《The Emancipation of Rhaegar》Chapter 51


Dragon's Palace


Rhaegar stood at the gates of Kingslanding as he watched his and his wife's belongings being packed away on to carts to put into their ship. He couldn't believe he'd taken so long to make the decision to leave Kingslanding but was ready to finally be at peace from his father and his words, his actions, his madness.

He watched as a cradle, the very same that had held Rhaenys and Aegon, was tightly secured on the cart. Rhaegar hadn't received word from Elia about his children's health, but Oberyn had written a few times – he found piled letters in his room when he returned. Telling him about Elia's ravens to Oberyn, which detailed that Rhaenys was growing as was Aegon, and they both missed home terribly. Rhaegar, unsure if his father had forgotten about his children, didn't know if he wanted to tell Elia it was safe to return home just yet.

Rhaegar had also been writing to Aemon, his grand-uncle, a Maester in the Night's Watch, about how worried he was. His father had been declining and with him the trust of their lords to the Targaryen crown. He wanted to do something, anything, but he wasn't ready just yet. He planned to, but that plan was halted when Rickard Stark died. So even if it was just for half the year, he needed to be in Dragonstone, he needed to be where he was supposed to be – to show if not the people but himself that some sense of normality was still in place.

"Are you sure you won't change your mind?" Arthur sighed behind Rhaegar, slipping off his helm to get a better look at his best friend.

"I'm afraid not, we have to leave this place. I want Visenya to born into safety," Rhaegar responded, hugging Arthur tightly. "When I return, I will take it from him then. Slowly."

Arthur, who had never heard the Prince outwardly make the claim that he wanted his father's crown, nodded. Rhaegar had always insinuated on the King's accidental death or being the only sane one left. "Well, take care of her."

He knew who Arthur was referring to, watching as Arianne was helped out of the gates, knowing she'd be going towards the harbour. Closely following behind her was Nymella, Penelope, and the newly appointed Mimi and Rhaella behind them. Julian had insisted Mimi stay in Kingslanding, saying that Dragonstone was far too rough for a girl of her age. Arianne agreed, not in the mood to argue about such small matters with Julian. Rhaella was not to join them, she was six moons pregnant and Aerys wanted her in Kingslanding giving birth to the next Prince.


"She is my wife you know," Rhaegar laughed.

And your sister as well. Arthur wanted to say, but he thought against it. "Well, I hope Dragonstone meets you well." He placed his helm back on and marched back into the Keep.


Dragonstone Castle

Arianne was sure they had spent weeks on the cursed ship, her discomfort growing day by day. Rhaegar would sit in her small room from time to time, asking if she was alright. To which she would respond that she was, she didn't want him to worry for fear of turning the ship around or docking elsewhere to rest.

"We have passed Driftmark, come and look at your home," Rhaegar excitedly told her, helping her from her seat and up the steps of the ship to the deck. Nymella followed closely behind them, she had been cuddled next to Arianne on the bed they had shared when he called.

Arianne covered her eyes for a moment, she hadn't seen the sun for some time, and it was not welcomed by her eyes. "Oh gods," she muttered rubbing them. She felt the ship sway and held onto Rhaegar. She'd never been on a ship and hated every second of it.

Rhaegar laughed at her, "it's alright, come hold here," he led her hand to the wooden edge of the ship.

Arianne clutched onto it until her hands turned white. She looked from the water beneath them and up, to the island that was Dragonstone. It was big ... and dark ... and smoking. That was the only thing she saw of it. The castle was pointed like a crown, sitting proudly on the island.

"We will be eating fish until we die," Nymella muttered next to Arianne. Arianne sent her a quizzical look, Nymella stifled a laugh. "What you think anything can grow or graze on that?"

Rhaegar, who offended by the Dornish girls' words, cut into their conversation. "The Throne Room and Chamber of the Painted Table, I'll show you that first."

"Are you going to elaborate?" Arianne asked Rhaegar, smiling at his enthusiasm.

"The Chamber of the Painted Table, Aegon the Conqueror had it built, and it shows every major city, port, lake, pond," he exaggerated his words pinching her arm, "it's right next to the Throne Room."


"I'd rather you show it to me than explain it," Arianne sighed, growing nervous at the sight of Dragonstone. Dragons were born here. Real dragons. Fire-breathing dragons. Arianne thought to herself. She would be living, sleeping and eating where Aegon the Conqueror did. She didn't know if it was the nervousness of waiting to see Dragonstone, the ship swaying, or drinking too much water but Arianne felt herself peeing?

No, Maester Pycelle and Rhaella had explained it to her.

"Well, Visenya is fine, your weight is fine, she is just a big babe," he took his hands from her stomach. "I must warn you however, birth can be messy and bloody. It'll start with your waters breaking, labour – whereby the body prepares to expel the child and finally the second birth-,"

"Second birth?" Asked him, looking to Rhaella, who nodded.

This must've been the waters breaking. Arianne looked down at the puddle beneath her, as did those standing next to her.

Rhaegar, who had been waiting for this day for months let out a laugh. "She has sensed we are home. Call the Maester, hurry and dock this ship! Your Princess is to give birth!"

Arianne watched as he lost his mind, yelling to any and everyone. She held onto Nymella's hand as the ship quickened its pace. This thing can go faster!? She thought to herself, she far too stressed to yell about that, she'd do it once Visenya was born. "Where do I go!?" She shouted to Nymella, feeling as her lower stomach clenched in a way it had never done. Arianne felt her back give out and fell to the floor slowly, scooting away from the puddle of water next to her.

"It's okay, she won't come just yet," it was the Maester who had travelled with them. Pycelle couldn't come, so they had brought along another from Kingslanding. "We'll wait until we're in the castle to prepare. For now, stay there."

"On the floor!?" Arianne exclaimed, feeling her cheeks ... no her whole body grow hot.

"On the floor your grace," the Maester nodded back at her. "We're almost there, don't worry."

She let out a cry, the pain that had sent her to the floor the first time coming back. "I don't want to give birth. I change my mind."

"It's a bit late for that," Nymella laughed, sitting behind Arianne and resting the Princess' head on her chest. She brushed her from her face, calling for Penelope. Penelope, who had been sleeping below deck was thrown from her bed and had come above to see why they were moving so quickly. It only took for her to see Arianne on the floor with Nymella behind her and Rhaegar crouched down beside her to know what to do.

She ran back down, taking anything that resembled a towel, a water pitcher and the prayer wheel that Arianne had taken to making for the unborn child. Penelope dunked the towel into the pitcher, it was cold, but hopefully, it'd help. She placed it on Arianne's head and Nymella's hands took over.

Arianne felt like she was laying on the floor for hours, it was no longer than an hour, and once they had docked she was lifted by ... someone. She did not care who all she wanted to know was when she'd be put on a bed, or even another floor. She turned her head, watching as the sand disappeared from underneath her body, and as the steps to the castle grew fewer and the castle grew greater. It truly was a dragon's den, there was no time for her to worry about this or that dragon. She felt her eyes grow heavy so she closed them.


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