
Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu lovelies...

I request my precious readers to pray their Salah if they haven't prayed yet before reading this chappy..


pov :

Aala was restless would be an understatement her worry knew no boundaries as she was in a state of constant fear and worrying about zaamins whereabouts.

She couldn't even rest just for a second or take a breath of relief until she gets to know the whereabouts of zaamin her minds playing different wild scenarios making her heart clench in fear she once knew how it was to hear such a heart wrenching news and she didn't ever wanted to go through that phase ever again.

Only if she knew what fate had planned for her to witness!

She was parying to Allah with all her might to keep zaamin safe and sound and return him to her as soon as possible because she has tons and tons of things to apologize and to clear every misunderstanding that happened between them.

That night he didn't return back to the mansion aala didn't slept a wink that night her eyes were puffy red from all the crying and worrying, she was experiencing a kind of pain that she quite didn't understand!

The next morning everyone was still asleep as everyone was exhausted from the grand party, aala came out of her room in anxiousness as she saw humza and asfa standing at the balcony looking tensed.

She neared them in shaky steps as she saw another member sitting on the sofa and it was saad! Zaamins best buddy as well as their cousin laiba's husband.

He had a solemn look on his face which made her stomach churn of what was about to come "A-asfa? Humza w-what happened?" She asked her voice hoarse from the crying as she gulped seeing their terrified look.

Both husband and wife exchanged glances as saad sighed heavily and he stood up facing aala who was shaking in anxiousness "Do you know where is zaam?" She asked in a voice that sounded like it was not her own.

Saad had flewed to California last night to attend the party but he was late and he looked at aala's eyes and what he said next almost made aala stumble in her feet as humza caught her quick.

"Zaam is in the hospital in New York!"

Aala was at loss of words as silent tears escaped her wide eyes as she fumbled to make a sentence out of her mouth he's in a hospital? In a hospital but why ?

"I-I H-how? I-i mean w-why?" She asked him not being able to overcome the shock which blasted on her head and how the heck he's in New york when last night he was with them in L.A.

Humzas heart clenched seeing her sister in so much distress, he rubbed her back "His dad had a heart attack last night!" Saad continued as another bomb blasted on her but she sighed atleast zaamin was alright "and how's he?" She asked in a shaky voice.

"Doctors were keeping him in observation that was the last I heard from zaamin, he flewed to New york yesterday night after her cousin aleena called!" Saad narrated and he skipped the whole story of how zaamin survived from almost losing his life.

How much pain does zaamin has to bear she thought as she cried but she wiped her tears fast no one knew what exactly happened between aala and zaamin but they just knew that they had a disagreement and the air was thick around them.


"I want to see him, I have to see him I-im flying back!" She told as asfa rubbed her back "we all are going to see uncle sis in fact we were about to inform you and we're leaving in 2 hours!" She told her gently as aala rushed to her room to pack.

Saad closed his as what happened last night came to his mind


Zaamins hand slipped from the rock when someone caught his hand that he almost stumbled, he looked up to see saad holding his hand "what the hell zaam try to climb up!" He urged in sheer distress as his weight was pulling him down, zaamin grunted in pain as he tried to hold the rock with sheer pain and after so many tries he was successful that saad managed to drag him up as they both fell on the ground gasping for air.

Saad sat up and looked at the dishelved form of his best buddy who didn't seem to be in a right state of mind "what madness had possessed you that you were ready to give up on your life? And how the hell you fell from the cliff!" He yelled not being able to keep his temper in check.

Saad just landed on California all the way from Canada but when he tried to reach zaamin he was not picking up and when he called humza he told that aala is looking for zaamin and he's not picking his phone.

Saad knew his plan that zaamin was going to propose today and a worried look crossed his features when he tried to connect the dots it was almost after midnight, he called samar their another bestfriend who was a tech geek and asked to trace zaamins location.

Thank allah that zaamins phone was on that samar found his location in a fraction of few minutes and saad drove as fast as he can despite being jetlagged.

When he reached the cliff area he saw zaamins ar parker but he was no where to be found he ran here and there and when he reached the edge of the cliff he saw his coat lying on the ground that made his stomach churn in fear.

When he heard his grunt he immediately rushed towards him to help him up.

Zaamin just couldn't believe that he was on the verge of dying but he got saved, his lord didn't let him down "it was an accident!" Waa the only thing he said as he sat up wincing in pain as his bruised hand bleed.

"S*it man your hand is bleeding we need to go to the doctors!" Saad was rambling in fear but zaamin looked like he was in a different world saad paused for a second as he made him look at him as asked "Are you ok bud?" And that was enough for saad to see tears in his bestfriends eyes.

He was heartbroken!

