《50 Shades of Ackerman {Modern Levi x Reader}》Levi


I sighed as I finished my never ending stack of paperwork for today and leaned back in my chair. It's been 2 years since I've been CEO of Ackerman Corporation,the biggest business in human history. Of course that makes me rich but it's not all fun and games. My Uncle Kenny died just last year. My cousin Mikasa is also a Ackerman, making her the Vice CEO of Ackerman Corporation and like me she makes a living here, but I don't see her very often because she's mostly out enjoying her life with Eren Yaeger, traveling the world or doing whatever the hell couples do. So I'm lonely all the time. I guess I kind of had it coming, considering that I push everyone away because I make cold and vulgar comments about things. And further more I could give 2 shits. I speak my mind no matter who gets hurt. After all....

I'm Levi Ackerman.

And I'm not completely lonely. I have my best friends Isabel, Farlan and Hange.

I didn't think my life was really missing anything until I met her...

It had just been another long day at work and I thought that I'd treat myself to some black tea and donuts at my favorite tea shop, and that's when I met her.


I didn't meet her on purpose, it just so happened that we bumped into each other on my way to work, causing my black tea to splash over my suit.

"Oi, watch where your going, brat." I said, clearly pissed off that my suit was ruined.

Then I got a glimpse of her face. I was stunned. She had e/c color eyes and and h/c hair.

"Oh my God, I am so, sorry! I didn't mean to- it's just that I was in a rush... And.... I'll play for your drink if you like...." She said and I can tell that she didn't know who I was. Maybe she was new around here because last time I checked, everyone knew who I was and would literally stare in terror if they were in this situation, because apparently I present myself as a scary person, according to Hange.


I was deeply annoyed but I let her off the hook this time because her face brightened my day. "Tch, don't worry about it brat."

"I didn't get to introduce myself. I'm F/N L/N." She said with a wide smile.

"Levi Ackerman." I said as I walked away.

Ever since then I just couldn't stopped thinking about her. Could it be...

Love at first sight? No way. Get it together, Levi. I thought. You don't have time for feelings.

Today could've been better. Like I was robbed 5 minutes after I left the bus by a homeless man

I was literally walking minding my business and when he walked up to me and said, " Hey girl, you so fine. What you got in that bag though?"

"No, sorry, not interested." I said disgusted but tried my best to hide it. I walked away and right when I did he grabbed me and tried to snatch my bag away from me, but I didn't give up so easily. And he sure put up a fight too. He swung a left hook at me which caused me to let go of my bag and that gave him the perfect opportunity to run away with it.

I chased after him as fast as I could. Jeez, who knew homeless people could run so fast. We've been running for about 10 minutes now and I was starting to run out of breath. But I decided to suck it up and run after him because homeless is what I'm going to be if I don't find my bag, which has all the money I saved up, including my credit card.

But instead of bumping into the thief I bumped into a guy, causing black tea to splash over his suit.


"Oi, watch where your going, brat." He said.

I was so humiliated.

I said I was sorry and offered to pay for his tea (I don't know why I did that, considering I just got robbed not so long ago) but I just wanted to make it up to him and the good news is he turned me down and I was left off the hook.

The bad news is that I lost track of the guy who stole my bag and now I have no money.

I didn't know what to do so I just broke down and cried in the middle of the sidewalk.

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