《You don't get it huh? (Smut)》i have to go back


*3 years later in US*

(Sunday,8:30 a.m)

Alicia....called Harrisz.

Yes what is it dad? Ask Alicia.

Are you ready? Ask Harrisz.

What do you mean by "are you ready"? Ask Alicia.

Apparently......we need to go back to Malaysia and stay there for 4 years...said Harrisz.

What?! I can't just leave Aidan alone....said Alicia.

Yes I know that darling.....but I'm getting married.....said Harrisz.

Wait, what you're kidding right?.... there's no way you can have one because you waited for 5 years and now you going to leave mom...said Alicia tearing up.

Yes....I know....but she's very nice and she have a daughter too.....you could be a nice older sister right? Said Harrisz.

Nope I can't accept her.....I swear...said Alicia.

You need sometime to think about it and I promised you will like her....said Harrisz.

Are you sure? Ask Alicia.

Yes...I'm sure...said Harrisz.

Ok then....but I need to go now bye dad! Said Alicia while leaving.

Hey! Hey! Where are you going! And who are you meeting! Ask Harrisz.

I'm going to the park and meeting Aidan! Said Alicia.

Uuuuuuu.....have fun then said Harrisz with a smirk.

Oh come on dad don't look at me like that.....said Alicia.

Ok ...ok.....fine.....I'm sorry.....said Harrisz.

*Skip at the park*

Alicia's POV.

I waited for Aidan at the park for fucking 30 minutes and my back started to hurts because of the tragedy that happen to me 4 years ago...

Hey sorry I'm late.....are you ok? Ask Aidan.

Yea I'm fine.... it's ok if you're late....said Alicia lied .

Ok then let's go.....said Aidan.


As soon after a few walk.... Alicia blackout for no reason....and was brought to the hospital....


*Skip next day*

Mr. Harrisz your daughter has awaken...said the doctor.

Ok but how was her condition? Will my daughter be ok? Ask Harrisz.

Well actually Mr. Harrisz after I did some X-RAY on your daughter.... your daughter eventually have a back bone problem....and It can cause a really heavy risk and that was very dangerous for her life....and I have a question is there any accident that happen to your daughter before, until it cause her a back bone problem?ask the doctor.

Well actually....when she was little she always feels hurt she got a lot of accident but the most heavy accident is when she play roller blades and fall by accident....and I have checked her....but the doctor said there nothing to be worry cause there's no problem on her back and now her risk is heavier than before.....I don't know how to make her health more better than before....said Harrisz with tears in his eyes showing how sceared he is of losing his daughter.

Ok how about this....Mr Harrisz if your daughter condition is getting worst we have no choice but to make an emergency surgery on her back bone....but it will have a heavy risk that could brought your daughter to death...will you accept it? Said the doctor.

*Sigh* I'll accept it....said Harrisz.

Ok but you must sign some papers that show you agree to make a surgery if your daughter condition is getting worst...said the doctor.

Alright....said Harrisz.

(Skip after signing the papers)

Alright that's all....and you are pleased to meet with your daughter....said the doctor.

Harrisz POV.

While I was walking towards my daughter room.....I saw Aidan sitting beside my daughter bed while holding her hand......and I heard he cried saying


"I'm so sorry if I make you wait for so long until you ended up in a hospital I glad that I was there to send you a help I love you so much babe" and from there I started to know my daughter is dating a guy that she met in her own country.......

Hey, Aidan how are you? Ask Harrisz.

Oh hey Mr Harrisz sorry if I didn't notice you there...said Aidan.

Just now I heard you crying and is it true that you truly love my daughter? Ask Harrisz.

Um....yes Mr Harrisz, but not just that we might make a little love side behind your back and um......I'm so-

Nope....you don't need to be sorry I know this a long time ago....said Harrisz.

But how do you know did she tell you? Ask Aidan shocked.

Nope but your parents did cause your parents heard you guys scream in the end ...... Said Harrisz.

Oh shit.....I should have closed my mouth at that time.....said Aidan.

So.....I just wanna ask this said Harrisz.

What is it? Ask Aidan.

Will you died for my daughter? Ask Harrisz.

Yes! Said Aidan.

Will you accept her in any shape? Ask Harrisz.

Yes I will! Said Aidan.

Fair well......I accept your love towards my daughter....but I have something to tell you that me and my daughter is going back to Malaysia said Harrisz.

Hell No! why?! asked Aidan with hurt.

well im very sorry Aidan, ill just make sure that one day you will meet with her again....said harrizs.

fine....said Aidan.

To be continued

Words count:882

hi guys....im very sorry but i finally managed to search about this account and i have a new and yes my dad already married to a new women but im very thankful to have a nice stepmother.....bye!

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