
Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu lovelies...

Eid mabrook to you all 🥳🥰 may Allah accept our ibadah and save us from hell fire.

I request my precious readers to pray their Salah if they haven't prayed yet before reading this chappy..


Time sure does flies fast when you're enjoying life and that seems to be the case with me.

Its been three months since our heartfelt confession and life from there seems so happy and peaceful Alhamdulillah!

Our relationship has changed for the better and every single day we learned something new about each other without holding ourselves back.

And as I spend my days with him I couldn't stop myself from falling for him it took time for me to admit that even to myself without feeling guilty.

But I was glad that zaam was with me through every thick and thin being my support and never leaving my side ever couldn't be anymore thankful to Allah for blessing a gem like him to me.

But I was sad and upset its been a week since he went to Azerbaijan to oversee amd complete a business merger and its the longest he was away from us.

Believe me when i say this zain had become such a daddy's boy that it's hard for them to be away from each other even its just for a day.

And thats why Zain is even more moodier than me because his dad is not here to play with him but thankfully spending time with his grandpa spares me from his mood swings.

Thats the biggest change happened in our life I didn't know my words left a huge impact on him but Alhamdulillah I was glad that everything was sorted out between zaam and his father.

The mansion has become livelier once again but I still receive the cold glares from aleena zaams cousin and his step sister their habits never changed but I didn't let them bother me in anyway.

I never had a row with my mother in law but I also didn't miss her spiteful words and glares which she threw in our direction but I always sensed her disliked towards zaam but she plays nice in front of dad.

Hypocrites are still alive!

Her polite words covered with acids cannot be missed for sure I didn't even know whats her problem with zaamin, he always respects her and treats her like his own mother but alas the feelings are not mutual from her side.

But zaamin doesn't show the hurt on his face he behaves like he's used to it then he told me that its always been like that from his childhood.

I felt like my heart was crushed how much he has gone through in his life just makes me tear up.

Poor he!

But I'm also very proud to have him in my life for the man he has become despite the struggles he had in his life.

I was sitting on the sofa in lounge area and feeding zain his favourite strawberry ice cream who was watching paw patrol in iPad when my mother in law came and sat poisely on the singlet sofa while her maids followed her.


They served her signature hibiscus tea which she drank leisurely, I smiled at her lightly just for the sake of politeness.

But she just scoffed and looked away "I don't even know what that fool saw in you to marry even when you've a baggage with you!" She told looking at me with disgust and my eyes widened in shock this was the first time she was vocal about how she truly felt about me.

I didn't let her words affect me as I recalled zaams words "You're strong sunshine! Do not let anyone say otherwise!" I called Olivia to take zain in his playroom as I don't want him to witness this.

"He should've married aleena she is the right one for him!" She again scoffed looking at me in disgust.

But I held my ground "I get that you don't like me or zain but stop saying mean things about zaam! He didn't even do anything to you!" I asked her i know she hates me and I honestly don't care about that but I wanted to know why she hates him.

"He didn't do anything?" She started to laugh like I just cracked a joke "he was the reason for everything!" She glared at me.

"He was the sole reason why naem refused to have a child with me! our child! Naem didn't admitted it ever but he always put zaamin first he gave importance to him and my daughter always came second to him but if we had our child it would've been different but no! It was all because of zaamin!" She gritted out with venom.

And I was at loss of words I didn't know how to react to that piece of information dad didn't wanted to have a child with her? "I hate zaamin because of him I lost the rights to become a mother again!" She gritted out.

I shook my head at her apologetically "its not zaamins fault it was never you can't force dads decision on him and let me tell you something!"

"You had zaamin as your second child if not first you were already a mother to two beautiful children but you let your hatred poison your mind against zaamin so do not blame him! You could've been a wonderful mother to him but you didn't and its your choice!" I told her and walked out because I was controlling myself from breaking down.

Once I reached the premises of my room my tears flooded out, my heart ached how can a person can be this cruel?

I just wanted to be in zaamins arms safe and in our own bubble of happiness against the harsh reality which i refused to accept.

It was night time when I checked my phone and saw no messages from zaamin my mood even went down the time differences were making me so frustrated.

I changed into my nightwear and zain was already in bed flipping the pages of his bed time story book, I slid beside him and started to read him his favourite bedtime story and he was out in no time.


I once again checked my phone but still there was no messages I kept my phone under the pillow and pulled the comforter over us and I didn't know when sleep took over me while I was missing him.

