《Her Racing Heart (Part 1)》3.


I want to run far away from you but still, you are here in front of me.

Coming back after overhearing her manager's conversation Meera felt like she is going to lose in her battle of escape, she can't concentrate on the work and constantly thought about how to escape from this. She never wanted to remind even his face in this meeting him was something she doesn't want to do at all.

Again feeling the stress that is building in her, Meera took a better decision to leave.

"Priya, I am going," I said to her.

"Why you're leaving this earlier?" she worried.

"Stomach cramps and I need some rest," Meera said and took her bag.

"Ok go and take rest. I will manage then," she patted her shoulders gently. Meera smiled before walking out of the hotel. It was just 3.00pm but it's so dark and cloudy indicating that it will rain.

After reaching her stop, it started to rain as she guessed. She took her umbrella out from her bag and walked to her house, watching the drizzles. It was not a big rain but still can make her wet if she doesn't have that umbrella.

When she reached her home she went straight to her bed and laid placing her bag on the floor. She took a huge breath closing her eyes.

How much her life has changed by giving a situation to hate the things that she loved? Before she used to love walking in the rain but now she hates it, and she can't even breath while raining, it makes her uncomfortable.

It was on a rainy day when she first met him, it was on a rainy day she confessed her love to him, it was a rainy day she gave herself to him and on that fateful day her mom died, her life has shattered and forced her to live in this isolated life where no is there to embrace her when she cries. On that rainy day, she learned the reality of this world from Vikranth, the only man she ever loved and adored.

Vikranth... she can't blame everything on him she also did a great mistake without thinking about the aftermath of her actions.

She knew it will never going to change anything but she doesn't know why every time it is getting harder only on her. Perhaps this was her punishment for being so blindly in love? She cried as dangling helplessly at this time.

After a half, an hour nap in her uniform Meera again opened her eyes seeing it was dark outside she took her phone and noticed the time was 6.30pm.


She felt her head was spinning and her eyes were burning hot. She walked into the restroom, taking a hot bath she came and changed in a normal salwar. Realizing that she is already late for her part-time job Meera decided to take leave for today.

She headed to the kitchen to prepare a cup of coffee and sat on the living room floor seeing the rain from the window.

While she was in her thoughts,

"You didn't go for your work," Renu asked coming in.

"Umm yes, I am feeling so tired today," Meera said.

"I am planning on going to the temple will you come along with me," she asked.

Meera thought for a minute to go or not then she decided to go because it will somewhat relax her.

"OK, I am coming with you," she agreed.

"Then get ready and I will call you when I am done with my work," Renu told and went down.

After drinking the coffee Meera got ready and followed her carrying her umbrella. Renu accompanied her, and they started walking. It was a well-known temple in their city, unusually when they reached there it was crowded by the people and media. They went inside leaving their slippers outside, the sound of devotional songs and the fragrance of flowers welcomed them.

Meera doesn't know whether God really exists in this world but she still prays to him and having immense faith in him that one day he will again change her life as how she wanted.

When she was solemnly standing in the queue to see the God's figurine, Renu saw their neighborhood aunty.

"Aunty," she called.

"Hey Meera, Renu you two are here," she exclaimed to see them.

They smiled, "Aunty why today there's so much crowd in here," Meera asked.

"Ah... I heard a minister came here, that's why I guess," she blurred.

"Oh," Meera nodded. Then the three joined and talked about some random things while waiting on the queue. When they almost reached near it was a little crowded and so many were blocking their view,

"Meera I want to see from the front come with me," Renu pulled her to the front.

They got a little space in the front and from there Meera can see God's statue clearly, they decorated it with flowers, gold, silver ornaments. She closed her eyes feeling the positive vibes in here.

God? Why I am like this? Why I couldn't live this life properly? Please make me forget about those things and also give a way to escape from Friday work I can't go there, please save me from this.... please God...she prayed, hoping that will happen.


After praying she opened her eyes and looked at the fire that glowing on the Diyas. She smiled because she got a little peace but at that moment she doesn't know that fate has stored something different for her at the same time. She turned her gaze to the opposite side her heart just stopped, her eyes rigidly fixed on the figure standing opposite to her, she even forget to blink her eyes in that minute to see the man standing in front of her..... Vikranth.

His black orbs fixed on her but his expression was normal like he is seeing her for the first time. Looking at him with a wide eyes Meera was stunned to see him again after three years in this temple at this time.

God what type of game you're playing in my life by creating this unwanted situation, she thought and left a quiet breath. When she realized her state she doesn't know what to do, but Vikranth turned his gaze to the person standing next to him and started talking to him casually.

Meera didn't wait for a single moment, she immediately turned and strolled out of the place without having a second thought about Renu, after coming out of the temple she stopped realized it. She can't leave her just like that so she again went inside to find her.

"Why did you leave me I searched for you everywhere," she asked when she found her.

"Sorry but I have to go, let's leave please," Meera squinted her eyes and her words trembled since she is too afraid to face him again.

"No mom said she's also coming and she asked us to wait," Renu told without understanding about Meera's situation.

"No Renu I am having one important work in the home so I can't," she said and tried to go.

"Oh ok you go," Renu told that in a disappointed tone, realizing that she is acting weird here Meera calmed herself.

"Okay Renu, shall we wait there," Meera pointed a place to sit.

She thought even if I go what is going to change? He did not even show any signs as he remembered me, and why I am afraid of him. God is giving a difficult time for me and I have to be strong in this at least.

They sat and Meera tried to avoid seeing the direction from where he will come out. And she even looked down to hide her face.

"Why you're nervous is anything bothering you?" Renu questioned observing her.

"No I am not nervous, I just need some water," Meera scoffed.

"Oh, then I will get you some water," Renu walked away. Why he is here? Did he recognize me? But I don't think he did. Whatever I am no one to him right? Then she heard someone calling her name and it was Renu's mom.

"Meera why you are sitting here?" she asked me before she could answer Renu also came with water.

"Here," she gave it and Meera drank it in a gulp.

"Okay, I am leaving," Meera said to them.

"Wait we will go together," Shanthi convinced her.

"Okay I will wait here," Gathering her courage she finally decided to face this and they went to pray.

Each second she got more nervous, one thing she noticed that he's so good and happy but she is living with a thought that she is a great sinner so that she can't even have the courage to live in this world.

So this is the gift for believing you, God? She chuckled.

When she was in her thoughts, she felt someone presence in front of her and she raised her head to meet that person who she never wanted to see again in her life.

He was wearing black tailored slacks and a half white shirt. His overall appearance has changed entirely compared to three years before. He has grown a stylish beard and become even more muscular which is complementing for his tall frame. Totally he again gave those weird feelings to Meera, she doesn't know why she is even thinking about his appearance. He gazed Meera from head to toe the same way when the first time he saw her.

"Meera...?" He asked and tried to look her face properly. She doesn't know what to do, and she avoided to show her face.

"No, you have mistaken," she told the dumbest thing to escape and walked as fast as she could. Her heart was beating like it's going to explode. Her hands were trembling with fear. At a certain point, she couldn't walk and stumble on the midway.

The drizzling rain drenched her fully. Looking deep into her thoughts her eyes started shedding tears.

What is happening to me why I am so afraid of him? Why he came again? Now only I tried to forget about everything, what I am going to do now? God, what you're going to do in my life she sobbed and her tears brimmed out of her eyes without her control.

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