《Justin Bieber - Baby Love Story》Chapter 3


Justin's P.O.V

'Myliene. Are you ready? Our flight leaves in 2 hours.' I asked walking into the bathroom. She stood there and applied her make-up. I smiled at her and she smiled back. 'You look beautiful.' I whispered and wrapped my arms around her waist facing me. She blushed and looked down. I held her chin with my hand and kissed her on the lips. She kissed back and smiled. I smiled back. 'Come on.' Myliene said dragging me downstairs. Kenny brought our suitcases out to the car since he's bringing us to the airport. Amber is in my mom's house since last night. Myliene cried a little when we got home. She was very worried about her.

Kenny dropped us outside the airport and we said our goodbyes. 'Hope you two have a good time. Later JB.' Kenny said. I smiled and held Myliene's hand as we walked through the airport. 'Flight 114 to Paris is now boarding.' a woman called. Myliene squeeled and I laughed. She grabbed my hand and we practically ran to the gate. I handed the woman our tickets. 'Have a great flight Mr. Bieber and Ms. Daniels.' the woman at the gate said. We smiled and walked onto the plane. Our seats are 1st class. I stood aside and let Myliene in at the window. I sat next to her and she rested her head on my shoulder. 'I love you.' I whispered. She smiled. 'I love you too.' she whispered back and pecked my lips.

The plane took off and we decided to fall asleep. Myliene rested her head on my knees and I ran my fingers through her hair. A woman with a try came beside us. She asked me if we wanted anything. I took two bottles of water off her. Myliene's eyes flickered and she smiled. I smiled back and kissed her lips she giggled. She sat up from her seat and we talked for the rest of the flight.


We landed and I hired a car and drove us to the holtel. 'Babe. This is amazing.' Myliene smiled. I kissed her. 'Anything for you.' I smiled. She giggled and smiled wide. 'We're here.' I smiled pulling up and parking the car. 'Justin!' Myliene exclaimed. She jumped into my arms and squeezed me tight. 'This place is amazing!' I smiled wide and had a mini make-out session with her. She smiled during the kiss and I giggled. We pulled away and I checked into the holtel with Myliene by my side, taking in the view of the lobby. I smiled at her. 'Enjoy your stay.' the woman said smiling. I smiled back and walked to our penthouse suite.

We walked into the room and ran over to the balcony. 'Justin! The eiffel tower!' she exclaimed. I smiled and wrapped my arms around her waist from behind and suddenly thelights on it started flashing. Myliene's eyes widened and I smiled at how beautiful she looked right now. I kissed her neck and looked at the flashing lights again. They went back normal and she turned around to face me. 'I love you. So much. This is amazing.' she whispered and hugged me tight. 'I love you more.' I whispered in her ear. She smiled and kissed my cheek. I smiled and we walked inside together. I yawned and Myliene smiled at me. 'Tired baby?' she asked in a baby voice. I chuckled and nodded. We wrapped our arms around eachother and made our way into bed.

The next morning we woke up bright and late. Myliene was still asleep. I kissed her lips a few times and she woke up. I smiled. 'Morning.' I whispered smiling. She squinted because of the sun light coming through our room. 'Morning.' she whispered back turning into my chest, wanting to fall back to sleep again. I shook my head. 'No no. Come on. We're gonna explore Paris.' I smiled and held her head up. She made a face and I dragged her out of bed and into the bathroom. She rolled her eyes and shut me out. I smirked and got dressed.


'Justin!' Myliene shouted. 'Yeah?' I answered. 'Can you get me my towels?' she asked. I smiled and grabbed her towels. I opened the door. 'Here my dear.' I said. She went to take the towels but I pulled away. 'Justin!' she whined. 'Come on I'm freezing!' I smiled and gave her her towels. A minute later she was getting the clothes for today. She bent down and I wolf whisteled at her. 'Careful, Bieber.' she threathend. I smirked and went into the living room.

'Come on babe! Please!' I begged. She shook her head. 'I'm scared of heights.' Myliene said. 'Plus it's getting a little late.' 'So. And trust me. I'll hold you.' I whispered. She smiled. 'For deer life?' she asked. I nodded. 'For deer life. Now come on.' I said dragging her to the elevator of the eiffel tower. We reached the top and...

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