《Justin Bieber - Baby Love Story》Chapter 5 - Final Chapter.


Justin's p.o.v

Myliene and I have been married for 5 years now. We got married in Italy on the beach. It was Myliene's dream. She had twins. A boy and another girl. We called the boy Jordan and the girl Grace. Amber turned 7 a week ago. Right now it's Christmas day and I'm giving Myliene a present I hope she uses. She opened the red envilope and a piece of paper fell out. 'What's this she asked sitting on the sofa. I grabbed my video camera and recorded her reading the page. 'Oh my gosh! Are you serious! I love that house! Oh my Lord! Justin.' she screamed leaping into my arms and kissing me several times. I laughed and realised I still had the camera. I knew this was gonna work out a lot more better. Since I am with my girl, Myliene.


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