
Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu lovelies..

I request my precious readers to pray their Salah if they haven't prayed yet before reading this chappy..


Time seemed to be stilled as they both gazed at each other with so much emotions that their mouths failed to describe.

A lump seemed to form in her throat as she fumbled to make a sentence, her eyes misted seeing how worn out he looked dark circles seem to grace both their eyes as it had lost its spark.

No one dared to blink as they thought if they blink it'll be over, aala took shaky steps towards zaamin as he kept on looking at her in daze when she stood in front of him her eyes dared to look into his mystic baby blue eyes which held pain in their depth which was caused none other than by her own actions.

A lone tear escaped her eyes as she raised her hand and touched his right cheek to confirm he was real and not her piece of imagination "I-i'm truly sorry z-zaam I didn't m-meant to do that!" She told stuttering as her voice broke and she hugged him tight burying her face in his neck not being able to control her overflowing emotions which she tried to suppress.

The parking lot was empty as it was night time zaamin stilled for a moment not being able to believe that she is hugging him her body vibrated as she cried in his neck asking for forgiveness tightening her hold on him.

And that broke his trance like state as he gazed down at her shaking form in his arms, his heart clenched seeing her crying this much he so badly wanted to make her stop but was he ready to get his heart broken again for the second time?

"I didn't meant to push you a-away, I seriously had no idea you'll confess you always ask m-me about what my nightmare is right? It's all about d-daniyal our past and when I have a d-dream about our past i tend to break down its so hard z-zaam its so hard it just shuts down my system completely and in the car I saw him in my dream and that felt s-so real and I panicked! I seriously don't know how to cope up please zaamin I'm sorry for hurting you, you didn't deserve any of this its very hard for me to open up about my past but I'm telling you this because i-i trust you zaam! I do! I don't want to take advantage of you yet I take you for granted all the time I'm selfish I know you deserve so much better I also know and I'm sorry for not considering about your feelings I feel so guilty because I intentionally or unintentionally hurt you all the time, I care for you i really do! I don't know why I'm like this but p-please forgive me!" She cried her heart out to him in the pure silence of the atmosphere.


He was gombsmacked at her revelations he didn't even have a vogue idea that her past could've been haunting her all the time, his heart gave a weird thud when he heard that she cared for him new hope blossomed in his heart but he extinguished it as soon as it came because he didn't want to get his hopes high!

Her heart broke when he didn't hugged her back will he never forgive her? Did I ended up hurting him that bad? So many questions popped in her mind making her go crazy.

He slowly detached her from him as she looked at him in shock, his face showed no ounce of emotion that made her heart drop he wiped her tears gently with the pad of his thumbs as he cupped his face.

He opened the passenger seat door as he made her sit facing him while her he took a water bottle and opened the cap he gave it and urged her to drink which she did with shaky hands all the while looking at him with confusion filling her eyes.

He kneeled on the ground in front of her taking her both hands in his and looking at her alluring jade eyes, he took a deep breath before saying anything.

"Yesterday night I left not because I did not want to do anything with you but because I was coming in terms with what just happened I'm not gonna lie I got hurt deeply I felt so... I can't even explain!" He told her he was not the one to open up easily to anyone about his feelings but with her he did.

"After hearing you opening up about your nightmares i couldn't even imagine the pain you would've gone through but I know what I'm asking of you wouldn't be easy for you given the circumstances but I want a chance with you, Daniyal is your past a happy past if I may add but I want to be your present and future and I know he would have want you to be happy always and I want to be the guy for you. I want to be the one with whom you move on with the one with whom you'll make new memories and the one who'll make you happy and keeps you so!"


"The one with whom you want to spend the rest of your life with willingly the one with whom you share everything! I know a part of you would forver love daniyal but I want the rest of you for myself you can take all the time you want to reciprocate my feelings but I want you both beside me forever call me selfish but I want to be one with you because you and zain are my world!

"Will you give me this chance?"

He asked ever so gently that she almost melted as tears don't seemed to stop, she was at loss of words he was offering her exactly what she was wishing for. Another chance at what it had been taken away from her. Another chance at happiness!

Her happily ever after!

How can she deny that to him? To her?

She knew she felt something for him she didn't knew was it love? She didn't know? It was a big word for her a big commitment to which she's still scared off. But with time she'll climb the bridge when she gets there.

She also knew she wouldn't be able to love him like daniyal but she knew it'll be different when it happens!

So for once she stopped listening to that nagging voice in her mind as she gave in to her hearts desire at happiness as she nodded her head in yes "yes! Y-yes I'll give you a chance!" She cried in happiness while sniffling and zaamin couldn't belive his ears but when he was sure that he heard her right she was immediately pulled into a fierce hug as she hugged him back as she cried in his neck as the emotions overflowed her. "I love you sunshine! I do so much that it hurts living even a day without you!" He mumbled against her head which made her smile despite the tears.

How did she got so lucky? She thought and her heart replied it was all Allah's grace!

After what felt like ages She felt secured, secured in his arms and she was finally home!



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