and told her that we were just friends earning a mocking nod and a smile from her.
"Come on, I'm gonna drive you home," Eliki said, pulling my arm softly.
"Fine but you'll pick me up as soon he's showing sign of waking up." I said, standing up.
We bid goodbyes but not before giving a final squeeze on Tyrone's hand and telling him that I'll be back soon.
"Who's car is this?" I asked, referring to the fancy range rover we were currently seated in.
Eliki hummed,"It's Chica's car," She replied, glancing at me.
I nodded, my eyes drifting back to the moving scenery. The drive there was quiet but not awkward. Eliki can surely tell I wasn't in the mood to talk and gave me the silence that I needed.
"I'll see you soon ginger," Eliki said, offering me a swift kiss on the cheek.
I nodded in reply and was about to go out of the car when she placed a hand on my arm abruptly stopping me.
I turned back to look at her,"He'll be okay ginger. Have faith," She assured, a smile on her lip.
"I love you Eli," I uttered, cracking a smile at her words.
She grinned," I love you too ginger, now run along." She bid one last goodbye before I went out of the car.
A soft chatter can be heard from the kitchen and I could tell it was Jack and Mom knowing that my siblings where at school.
Neo lost his shit when he saw my black and blue state. Jack and Mom had to talk sense into him from going on a suicide mission on hunting Aron and beating the shit out of him himself and to let the Police handle it.
Which earned a loud curse from him and punched the wall angrily before pulling me in for a hug and apologizing profusely for not being there.
Peggy didn't cry although she pulled me in for a tight hug and said that 'I know you did a number on those fuckers' which earned a chuckle from me.
"Honey, how's Tyrone?" Mom peeked her head from the kitchen.
"He's fine mom," I replied briefly, making my way to my room.
I was surprised to already see the door open but didn't dwell much on it. I took of my shoes and sat at the side of the bed with tired closed eyes.
I let out a surprised gasp when a whimper resonated around the room before something licked at my foot.
I looked down and this time, couldn't help the tears that leaked out of my eyes.
Grumpy sat on the carpeted floor, his ears seeming to drop lower and his brown eyes that were usually glaring stared intently into mine with sad eyes.
I quickly picked him up, hugging him to my chest. I felt my shoulders shake as I cried softly.
The fear and pain that I've been bottling up for a few days bursted like a damn volcano.
Fear of losing Tyrone.
Fear of Aron and his cronies coming back.
Pain on the thought of Tyrone going through that alone.
Pain caused by my still healing bruises.
Grumpy licked the spot where my tears seemed to slide down and let out a pained whimper, his paw softly tapping on my shoulder.
I sniffled,"I'm sorry Grumpy. I just missed you hence why I cried. How are you my little baby?" I croaked out.
He woofed softly and placed his paw unto my tear-stained cheek as if to tell me to stop crying.
I didn't want to suffocate him and instead placed him on the bed beside me but he jumped back into my lap and settled there.
I couldn't help but giggle,"You're warming up to me, aren't you?" I joked, wiping my tears.
I don't know why but seeing him look at me with a blank face in reply made my worries seem to fade away.
A genuine smile flitted on my lips,"Oops. Sorry for assuming so soon. You're probably wondering why daddy isn't here with you, he's kinda sick and needs to rest for a while which means you're stuck here temporarily." I explained, not even bothered at the fact that I was talking to a dog, a cute one at that.
I completely forgot that that grumpy was staying here at home. Addy was the one who's been taking care of grumpy but considering the circumstances right now, she obviously couldn't be at their house 24/7.
Hence why mom offered to look after him since she's been granted an off for a few days.
"Honey! Take a shower and come down! You need to eat!" Mom hollered from downstairs.
I rolled my eyes before pecking grumpy's nose and placing him back on the bed. I sniffled once again and let out a tired sigh.
Be brave and have faith.
I nodded at myself turning to look at grumpy who was now sitting comfortably on his stomach.
"I'll be back Grumpy, mommy stinks right now."
The sound of my phone ringing woke me out of my slumber. I let out a groan, fumbling for my phone.
I scooted slightly away from grumpy who was sleeping next to me and swiped the accept button without looking at the caller id.
"The hell you waking me up for?" I sleepily asked, rubbing my face with annoyance.
"You better throw that atittude out of the window when I come pick you up Ginger. I'm on my way by the way and oh, Tyrone's awake." At the mention of his name, it all came flooding to me.
The woke me up faster than the cold water that Neo poured on my sleeping state when I was in fifth grade.
"Since when? what time is it? Fuck, no, drive first. Talk later!" I replied, ending the call quickly.
I hastily stood up and went to get my shoes. Not bothering to change from my long-ass sweater that covered my shorts and went looking for my vans.
Grumpy seemed to wake up from his slumber and noticed my panicked state.
He bravely jumped out of the bed before trotting up next to me, bent down my desk, trying to look for the shoes that I swear was just right here.
I bark snapped me out of my trance, I looked down at grumpy to see him pulling one pair of my vans that was somehow sweeped under my bed.
I grinned before patting his head and taking the other one. I took my wallet, keys and phone before stuffing them in my back pockets and going downstairs.
Mom and Jack seemed to perk up from their cuddle session on the couch upon seeing my state
"He's awake, isn't he?" Mom smiled, relief flooding through her eyes.
I nodded,"Eliki just called me. She's on her way." I said, my eyes flitting swiftly the movie they were watching.
"Did you sleep well honey?" Mom asked, her eyes carrying the familiar worry.
"I did mom, What time is it anyways?"
"That's good to hear,
I think it's past four pm." Mom answered, checking her phone to see if it was right and nodded in confirmation.
A series of wild barks from the stairs pulled our attention away from one another.
