
Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu lovelies...

I request my precious readers to pray their Salah if they haven't prayed yet before reading this chappy..

GOOD NEWS AS WELL AS SAD ONE : I'm going to finish this book before ramadan thats a good news😁but ill miss my characters and you guys and well thats a sad news🥺

Anyway let's go...


Aala's pov :

I stared at the huge aircraft which was standing infront of me proudly on the tarmac of the private airport, I gulped inaudibly at the thought of being thousand miles above from the ground.

I bit my lower lip hard to control myself as I was still coming in terms with the fact that we're going to fly, I felt fingers interlacing with mine in a firm grip which made me look down at our interwined hands then at his smiling face.

He squeezed my hand in assurance "I'm with you sunshine no need to worry!" He caressed my cheek with the pad of his thumb to which I closed my eyes and heaved a sigh.

"Weeeeee... we're rwidin a pwane! Eeeeee!" Zain shrieked happily holding his plane toy in his hand which was the exact big version which we're going to be flying in.

Well blame zaamin for making tiny models for zain of almost all the high speed jets or aircrafts his company own.

"Yes champ we're riding this!" Zaamin took him from ayans arms as he smiled at him letting him go and ruffling his hair.

"You know daddy Avva mommy said she mwade brownie for me! And all is for me alone!" He said grinning clapping his hand well he's a big fan of chocolate fudge brownie with Nutella on top especially if it was made by his avva mommy.

"Ummhmmm and you're not going to share with daddy?" Zaamin asked pouting while ascending the iron steps behind me.

"Oops.. no!" He smiled sheepishly at him to which zaaamin faked hurt making me chuckle seeing their antics.

"Well I'll tell your avva mommy to bake a huge batch of brownies bigger than yours for me to eat!" He winked poking his tongue at him while zain gasped not liking what he just heard.

"No avva mommy won't do that she only lwovs me! Even more than maam!" He told him proudly with a smug look patting his shoulder like he has the upper hand which made zaamin and I to burst out in laughter.

Zaamin buckled up him in his booster seat which was opposite to ours he was facing us, he had already started looking out the window eager to see the bed of marshmallows as he likes to call the clouds.

Next he buckled my seatbelt making sure I was secured, the pilot started announcing all the necessary details I closed my eyes tightly clutching my hands when the plane started to leave the tarmac.

Zaamin interlaced our fingers "hey aal look at me!" He coaxed me gently I opened my eyes in fear looking at him but he had a tender smile etched on his aristocratic face.


"Nothing is going to happen to us I'm not letting anything happen to you! Do you trust me?" He asked me his eyes showing how serious he was "I do!" I replied getting lost in the most magical blues which mirrored zains.

He gave me a heart melting smile then leaned forward "Now that's what I was looking for and smile sunshine it suits you!" He kissed my cheek making my eyes go wide like saucers.

I looked at him in horror but he acted so casual like he's used to kissing me "you look ten times more adorable when you blush sunshine!" He winked at me playfully and I just shook my head and looked away i gasped noticing that we were already on air as I saw the clouds which looked so beautiful and serene.

"Daddy! I want to play with you!" Zain whined being bored sitting in the same place.

"OK young master as you wish!" Zaamin bowed removing his seatbelt and settling on the couch he took the psp from his bag and both father and son began to play as I watched them amused both are the happiest when they're with each other how it would've been if zain was able to meet Dani?..I stopped my thinking just there itself because it'll lead to nowhere instead of me getting more hurt.

I sighed! Everything happenes for a reason!

the stewardess started serving light snacks and appetizers to pass the time.

I put on some airpods to avoid getting weird thoughts which will lead to panic attacks and started listening to my favorite Qaari Abdul rahman bin mosad who was reciting surah al-muzammil his voice just gives me goosebumps, his voice holds the pain which reflects the weight of the holy verses giving peace to the wounded heart.

I just closed my eyes and lost myself in his recital, I didn't knew where the time went when I opened my eyes that we were almost landing on the asphalt coated tarmac of californian soil.

I was in a fit of nerves in zaamins arms as he held me tight while we landed safely and i heaved a relived sigh!

Its over!

When the iron door opened and I stepped down the iron stairs, our cars were already parked surrounded by bodyguards and there he stood proud and tall smiling wide with a longing look in his eyes.

I ran fast and jumped on his awaiting arms hiding my face in his neck as tears brimmed my eyes "Finally...oh gosh after so long I missed you aal!" Humzas voice cracked as he hugged me tight twirling in air.