He hugged zaamin tight he was so angry but he didn't want to make it more harder for zaamin "she doesn't feel the same towards me!" He told him in a dejected voice as a humorless laugh escaped his lips but saad knew better "im damn sure she's just confused bud!" He tried his best to assure her zaamin was about to reply when zaamins phone rang for another it was ringing from the past how many hours he didn't knew.


Saad took his phone from the coat lying on the ground and he was shocked to aleena on the other side but their was 20 missed calls from her and 30 were from aala.

He attended the call and was shocked to hear the grave news "zaam uncle h-had a heart attack and he's currently being monitored by the chief doctors his condition is not stable!" Saad said in a small voice but zaamin heard it fine.

Zaam was shocked would be an understatement he didn't knew how to react anymore he just sat there in shock theough the father son relationship was not there like how it should've been but still its his own father and listening that he had an heart attack didn't lessen the worry.

"I-i need to go back! Call my pilot and ask him to refuel the jet and tell him that we need to fly as soon as possible!" Zaamin masked his emotions well as he became numb from the pain.

Why his life can't be simple?

Flashback ends..

Zaamin was marching back and forth on the lobby of the the private room in the huge hospital, his wounds were taken care of by the doctors.

His mother, sister and cousin all were there crying and worrying when zaamin arrived in a dishelved form they seemed to lash out on him for not being there in the time of need but he didn't replied for anything they accused him.

He just went inside to get answers from the doctor and it was afternoon time when the doctor told that it was a mild attack so his father had managed to survive and they all relived a sigh of relief.

By the time his father opened his eyes it was night time, they all wanted to see him but he asked only for zaamin and that shocked him and everyone nonetheless.

When he entered the sanitized room many memories replayed in his head and he gulped, his father turned towards him from the lying position as he heard the sound.

His once majestic proud and commanding father was laying on the bed connected with wires, his face was sad and it was the first time he saw him this much vulnerable.

For quite sometime both father and son remained quiet "How are you father?" Zaamin asked sincerely and that caused his fathers eyes to mist as it shocked him he immediately went to his side and helped him when he wanted to sit, he reclined his bed to a seated position and he urged zaamin to sit beside him.

He clasped his hands with zaamin as he looked at him with tender eyes after how many years zaamin didn't knew "I'm truly sorry son forgive me!" His father said in a broken voice which caught off guard zaamin completely.

He didn't knew what his father was sorry for but he couldn't even belive the fact that his father was talking to him "I gave you punishment for the crime which you never committed i accused you as your sisters murderer when you only wanted to lessen her pain i gave you cold shoulders all your life just to make you realize that because of you I lost my daughter but I failed to recognize that not only I lost my daughter but you lost your twin sister too!" His every words brought innumerable ache in zaamins heart as he looked down not being able to meet his eyes.

"I have caused you enough pain to last a lifetime I don't even know if I'm even worthy of your forgiveness and the bizzare part is that I didn't even realize my mistake until someone made me realize it!" He told which made zaamin look at him in utter confusion.

"Yes I didn't realize my mistakes until your wife made me realize how wrong I'm to punish you!" He told him smiling sadly and zaamins eyes widened aala made him realize but when? "The day when i yelled at you for disrespecting your mother which you didn't do I know and I even knew that she made it up but I was blind in rage to see that you were innocent but aala came that night to my study, and the one thing she said which made me realize that i was wrong she asked me this and left my study politely and I was too arrogant at first to listen to her!"

"But as time passed her question started to haunt me and when I thought about that deeply I felt your pain and that how wrong I was to accuse you, that almost ate me up every single day it became difficult for me to breath I so badly wanted to ask for your forgiveness but I didn't had enough courage to face you after the pain I had caused you I'm truly sorry son please forgive me!" His father pleaded in a sad tone to which zaamin hugged him tight as his eyes misted in tears, he couldn't able to hide his emotions anymore as he cried and rubbed his back.

It was too much for zaamin to handle in a day so many revelations so many heartbreaks "its ok dad its fine!" Zaamin told in a shaky voice as they both pulled back "Don't strain yourself dad just relax!" He helped him lay back on the bed as he thought about aala she was his true sunshine she had helped him in a way which he can never repay for but was she not the one who broke his heart? He was confused.

"I know when a woman loves a man zaam she can go all the way up fighting his demons to just make him at peace and see him happy and I saw that fire in aala's eyes when she defended you so so do not do the mistake of letting her go whatever that is which I'm seeing in your eyes don't do that just give love another chance and see where it brings you!" He told me when I was about to exit his room and I nodded at him in assurance as I exited his room.

I was walking towards my car in the car park when someone called my name.

"Z-zaam!" Aala stood there in a disheleved form calling my name as tears filled her alluring jade eyes.

I didn't knew if I was imagining her or she was real but I just wanted to take her in my arms and never let her go but the main question does she wants the same?


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