Grumpy came barreling down the stairs but considering he was still a puppy, he somehow missed a step and came rolling down the stairs.
Mom and Jack bursted into laughter and I couldn't help the giggle that slipped out of me.
"Hi little boy, are you okay? I'm sorry I forgot to bring you downstairs. Momma's kinda in a hurry." I explained softly, picking him up and rubbing the spot where he landed.
He barked in reply which made me raise my brows.
"I'm going to visit your dad if that's what you're asking and no, I can't bring you because there's a rule that I can't." I continued, making my towards mom and Jack.
He let out a series of whines before I apologized once again and promised he'll get to see Tyrone soon which basically earned an excited yelp from him.
The sound of a car beeping can be heard outside and I gently settled grumpy unto mom's lap who immediately scratched the spot behind his ears in comfort.
"Eli's here, bye." I kissed mom on the cheek and grumpy's nose before giving a nod to Jack.
I closed the car door behind me swiftly and turned to look at a grinning Eliki.
"When did he wake up? Is he okay? What did the doctors say?" I bombarded Eli with questions as she backed away from our driveway.
"Relax. He's actually been awake for two hours now and WAIT! Before you smack me, it was him who stopped Addy from calling you." Eliki exclaimed, making me place my hand back to my lap.
She rolled her eyes,"He was kinda confused when he first woke up, his mom explained it to him and thankfully he remembers what happened but then he panicked and asked about you which Addy assured you were okay and was about to call you but he said to let you get a few hours of sleep since he basically heard the conversation we were having earlier." She half rambled-explained, her other hand during gestures.
"You made a promise though," I glared, crossing my arms.
She shrugged innocently.
The rest of the drive was quiet and my nerves was slowly building up. I wasn't sure if Tyrone even wanted to talk/see me considering the stunt he pulled before the incident.
"You go first," I said nervously, nodding at Eliki who raised a brow at my words before doing so nonetheless.
I took deep breaths and lightly shook my hands. Giving myself a prep talk that it was just Tyrone and there wasn't a reason for me to be nervous. I was about to enter when the door opened making me jump back.
Chica, Jax, Eliki and Addy all walked out of the room. The expression in their faces were something I couldn't pinpoint.
"He's all yours," Addy smiled, jutting her head towards the room.
"O-okay, Thank you Addy," I didn't dwaddle much and went inside.
He was sitting on the bed looking more alive than ever. A wide smile spread on his lips upon seeing me and beckon me to come closer with his forefinger.
That was supposed the sight that greeted me instead a sleeping Tyrone was what I saw.
I could feel myself exhale in relief, I wasn't mentally ready to face him and this could bring me more time to prep myself.
Funny how a few hours ago I was hoping for him to wake up and here I am mentally cheering at the fact that he's fast asleep.
so undecisive
I quietly made my way to him, making sure to not make any sound as I took my usual spot.
He probabbly couldn't keep his eyes open considering the medications they hooked him up with.
Knowing he's in a deep slumber, I gently slipped my hand into his. My shoulders relaxing at the familiar warmth and comfort that he emitted.
I felt my eyes close in relaxation and I unconsciously rubbed my thumb on his bruised knuckles.
That was short lived though when my hand was suddenly interlocked with his completely.
I couldn't help the surprised gasp that left my mouth upon meeting the familiar brown eyes of none other than Tyrone Adler.
I went to pull my hand away but his grip tightened preventing me from doing so.
"Hi," I nervously muttered, my stare not once breaking off with his.
He didn't reply for a few moments making me squirm slightly in discomfort on my seat.
"I'm sorry," He finally spoke, his voice a bit deep with the familiar undertone of husky.
"For?" I replied, my lips turning into a frown.
"For avoiding you, I admit it." He answered casually but I could see in his eyes the brewing storm he was trying to hide.
I smiled instead,"It doesn't matter. Whatever the reason, it's okay. I understand," I assured, proceeding to stand up.
I was pulled back once again, by his hand."Where are you going?" He asked, his own lips turning into a frown.
"I'm leaving?" It sounded more like a question though.
He pulled my hand,"No, you aren't." He firmly said, shaking his head.
"But isn't that what you're implying by admitting you're avoiding me? That you don't want to see me? " I shrugged, avoiding eye contact.
He sighed,"Take a seat and look at me Zoe," He said, no demanded rather.
Stormy brown eyes clashed unto my hazel-gray ones.
"I don't want you to leave. I've been wanting to see you ever since I woke up and I heard everything you know? I heard what you said and there's nothing you have to apologize radish. It's not your fault, never is and never was."
I could feel my throat clogged up at his words. Remembering the words that I said to him after he was announced stable by the doctor and was moved to a room.
"I've been avoiding you not because I don't want to see you. It's just after the kiss on the cheek I, uh, fuck, I practiced this for the whole week," He frustratingly said, his lips turning into a scowl.
I gently placed my hands on top of our conjoined ones,"Hey, you don't have to explain. It's okay Ty." I assured, offering him a smile.
He shook his head before relaxing at my touch,"W-when you kissed me on the cheek, I felt this weird stomping on my stomach. It made my heart flutter and I don't know shit fuck shit, I'm embarassing myself aren't I?" He chuckled darkly.
I was about to reply but he brought his finger to my lips, shutting me up completely.
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mist für denn ich aus Langeweile und Ahnungslosigkeit ein buch beginne ^^
okay aalllso ja das ist mein erstes buch in dem ich so Sachen wie wenn ich getaggt wurde rein schreibe ist nicht groß spannend oder so aber falls ihr zu viel Langeweile haben solltet würde ich mich trotzdem freuen wenn ihr rein schaut wenn nicht tja dann habe ich halt verkackt XD
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