
Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu...

I request my precious readers to pray their Salah if they haven't prayed yet before reading this chappy...


I woke up gasping for air in shock as zaamin tried to calm me down rubbing my back, tears were flowing from my eyes as I just hugged him tight and sobbed on his chest cocooning myself in his arms, it felt so real like I a-almost saw him in front of me.

It was a terrible nightmare, I had fell asleep on the way to the ballroom as it's one and half an hour drive.

"Don't cry sunshine hush... it was just a nightmare! I'm here! Look at me!" His voice sounded pained as he kept rubbing my head to calm me and I nodded while wiping my tears sniffing he took his kerchief and wiped my face while I looked down at my fingers not being able to meet his eyes.

"It was just a nightmare, I will not let anything happen to you and no ones going to take you away from me and that's a promise!" His tone held the finality in it making me see realize determined he is.

Whenever I try to move on something or the other happenes and I mess up my heartbeat is still beating like crazy as I tried to calm my nerves taking long breaths.

Will I ever be able to leave the past behind ?

I was so tired from everything the constant longing, pain and heartaches I didn't know what is worse to be broken or breaking someone's heart ?

I sighed and looked at the passing scenery zaamin kept rubbing my hand with his thumb to calm me and it did help and he is always this much considerate about my feelings which makes me cry harder everytime I think about him.

Why does he have to be so caring kind and lovable?

The limousine was parked on the porch as the glimmering flashlights blinded my eyes, paparazzi were going crazy to just catch a glimpse.

Zaamin stepped out and held his hands for me to take which I took with shaky hands and came out our other limousines were parked and all my family members were waiting for us.

Zain jumped on zaamins arms as soon he was within his reach as we gave a family picture then entered the ballroom and my stomach dropped remembering my dream.

It was just a nightmare aala! Don't think about it..

I reminded myself and tired to smile Ike everything is normal but zaamin knew better.

The party was starting and everyone was starting to fill in and my anxiety level was getting worse as the second passed.

"Why are you looking so panicked sis?" Asfa questioned clutching my hand which had turned cold "No asfa I'm alright!" I tried to smile but she shook her head and stopped the passing waiter she took a glass of pina colada and asked the waitress to bring some ice cubes.

"Here drink this atleast, you look so pale!" She sounded worried as she made me sit on the chair as the waitress brought ice in a glass jar.

Asfa took the ice cube bag and placed it on my wrist "It helps to calm our nerves while we were having an anxiety attack rey always does this whenever I face anxiety attacks which was very regular back in the days!" She told me giving a gentle smile as I nodded.


The ice cubes really helped me to calm my nerves as I focused on my breathing, many important guests started to fill in the ballroom and the event started when grandpa and imad joined the makeshift stage.

Grandpa took the podium as he gave his opening speech welcoming the guests and congratulating all his employees for making Hannan industries a big success followed by imad as he was the CEO.

The huge crowd erupted in cheers as they both completed their speech and when the party started with applause.

We have formed a semi circle on the private area talking to one another when zaamin came with a handsome man beside him and he looked powerful as his aura screamed power and authority followed by humza, Haan and their mates which I have seen them before.

Zaamin snaked his arms around my waist as he pulled me closer "sunshine meet Amaan Daniel King our so called best friend and a huge investor in our project! And amaan she's my beautiful wife aala" He winked at me though I was wearing my face veil but he can sense my smile beneath it.

"Congratulations on your wedding!" Was the only thing he spoke as I gave him a polite nod mumbling a small thank you, the most striking feature was his pale grey eyes which seemed cold and empty without any emotions and his face remained blank.

"Come on dude loosen up that grumpy attitude!" Haan joked while patting his shoulder but he just shook his head as he took a glass of drink from the passing waiter.

The party was progressing as zaamin introduced me to many of the guests and I kept checking on zain who was munching on desserts with his grandpa and uncle imad when my eyes landed on amaan he stood there alone with stiff posture he didn't talk he just gave monosyllable answers whenever his friends asked something, he looked like he is in a different world, a world of his own.

"Don't worry about him sunshine he's like that since we know him from high school, he was not like that before but things happen and people change and so did he!" He told giving me a small smile still looking at his friend with compassionate eyes.

"Everyone has their own battle to fight!" I mumbled to which he nodded in yes and indeed she was right.

Zaamin was scared would be an understatement when he saw her thrashing in his arms while they were arriving at the ballroom, he quickly helped her to wake up from her nightmare to which she was grateful but his heart broke when he saw how she broke down in his arms.

She didn't share with him what was her nightmare about no matter how many times he had asked in the past but he remained patient but seeing her today in distress just made him frustrated because he didn't know how to help her.

