《Her Racing Heart (Part 1)》4.


"Meera," Vikranth whispered when he saw her in front of him, he was completely blown out by the surprise he got to see her, she was praying by tightly holding her hands, closing her eyes. Her face glowed in the luminescent, it's been three years, and she's here, the girl he desperately wanted to see was here in front of him.

She opened her eyes and smiled. But that smile immediately vanished when she saw Vikranth. Instantly he controlled all his emotions and didn't show any single sign of surprise since his dad was standing beside him and people watching him.

He shifted his gaze when his friend Arjun asked about something but nothing entered in his mind, it was all blank.

When he again looked up she's not there, his eyes searched everywhere, but he couldn't find her traces. Is that an illusion? No, it can't be! He thought but still standing there because everyone was watching him and he can't do anything in confusion. His heart racing to see Meera and he can't miss the chance that fell on his way. Just one more chance I want to see her just for a minute please, he demanded looking at the God statue. He's not a believer of God but he believes in destiny that lead this situation. Now all he decided is to go behind her.

"I need to make a call just give me a minute," Vikranth said to his Dad.

"Umm go," he nodded and continued talking with his PA.

He immediately ran out to see her, he searched for her in every part of the temple. In this dark and rain he thought he will miss her also today it's overcrowded because of his dad, he's a finance minister of their state, a well-known politician and business man in Tamilnadu wherever he goes people will gather to see him and it's really irritating Vikranth now.

Tired of searching Meera in the crowd he finally went out of the temple to look for her but she's nowhere in the either sides of the road. In a disappointment, he again returned into the temple but he was stunned to see her unexpectedly, she is sitting under the shelter and looking down. He can feel that she's trying to hide her face. In that moment he has a happiness that no one could explain in words.


He moved close leisurely observing her frame, in each step he could feel his victory of finding the girl who stole his sleep from the very moment he laid his eyes on her. When he stood in front of her, she lifted her head up feeling his presence and when she saw him she immediately rose up. His black orbs gazed her, she has become so lean and matured, she's looking more like a lady, she's not resembling like the same Meera that he knew three years before.

"Meera?" he uttered her name with the same possessive passionate and firm tone. He still can't believe this moment that he will see her in this temple at this time.

"No, you have mistaken," she strolled out and before he could ask something she immediately ran out of his sight. He doesn't know what to do whether to grab her hand and say that you're the one and only Meera I know in my life or to let her go. But this time he let her go and don't want to spoil anything now.

"Vikranth, dad is calling you, come quickly!" Arjun said.

"Hmm, I am coming," he replied. I let you go this time Meera but I will come for you! He thought and went to see his dad.

In the meantime, Meera slowly walked to her house after running out from the temple, totally forgetting about Renu and Shanthi. Though she is worried about what they are going to think about her, she kind felt relaxed for escaping from him.

She entered her house, locking the door behind Meera stumbled on the floor. She's all wet and feeling so cold inside. What I am going to do now? She sighed thumping the back of her head on the door.

She stood up to change her clothes, stripped from my salwar and changing into her pajamas Meera touched her belly and without her control tears welled in her eyes, why I am even living in this world? She thought and cried even harder.


Suddenly she heard the knocking sound on her door, she doesn't know whether to open or not as she is afraid what if that is Vikranth but he's not going to come and I am nothing to him! he said that in front of my face three years ago and I am no one to him.

She quickly wiped her tears and opened the door and saw Renu standing in front.

"Why you left us we searched for you in the entire temple," she frowned and Meera can feel her annoyance because of her act.

"I had a headache Renu and I can't even stand there," she lied and seeing Meera's crying face Renu somewhat calmed down.

"You cried, is that hurting so much?" She asked.

"Yeah, it's so hurting," Meera poured my emotions out. But it's not her head it's her heart.

"Oh, don't cry," she told and held Meera's hand and she cried in her arms.

"Come, let's go to the doctor," she said.

"No there's no need. I am okay and I am having some tablets it will be fine," she assured her.

"Mom," Renu shouted and called Shanthi.

"What?" She yelled from her house.

"Prepare a cup of coffee for Meera," she said.

"What happened?" by questioning she came up and Renu told everything.

Then they asked Meera to come down and she went to their house.

Shanthi prepared a nice cup of coffee for Meera.

"I can feel there's something going on your mind is there any problem," Renu asked suddenly.

"There's nothing Renu," Meera lied.

"Ah, Renu stop she's already having a headache why you're interrogating her," Shanthi said and saved her in this.

"Today sleep here with us," Shanthi suggested.

"No there's nothing serious, I will sleep in my house," she excused.

"Yeah, sis, today stay with us," Renu also said.

"No, I will sleep...." before she could say anything Shanthi ordered her to sleep in their house.

"Okay, I will get my phone and come back," Meera told and went up.

She immediately took my medication for sleeping and fetching her phone she came down.

When she entered their house, Renu turned on the local news channel in that they were showing the news of Siva Kumar, finance minister of the state and his son Vikranth the famous businessman.

Seeing Vikranth on Television Meera thought this day is a total hell for her.

"Mom, look that's our temple," Renu exclaimed and they were showing about their visit.

"Can I sleep," Meera asked to Shanthi.

"Sure, Renu go and sleep. It's getting late." She urged her.

"Okay okay. Come, sis, we will sleep in my room," Renu guided Meera to her room. It's not the first time she's sleeping in her room. She has stayed Renu couple of times when Shanthi went to outdoors.

There's no bed, Renu once said that she's only comfortable to sleep on the floor to Meera. Placing the blanket on the floor they laid turning off the lights.

"Sleep peacefully, everything is going to be okay," Renu reassured sighing deeply in relief and patted Meera's shoulders. She's really a good observer and understood that Meera is going through something.

God, I shouldn't be caught, if they know the mess that I did then it will be really difficult for me to face the people around me, Meera thought and tried her best level to sleep.

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