I felt some movements as I was being pulled to something warm I was too deep in my sleep that I wasn't able to open my eyes but I was locked in a warm embrace which made me smile unconsciously.

I felt someone kiss my hair and sigh but I just snuggled myself loving the warmth and I think I heard a low chuckle.

When my eyes opened in the morning I looked around myself but there was no sight of zain or zaam I slapped my forehead lightly when I knew it was just a dream.

I sighed heavily and got out of the bed I tied my hair in a bun and tied the robe around my body.

Zain must be with Oliver he loves to torture the elderly man with his infamous morning wishes to eat the delicacy of his choice and Oliver prepares merrily as per their young masters wishes.

I just got freshenup and walked outsidethe bathroom when the voice startled me.

Third person's pov:

"Missed me sunshine? " she turned to the voice of her love, where he stood in all his glory, how much she missed him calling her his sunshine!

she ran and engulfed him in a bone crushing hug buried her face deep in his chest, his warm musk cologne filling her senses as he held her tight to his heart smiling wide " thank Allah you're back, don't leave me next time! " she sobbed in his chest in fear but happy that he was back.

" I'm not leaving you ever again sunshine, I promise ! " he kissed her hijab clad head & smiled, how long he had wished to hold her in his arms, finally his prayers were answered & he cherished the moment wholeheartedly by mumbling a thousands of Alhamdulillah.

"I Won't Leave you sunshine, not now nor ever because you're stuck with me forever even death can't do us apart ! " he said looking at her eyes meanting every word which he uttered & her teary eyes which held pure adoration & love for him, which warmed his soul beyond expectations.

She smiled happily knowing that he was really back but how come he was here? Hr shouldn't be here till Monday then how?

"How come you're here early zaam?" She asked fiddling with his collar button as he caged her in his arms pulling her close to himself loving the fact that she was back in his arms.

"I couldn't be able to stay there even for a minute more or I would've gone crazy! I finished my work as early as possible so I can comeback to you guys!" He told kissing her palm which was busy fiddling with his collar button.

Truth to be told zaamin regretted not taking them with him he was going crazy with the time differences and not being able to be with them he knew he'll sure go crazy so he finished his works by not taking much rest and flew back when it was over.

"You look so tired you shouldn't have to do that!" She told him pouting but he shook his head smiling "But its all worth it!" He winked at her as she blushed it amused him how she can blush at even the little of things.

"But I need compensation for all the hurdles I faced!" He told her seriously and she looked at him with questioning eyes not understanding him.


"It means I want you as my compensation!" He winked and dipped his head as he claimed her lips for a deep passionate kiss burning their soul with passion.

She's still not used to the intimacy they share she still blushes every time he kiss her or make any advances towards her it was hard for her very hard but he remained patient and stood as her strong source of support not letting anything come in between their relationship.

Not even her past!

"I love it when you blush sunshine and I love it more when I'm the reason!" He said caressing her apple red cheeks and she just hid her face in his chest which made him chuckle at her antics.

"Finally I'm home!" He mumbled happily holding her close to him when "momma i ate strawberry pancake!" Zain yelled coming inside the room when zaam pulled away slowly and zains eyes widened seeing his dad after so long.

"Daddyyy!" Zain yelled happily running towards him "come here my boy!" Zaamin chuckled taking zain in his arms as he threw him up in the air and aala was laughing at the scene happily seeing both their smiling faces.

"I missed you soooo much!" Zain extended his hand as wide as his little arms can go and zaamin laughed kissing his cheek and ruffled his hair "I missed you too buddy!" He told him as they both began to walk, zaamin was telling him about his trip and zain was listening to him with his mouth pen making me chuckle at how cute he looked.

He gets excited adventures excite him and he'll be a real deal breaker when he grows up.

But thats in the future though...



An update! How was the chapter guys ?

I was getting bored and depressed😪 being in isolation so thought why not give you guys some update! Engaging in activities i love makes me forget my pain!

Your comments surely makes my mood 🤗

There are two more chapters to go for this book to end😉

Who are all excited for zain and minus story? But that's in the far future 🤭

Till then we can focus on my other books which are going to come insha allah when I'm fit and healthy😷 to write.

Do remember me in your precious duas guys❣ indeed of lot ♥

Don't forget to vote comment and share

See you soon sweethearts

-Love noha

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