His plan was all set as a silent communication passed between asfa and zaamin through their eyes as asfa gave him a big thumbs up to which zaaamin winked, he was scared but he knew he couldn't hide it anymore from her.

While the party was progressing he couldn't be able to take his eyes of from her, she was the most beautiful woman in his eyes. He didn't knew when his attraction towards her grew into something deeper something stronger which made him scared as it was a new feelings which he couldn't understand but he finally figured it out and tonight he's going to confess his love in front of her.


The party was a huge success and the dinner was extravagant like their plan asfa and humza took care of zain as zaamin took aala back to their mansion, he helped her to buckle in the car seat as he drove towards their mansion.

Aala knew something was up when she caught the secret glances and gestures happening between the siblings, she remained silent the whole ride lost in her thoughts and trying to erase the memory of her nightmare.

When they reached their mansion zaamin interwined his fingers with her as he lead the way towards their room and he let aala to march inside the pool area of his room which was beautifully illuminated with candles and fairy lights giving it a dreamy vibes.

Aala gasped seeing the beautiful view infront of her as she smiled seeing the decor but her shock only doubled when zaamin snaked his arms around her waist from the back as he hugged her his front to her back and put his chin above her head.

Aala stiffened first but relaxed soon in his arms "you know sunshine i never knew what it's like to have a family until I had my own with you and zain, my family was not perfect and I never blamed any one of them but I'm going to be honest with you losing my twin was hard and accepting the fact that she was no more with me was even harder though I had a family but I never had their love or support, I always felt lonely in that big mansion everyday I wished that my twin should've been alive then the outcome must've been different!" He told sighing as I tightened my hold on his hand as a way to comfort him.

"Dad blamed me and even i sometimes blamed myself but you made me realize that it was meant to be, I still remember the day when I first saw you in asfas room when you were cleaning zains outfit because he had dirtied his clothes from all the barbecue sauces and I was dumbstruck in my position when my eyes landed on you! You looked so beautiful so innocent and that day my heart gave a weird thud which I didn't understood but I fully understand it now!" He chuckled which made me turn around in his embrace in shock as I looked at his baby blue eyes which held pure affection and tenderness towards me.

He caressed my cheek softly with the pad of his thumb "I didn't knew when my liking toward you changed into something deeper much more meaningful as I spent my days with you i fell for you a little more each day your personality, your kindness, your modesty, your eyes everything about you made me fell harder with no going back and you don't know how thankful I'm to Allah for blessing me with you, Zaamin smiled he finally confessed his feelings he didn't cared what her reaction will be but all it mattered for him was that he confessed his hearts desire.

Aala stood dumbstruck in her position as her mind processed the new found information, a tear slipped out of her eye which she didn't knew whether it was of happiness or something else, how can he say he loves her when all she did was give him pain and push him away from her.

"I was a fool to not realize it sooner but finally here I'm!" He grinned caressing her cheeks and wiping the lone tear aala opened her mouth to speak but no words came out "zaamin i-i!" He shushed her with his fingers on her lips "you don't have to say it back now I won't force you for anything I just wanted to let you know what I have been hiding from you!" He looked at her with so much affection and the dim lights made Her look more beautiful.

He didn't knew when his head leaned down as his lips met her for the first time in a kiss aala seemed to be frozen in her spot but zaamin kissed her tenderly pouring his emotions and the best part she slowly started to respond to his kiss her eyes closed as she kissed him back.

Zaamins heart bursted with happiness his happiness knew no boundaries but alas the past with dani started to play in her mind making her open her eyes in shock as what was happening sink into her system she panicked as she pushed him hard away from her it was her natural body's reflex but zaamin was caught off guard as he lost his balance and he fell on the floor.

Aala covered her mouth with her hands in shock as tears poured out from her eyes like river, she couldn't belive what did just happened, she didn't meant to do that, she didn't meant to push zaamin away she just... she didn't understand she clutched her head as her crying seemed non stop.

washed over him as his brain took a moment to process of what did just happened his heart didn't broke but was crushed into million little pieces and blown into the wind.

He was ashamed he didn't had the guts to look up as he stood up immediately and marched out the of the pool area in a lightneing speed not being able to trust himself anymore he was just seconds away from breaking down.

"Zaamin i-im s-sorry!" Aala started to run behind him as nothing made sense to her but her foot tripped and she fell the hard floor scraping her hands in the process as blood seeped out but she didn't cared or she didn't even felt that pain compared to the agony in her heart.

She sat on the floor crying and calling for zaamin asking his forgiveness she didn't meant to hurt but she ended up hurting him the most "I'm s-so sorry z-zaam I don't know I'm s-sorry!" Her voice stuttered but alas he was already gone!

"I d-didn't meant t-to do that!"


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