《You don't get it huh? (Smut)》Damn it School


(In Johor Bahru, Malaysia)

I wake up with the sounds of alarm clock and look at it, it was 5:30 am.

Ugh....why.....I want more sleep!!! Said Alicia putting her pillow on top of her face.

Alicia wake up it's time for school!!! C,Mon. Said Mr. Harrisz.

Ok dad....wait me for 20 minutes!!! Shout Alicia.

Ok!!! But you better get up or-

Alright!!! Alright!!! I'm up!!! Shout Alicia madly.

I know you will never get up....said Mr. Harrisz proud of himself.

I got up and have a shower....I wear something simple because.....I hate to wear skirt and not just that we can't even wear skit thank God ....

My clothes :

My hair style:

And no make up....I hate it...sorry..

I go down stairs and there it is.....my dad left me a note saying....

Hello darling,

I'm sorry I can't have breakfast with you. I have to work ...... Bye darling....see you after school I love you xoxoxo

-Dad Harrisz.

Nice.....a pancake.....I love it....said Alicia.

*Skip after school*

Oh what time is it?....ask Alicia while looking at The time....

oh it's 6:20a.m.....i better get going...said Alicia.

*Skip at school*

Hey Bella.....said Alicia.

Hey sup.... answer Bella.

Where the oth-

BOO!!! Surprise Sara,Irene and Mikaeyla.

Oh my god!!!! JESUS!!!! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!!!! Shouted Alicia scared.

Jeez sorry....said the three Nuckle Heads.

(I called them Nuckle Heads because they always like to surprise me everyday and scared me no matter what.... especially I have a phobia...it was called trypophobia (not joke and it's real) make me felt uneasy by my own surrounding...)

Hey look at this picture.....said Mikaeyla.

Ahhh!!!!! Stop!!!! I felt uneasy....said Alicia.

(Well, I can't fight Mikaeyla cause in five of us she's the oldest and I'm the second youngest....but anyway...I'm the leader of the group haha)


*School bell ringing*

Alright c,Mon Sara and bella let's go to English class said Alicia.

Ugh.....I hate English....especially essay... said Sara.

Hey if you have a problem just ask me ....said Alicia....

(well from all of us I'm the expert of speaking in English oh and also this was supposed to be Malay words but I translate it for you guys who can not speak in Malay peace out)

Yea...yea.... Whatever....said Sara.

Oh if you don't want me you can ask bella....said Alicia.

But she's not that expert....said Sara.

That's right.....now you understand why you need to go right? Said Alicia.

Fine....said Sara.

*Skip after school*

I came home to see my dad woried face....

Hey Dad.... What's wrong......ask Alicia.

Darling.....I have a news.....do you think it is good for you? Ask Mr. Harrisz.

What is it? Ask Alicia.

I got a job at United States and you need to school there .......said Mr. Harrisz.

As soon my dad says that I was in tears not knowing what to do and answer.....

It's fine dad....but I'm worry about my friend's....said Alicia.

Why? Ask Harrisz.

They need my help with any English homework..... answer Alicia.

Oh my God .... Go upstairs and I will brought you to the mall.. .says Harrisz.

Ok.....said Alicia.

*Skip at night*

Ok....Alicia darling please get ready....said Harrisz.

Ok dad ...... Said Alicia.

(Ok about the shower and stuff I'll just skip cause I'm )

My Clothes:

My hair style:

Wow.....you look acectly like your late mom Alicia....said Harrisz .....smile and have a tears a little bit on he's eyes and Alicia came downstairs and saw her dad crying a little and she help her dad wipe his tears....and he still reminds about her late mom.


Ok...dad time to go don't cry, you don't look handsome....said Alicia.

Ok..... alright.... let's go now ....said Harrisz.

The car:

*Skip at the Mall*

Hurray!!!!!! We arrived!!!!! Shouted Alicia childish.

You never change since you were kid Alicia.....said Harrisz.

Hahaha......oh stop it dad....I'm 16 now ......said Alicia.

Yea ...yea ...said Harrisz.

*At the restaurant*

Ok Alicia.....wait here let me oder you something .....said Harrisz.

I hummed as a yes.

I play a phone and accidentally my eyes was locked on this boy...he looks acectly like Aidan Gallagher

The boy:

Then I just stare at him secretly....

Not long after that he make a funny face in front of he's parents...

Like this:

I laughed but I hide it.....he's cu-

Ok the foods here said Harrisz.

Alicia just stare at Her father with narrow eyes...

What? Ask Harrisz.

Nothing....said Alicia.

Aidan's thought.

I was in Malaysia for how many days cause of holiday tomorrow Ill go back to US .....but while I eating here I saw this girl... she's so cute....I stare at her but she did not stare back then accidentally I saw her looking this way and I look away and act that I was looking at my phone....I make a surprise look cause my mom saw her eyes looking at me....but then I saw her hiding her laugh at my face I just smile and laugh a little.....

*End thought*

(Finish Eating)

Where we going now ask Alicia.

Let's go to the clothes shop buy a bit clothes and to a apple phone shop...said Harrisz.

Huh? Why? Ask Alicia.

Why what? Ask Harrisz confused looking at his daughter.

Why do we need to go to apple iphone store? Ask Alicia.

Secret...said Harrisz smiling at he's daughter.

What? Ask Alicia.

Oh... nothing....said Harrisz.

Alicia look around and saw Aidan standing behind him...well he's 5'3

And I'm 5'1 (real height tough)

Hi there, I'm Aidan nice to see you said the boy.

Hi, I'm Alicia nice to see you too answer Alicia.

aHeM.... looks like a girl is in love....said Harrisz.

Oh come on dad.....said Alicia.

Alright..... alright.....come on...said Harrisz.

Bye Aidan 👋 said Alicia.

Bye.... answer Aidan blushing.

Alicia thought.

I was at the clothes store and accidentally-

Hi there thank you for reading and to be honest this is my first smut story and don't judge... anyway thanks!!!

Words counts: 1083

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