"I missed you too lion!" I sobbed in his neck as he rubbed my back "Don't cry aal you know I hate it right!" He pulled back and cupped my face wiping the lone tear with the pad of his thumb "Damn..how did I go all this time without you?" With that he hugged me again which made me chuckle as I rubbed his arm.


"Maaaaam!" Zain shrieked as loud as he can from zaamins arms as humza eyes beamed seeing him "come here my munchkin gosh how much I missed you!" He hugged him tight then threw him in air catching him as zain laughed loudly.

"I mwissed you three!" He told him cheekily to which humza laughed "well granny is waiting for you in home do you know that she has so many surprises for you?" He told him winking to which zains eyes beamed in delight.

"How are you man? Finally got time to grace us with your presence huh?" Humza teased zaamin while they did their man hug and that weird fist thing they usually do.

"Not you too brother! You know my condition still blame me?"he fired back chuckling to which humza laughed "still i can't take your support when you take my sister with you now can you blame me?" He asked winking to which zaamin shook his head smiling in defeat.

"Assalamu alaikum sis how are you?" Imad asked smiling at me "Walaikum salam imad I'm good how are you?" I asked him.

"I'm good Alhamdulillah! Guys we need to hurry I'm sure as hell saffu is yelling at top of her lungs of what is taking us so long we better hurry if we don't wanna face her wrath!" He told with a fearful face taking zain in his arms ruffling his hair.

"Well what are we waiting for then! Let's move!" Imad buckled zain in his booster seat on the shiny black range Rover as humza roared in his Bugatti veyron leading the way with imad.

Zaamin insited to drive so imad gave up and went with humza and another car was filled with our luggage.

"You're smiling!" Zaamin spoke then I realized I was smiling wide without knowing it "I don't know maybe seeing the familiar path is making me happy!" I told him seeing the old pathway to my home which is bringing so many memories back.

"Maybe...but keep smiling sunshine it makes you irresistible!" He told me smiling and I looked at him wide eyed.

"You're blushing again!" He told me as I touched my cheek which felt warm "I'm not its the heat!" I rebuked but he just laughed because the ac was on full blast.

"If you say so sunshine! looks like he fell asleep someone got tired from all the fun we had in plane!" Zaamin chuckled seeing a passed out zain and I smiled.

The huge double iron gates opened on our arrival as zaamin zoomed through the huge driveway of ibrahims mansion, my smile was so wide that my cheeks were hurting.

Mumma, asfa, safwa, Rey, grandpa, Haan, all were sitting on the living room talking "Assalamu alaikum!" I announced my presence and they all stilled for a moment safwa was the first one to overcome the shock.

"Oh my Allah! Eeee they arrived aal sis!" She rushed and engulfed me in a bone crushing hug.

"I missed you and my munchkin so much!" She whined which made all chuckle and she let me go rushing towards zaamin to see zain.

"Aala darling!"

"Mumma!" I hugged her tight as we both sobbed in each others arms how much I missed being in her arms.

"I missed you so much mom!" I told her burying my face in her neck sniffing "I missed you too aal! Finally you're back home!" She patted my cheek as I wiped her tears, she looked so happy to have us back i can sense the longing in her eyes just like how I had all the time I was away from her.

"Where's my munchkin? Awe he fell asleep! My grandson hot more handsome, how cute!" She gushed peppering butterfly kisses on his cheeks , zaamin greeted mumma and hugged her to which mumma blessed him happily patting his cheek.

"How's my soon to be mommy doing?" I asked asfa hugging her merrily as she giggled at me as i rubbed her slightly showing belly "Alhamdulillah feeling blessed beyond measure!" She replied looking at humza with loving eyes who was talking to haan.

I mumbled a quick masha allah under my breath and Rey hugged me tight "I can't belive you're with us! Man I'm so happy finally you can attend my baby shower I'm so excited!" Rey gushed and we all laughed seeing her excitement.

I greeted grandpa then haan and zaamin was having a huge lecture from both his sisters safwa was practically pouting and zaamin was trying ways to coax her.

Mumma had prepared a huge feast which made my mouth water, all were settled on the dining room and the moment zain was awake he became the center of attraction and he was loving every bit of the attention he was getting.

Well let's just say perks of visiting grannies house after longtime..

The house was bustling with laughter once again seeing the happy atmosphere made my smile widened, zaamin had that look in his eyes when mumma served him his favorite crispy fried chicken rubbing his head to eat more.

Its very hard for him having a family yet living like a strangers in the same house, I felt guilty of it too I interwined our fingers underneath the table sqeezing his hands as I smiled at him in assurance that I'm here for him he looked at me with happiness and mouthed a thank you!

And I smiled at him..

You deserve the world zaamin and nothing less!

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