《Peace keeper of music( Trolls world tour fanfiction)》Chapter 8


Nathan open his eyes and notice something far away. He stood up as he walk quietly towards the window. His eyes went wide when he notice the rock trolls where on their way her. He look at the jail place and notice it was broken. He realize that poppy and the others some sort escape. He then rush to his twin side as he shook her awake," Natalie! Wake up!" Natalie woke up in surprise as she looks at him confuse.

"Um..... Why did you wake me up Nathan?" Asked Natalie as Nathan said," the rock trolls are coming! Wake up trollex as i ho wake up Trollzart! We need to leave before they arrive!" Natalie's eyes went wide as she nodded. She watch him left as she look down to see the little guy was awake and looks scared. She smile as she calm him down. Then she look at her side to see trollex was asleep. She smile but she frown as she gently shook him to wake up. Trollex open his green eyes as he yawn tiredly as he stood and look at her," what is it?"" Nathan said we need to go. Rock trolls are coming" she said simple as his eyes went wide then nodded at him.

Natalie stood up, holding the baby tight as she rush out of the room. She grab trollex's hand making him blush furious at this. Nathan was waiting outside, with trollzart,who was nervous and scared. Nathan saw his twin sister, running towards to them, making him grab her hand and trollzart hand as they run away. They hid behind hill, far away from the village. They watch as Barb played her guitar that send every country troll flying away. Nathan eyes went wide when he saw Delta fall close to the hill they were hiding.

Nathan quickly went to her side as fast as he can. But he didn't notice that surprise Natalie, trollzart, and Trollex. As Nathan grab Delta's body as he lift her up in bride style........() he rush back to the hiding place as he hid beside surprise look of Natalie, trollzart, trollex and Delta as they stared at him. As Nathan notice that the rock trolls disappeared they came out of their hidding spot. He sigh relief and smile.






















































Until he was tackle by Natalie as she was shaking him asking question" NATHAN HOW DID YOU RUN SOOOOO FAST THAT WE COULDN'T SEE YOU LIKE YOU WERE HERE BESIDE ME THEN YOU WERE AT BESIDE DELTA THEN NOW YOUR HERE BESIDE ME HOLDING DELTA IN BRIDE STYLE AND AGAIN HOW. DID. YOU. DO. THAT?!" Natalie didn't notice she too run fast as she gave the baby to trollex, who snap out at his surprise. He look confuse but his eyes went wide again as Natalie run fast like Nathan did. They watch Natalie violently shook her twin asking question that they didn't hear it since it was fast. Then Natalie realize that she too went fast making her freak out." WHAT IS GOING ON TO US?!"

Turns out the twins are having some strange effect inside of them. Nathan and Natalie are having a same abilities. Like fire, ice, water, earth,wind,nature,illusion,darkness,light,magic,teleport, or any kinds of it. Even flying too. Natalie doesn't mind of having powers but Nathan, ohhhh boy. He is terrified. He didn't know what is going on in him and Natalie. But enough of that he needs to go find poppy and the others.

Instead of flying, the twins has discover new power again. The ability to created something by using they magic. So they created a hot air balloon, much terrified Trollex, since he doesn't like being at high place. Delta thank Nathan for saving her, making Nathan smile and said," no problem" he did the close-eye smile making Delta blush and looks away from him. Natalie notice this, she giggles at the clueless twin, who was giving confuse look on his face.

As they went, Natalie got bored as she sat down, holding the baby close to her. But the baby start crying, making her panic a bit. So she sang this song to calm her down.


Natalie sucess to calm the little one down as he sleep peacefully. She didn't notice that everyone was watching her." That's a strange song i never heard" said trollzart as he look at Nathan, who shrugs his shoulder as he said," yeah. We didn't understand why that song wasn't rhythm at all." Trollzart nodded as trollex asked," why does she sang that?"" Is the song we used to remember when we were 2. It's still fuzzy memories to remember, but i think that song is sang by our biological mother. Who we never knew" He and his twin frown as they tried to look for them. But they didn't know what they look like.

Trollex regret by asking that sensitive question, as he was about to apologize him, but he was stop by Nathan as he said," don't be. You didn't know anyway. It's not your fault." Trollex nodded as he look at Natalie, who was craddlung the baby with a soft smile. He smile as he said to nathan," your twin is good at taking care of the baby." Nathan look at him then to Natalie. He smile and said as he cross his arms," well yeah. She loves children. And the children in pop village love her so much. Even called her mother Natalie, since she acts like a mother."" You know i can hear you right?" Said Natalie, without looking up to them. Nathan chuckles a bit as he look at trollex, who continued to watch his twin.

" say........you have on crush to my twin ey?" This made Trollex blush furiously as he made him stuttering mess making Nathan laugh as he said," I knew it! You do like her!"" N-NO I-I-I DON'T!" Delta smile as she giggles at them as she looks at Natalie, who was smirking at her. Delta raise her eye brow at her then asked," what?"" Oh nothing. I just caught you staring at my twin brother" this made Delta blush furious as she gave her a glared by saying," I. DO. NOT!"" Welp. Guilty as charge." "Natalie!" Natalie laugh quietly as she trying not to wake the little one up. She continued to tease Delta, who was now blushing furiously.

Then Nathan notice something coming out from the clouds." Shhh. Everyone be quiet" he said as his hands start to ignite fire. Natalie hand over the sleeping baby to Delta as she stood beside her twin as her hands start to make electric. The out of no where a space ship came in front of them. Then a bubble came below the ship, scooping up everyone in the balloon, which made everyone except the twins panic as the bubble took them into the ship. Then the ship dissappeared throught the clouds.

As the bubble carried them, then pop out at now where making everyone and the twins look around curious and confuse on their face. Then someone spoke," welcome to the funk tribe." Every one look to the other side making the look surprise to see familliar face from the twins." Poppy?! Cooper!?"" Nathan?! Natalie?!"

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