
Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu lovelies...

I request my precious readers to pray their Salah if they haven't prayed yet before reading this chappy...


Aala's pov:

The night came and everyone retired to bed and mumma took Zain with him as per her firm words "my handsome grandson will be with me all the time and you can't interfere!" So yeah he's sleeping with her happily.

My boy is spoiled from everyone as promised asfa had baked him tons of brownies just the way he liked and he poked fun at zaamin and humza when they tried to steal his brownies from him.

Silly men!

I changed myself into a pair of pajamas and took a relaxing bath which eased the tension off my muscles and relaxed my mind.

I let my wet hair air dry and zaamin was busy in his MacBook he was already changed into his nightwear, "Don't strain yourself zaamin you need to take a break!" I told him fluffing the pillow while he looked at me and sighed.

"This is the last one I promise then I'll be free!" He told trying quickly and I shook my head "you said this the last time!" I reminded him and he gave me a sheepish smile scratching the back of his neck.

"But this is really the last last one, I swear!"

I applied some of my basic skincare products then finished it off a with a thick moisturizer as I have dry skin, my skin needs lots of hydration.

"All done now are you excited for tomorrow?" He asked keeping his MacBook in his bag and I nodded at him smiling "I'm.... its been so long since we all gathered together!" I told him getting under the duvet.

He adjusted the Ac temperature and slid beside me on the bed "yup me too!" It had become a normal routine for us to sleep on the same bed most of the time zain sleeps in between us when he's not he always keeps a safe distance between us as he knew I'm not that much comfortable in sharing a bed with him.

I still feel so bad for him and get angry at myself of how selfish I have become and act, only thinking about myself and my comfort not thinking about how he feels although he never shows his disappointment on his face he masks his emotions well like a pro.


A battle is always happening in me, a battle between my mind and heart of which they both have different opinions to share.

I promised myself to move on and its still very hard for me to forget everything just like that it's so hard but its also not an excuse to hurt zaamin, I feel so guilty.

"Hey where are you lost?" He clicked his fingers in front of my dazed state and I was startled for a second as I looked at him baffled "i--i it's nothing!" I cleared my throat and he just gave me a smile "Don't worry about anything just sleep sunshine! I'm here!" He patted my head like a child and I gave him a small smile.

I didn't knew when my eyes got closed as sleep took over me the next day we were so busy with having all girls day we all went to spa to pamper ourselves it was saffus idea.

We got all the aroma therapy massages full pedicure, manicure got our facials done it was full blown pamper sessions back to back.

After returning home and praying asr everyone started to get ready for the big event, my pastel green gown was simple elegant with ruffles which suited my style.

I did my usual low bun and wore a silver hijab over it matching the work on my gown, then did my light makeup and lastly applied some nude lipstick to finish off my look the black kohl brought out my jade eyes to limelight.

I put the iPhone on my clutch and sat on the cushioned stool to put on my Louboutin and I was finally done.

I smiled at my appearance I looked presentable "Sunshine should I wear this tie or this bow?" Zaamin emerged but he just got rooted on the spot with wide eyes like he just saw a ghost.

I clicked my fingers in front of him that did the trick as his trance broke and he looked at me from top to toe taking his time leisurely with smoldering gaze and a teasing smile on his lips.

"DAMN..sunshine you look gorgeous!" He smiled pulling me closer to him snaking his hand on the small of my waist making me gasp at the sudden proximity.


His baby blue eyes sparkling with mischief as he tightened his hold on me "Z-zaamin what are you d-doing?" I didn't know why I was stuttering being in his arms but he just winked and dipped his head and placed his lips on the side of my lips as I inhaled a sharp intake of breath in shock with eyes wide like saucers.

He kept his lips lingering there a little then pulled back but my cheeks were scarlet red making my blush very obvious "You're irresistible sunshine i just can't control myself!" His husky voice didn't helped my erratic heart beat as it only fastened.

I took the bow from his hand as I tied it around his neck avoiding looking into his eyes because his eyes are my weakness it can make one lose himself in the depth of his blue pools.

"Y-you're done!" I corrected his collar but he held my chin with his thumb and index finger lifted it up making me to look at his eyes "you look ten times more adorable when you blush!" His teasing smile just made me look away as I tried to hold the traitor smile back which was escaping my lips.

He chuckled seeing my failed attempts and kissed my hijab clad head "thank you wifey now let's go!" He didn't take his hand from my waist as we both exited our room.

Zain was looking all handsome and dashing in his custom made three piece grey suit just like his father. All were ready and we headed off to the event in our limousines.

Crystal chandeliers spiraled down from the arching sky-blue ceiling, illuminating the glimmering golden walls and a floor so polished it looked like an iced-over lake. And it wasn’t just the ballroom–the women sparkled like a box of jewels, shades of emerald and ruby and amethyst swirling before me, their low chatter accompanying wafts of rose and hyacinth and jasmine.

The ballroom was fully crowded with tons and tons of people mostly businessmen and women from all over the globe, politicians, elites, tycoons, actors, designers all the famous personalities were present to celebrate the centenary jubilee of Hannan industries.

I was talking with my family at a secluded space where it was reserved for the family so that we can have our private space without feeling too crowded.

All the men were busy entertaining the businessmen and welcoming all the guests to the party, zain had accidentally spilled some of his apple juice on the hem of my gown while running "mumma I'm sorry!" He looked guilty but i just patted his cheek saying its ok and excused myself to clean up in the washroom.

I cleaned my dress and dried it as much as possible using the tissue and it looked good, when I returned from the washroom while passing between the guests I stopped dead in my tracks as I noticed the back silhouette of a man talking to another and an eere feeling of something made my stomach churn as I gulped inaudibly because his back looked very familiar.

Cold sweats ran down my forehead as I clutched my gown hard and it seemed like it was a second away from ripping and when the man turned around my eyes just popped out and mouth hung open in shock as a tear rolled down my cheek.

My voice seemed to stuck in my throat when I tried to speak, my mouth was opening and closing in shock yet no words came out, when his eyes landed on me he smiled the familiar and genuine one which I was once addicted to.

He was marching towards my direction he still looked the same, the same handsome I ever fell in love with, tears seemed to blur my vision and so many questions blasted in my mind as nothing made sense.

When he stood in front of me my voice seemed to return as I touched his face fearing he was real or my illusion.




An update! How was the chapter guys?

Don'tis the way I had planned

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See you soon sweethearts

-love noha

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