《Her Racing Heart (Part 1)》23.


She had tears in her eyes when she thought about the things that happened. Crying is not something new to her, she's doing that every day. But now it's different because she's so afraid of Vikranth and his words. He came out of nowhere and asking her to marry him. She's confused and doesn't know why he's doing this to me.

Where I will go? I know I can't escape from him, but still, I can't even think about marrying him for a single second, how can he expect me to do that, Meera thought by blankly sitting in the park bench like a fool, a helpless fool.

The blue sky turning grey, the chill breeze hitting her face and dried the tears in her cheeks. She looked at the kids who were playing and a small smile spread across her lips. She closed her eyes and sighed deeply.

Vikranth will be left now right, I have to go it's getting late, Meera told to herself and decided to go back to the house.

She got up and turned to only see Vikranth, she literally jerked to see him. He's standing there and looking at her intently. She doesn't know how long he has been watching her, he casually walked near her. How does he know that I am here? God, what I am going to do now?

He stood before me, giving only a few centimeters gap between us. Can't able to look him in his eyes Meera looked down and she doesn't want to see his face that ruined her life, but he is looking at Meera with no expression and it's very intimidating.


When Vikranth is silently sitting in his car, his phone started to ring. He noticed it was Murthy who he assigned to get information about Meera a week before. He immediately attends his call.

"Hello sir I am Murthy, just now I collected information about the girl you asked. When I can meet you sir?" he asked.

"Meet me at my house at 8.00 PM, one more thing is she went anywhere like outdoor," Vikranth asked hoping that he might know.

"No sir, she's in the home I have seen her two hours before, she went to the nearby grocery shop," he said and Vikranth was relieved to hear that.

"OK Murthy I will meet you later," Vikranth quickly ended the call and started the car to find his Meera. Then his search landed him here, in front of her.

"Why you're here? Trying to escape from me? Don't try that, it won't happen," Vikranth told.

"What you want from me? Please leave me alone," Meera said.

"Stop it Meera! I don't want to hear that thing, again and again, I already said that I am marrying you and I gave this one week for you to change your mind," he said and Meera got really irritated to hear that.


"Why can't you understand me, why you're compelling me to marry you when you're already engaged?"

"Engaged? Me? Who said that. Oh? You misunderstood, she's my friend and she's living with someone else but no one knows that. That announcement is a mistake."

"Whatever, but why you are asking me to marry you all of a sudden? Do you want to have me again?" She directly asked him. She's disgusted to ask this but in order to make him angry, she questioned him embarrassing both of them here.

Hearing that his face changed and he clenched his jaw in anger. "Don't talk like that Meera. I am asking you here sincerely. Marry me or I have my ways to marry you," he threatened her.

Meera noticed people were looking at them. Especially Vikranth, he's very famous and everyone knows him and his dad.

"See Vikranth I don't know what made you take this decision, but I can't marry you even if I die so take that into your head and leave me," she said harshly and walked with her grocery bag. But he immediately grabbed her hand and dragged her with him.

"Leave my hand, people are watching us," Meera said in a low voice without creating a scene. But he didn't care about her words and also about the people.

He stopped when they reached near his car. "Get in" he commanded and blocked her way to escape.

"What? I can't. L-Leave my way I have to go," she stuttered and she doesn't want to touch him or any type of skin connect. Totally she has no way.

"You are really playing with my patients Meera. Just ten minutes I will drop you at your house after talking," Vikranth said and Meera agreed to that as she doesn't have any other option there and other than that he looked genuine. She hates to argue with him.

He opened the door for Meera and she sat inside. He closed the door with a thud. Then he sat inside and started the car. Meera didn't look at his side and she's so terrified of his gestures.

He stopped before my street and turned towards her, "Meera" he called out her name to look at him but she didn't.

"Look at me Meera and listen to me what I am saying," Meera looked at him because he asked her in a very calm and apologetic tone. They were so close and it reminded of the past. Her heart started to tremble when his breath touched me.

"Forgot everything that happened before and marry me. I know it's not a simple thing but I want you Meera, I want you back in my life," he said looking her eyes and reached out his hand to hold her hand. But she immediately took her hand.


She's quite shocked to hear that, how can he easily change himself.

"Can I ask you one thing? Am I looking like a fool to you? If you want me means I have to stay in your life, if you don't want means you throw away? I am not your toy Vikranth and I am not the old Meera to believe you blindly," Meera said and after a long time, she expressed her inner agony.

Vikranth is shocked to hear her and he's happy that she's at least expressing her anger.

"Yeah what you said is true. You know I am happy that you're at least talking with me like this? Meera you're having every rights to question me because I am going to be your husband," he said with a smirk on his face

She got irritated to hear that and see that. She thought to make him angry but he's taking this differently. What happened to you Vikranth? Where's your pride is gone, she asked mentally.

"Look Meera I am not joking, I am not playing with you like before. So don't try to irritate me, even if you do that I won't step down from my decision. I am seriously asking you to marry me. What you're saying?"

"NO, I can't. This is my final decision. Don't come into my life again that is what I wanted from you" she said and opened the door to get down.

"So this what you decided, okay fine, let's see," he said and Meera didn't care about his words and walked to her house without looking at him back.

Meera you can act like you're strong, but I know how much you are hurt. I am marrying you not only for your happiness but also for my happiness. We have to marry to change our life Meera.

It's been three years, in this, I never slept peacefully for a single day. For how long I can live by thinking about, how you are and what you're doing, whether you're happy and living peacefully or not. I am tired of everything Meera.

Now I am regretting not marrying you after your recovery, it would have ended everything Right! Vikranth thought while looking at Meera's picture in his cupboard.

That time Murthy came to his house. he asked him to wait in the living room and Vikranth came down.

"Sir, here her details," he gave a file. "She's working as a part-timer in the departmental store in her area in the evening. She is taking medication for depression and insomnia. After you left her she came to this house which she's currently living. There is nothing big happened after her discharge from the hospital. She's living normally. And I found one thing that her mother committed suicide after knowing that she's having blood cancer," he said and Vikranth is shocked because he has collected more information even about his past relationship with her.

"Did you know everything that happened between us?" Vikranth asked him.

"Yes sir everything, her suicide, her abortion and even about your dad's involvement in this," he said.

"My dad, what he did?" Vikranth questioned confusingly because there's no way his dad could involve in this.

"Actually after she got discharged from the hospital, your father went to her house and threatened her to not involve in your life again."

Vikranth got so angry, how dare he involve in my life again and again. He threatened Meera and I am stupid for finding this now.

"Don't mistake me, sir, you asked only her current life but I ended up in finding everything?" he said in an apologetic tone.

"It's okay, I came to know the things that happened behind my back, I will call you when I need further information and I will talk about your case with the commissioner so don't worry," Vikranth said.

"Thank you, sir, thank you so much," he said.

Vikranth nodded. "How much I have to pay you for this?" Vikranth asked and got up.

"I don't need any money, just that favor I asked is enough for me," he said.

Vikranth again nodded, "I will take care of that."

After Murthy left, he locked the door and went to his room. He laid in the bed and he knows he can't sleep so he blankly looked at the ceiling.

My dad, why he did that, so that's why she looked terrified to see my dad at the party. Oh, Meera how many times you have suffered because of me. I gave you the pain that is very unbearable. What I am going to do to make everything back to normal. The decision of marrying you is the only way that I am having to change our lives.

Don't hurt yourself anymore Meera because I am getting hurt here. I will go to any extreme to make you as mine. And I will get you back as my wife even if you don't want that.

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