
Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu lovelies...

I request my precious readers to pray their Salah if they haven't prayed yet before reading this chappy.


"Yes ayan cancel my meetings for the rest of the day I can't come to the office aala is sick!" I told him scrolling through the emails on my iPad pro while talking to him on airpods.

"I understand sir but can't you even attend for just an hour the Brazilian clients are very important!" He reminded me but I was firm in my decision.

"I know it ayan thanks for reminding but like i said cancel and reschedule it for another time!"

"As you say sir!" He sighed because he knew arguing with me will lead to nowhere.

After briefing him about the other meetings I cut the call and looked back at my room through the transparent mirror wall while standing on the garden area of my room.

Aala was sleeping on the bed it was afternoon but she looked so tired and weak, I was in the office the entire morning I was not ready to leave her side but she insisted that I should go and she'll be fine as her fever was reducing but when I called the maids to check on her they informed me that her temperature was raising and she had refused to eat anything which made me worried sick about her condition.

I flew from the office as fast as I can after reaching home she was shocked to see me but I didn't give into her pleadings to go back and made her drink the vegetable soup by force.

After taking her medications she again fell asleep and its afternoon now, I keep checking on zain who was playing with his bunch of toys in his play room which was adjacent to ours and I didn't wanted him near aala when there's a chance that he can get the flu.

I took my MacBook as I thought to complete my remaining work and mail it to ayan so he can point out the corrections which had been made.

I was checking back and forth from my MacBook screen to her laying form on the bed and time went fast and it was night, I already tucked zain to bed and read him a bedtime story he was out in a minute like light, aala was watching her favorite muslim vlogger on YouTube on the big 52 inch flat screen on the wall while leaning back on the headrest.


I was seated just beside her on the bed answering some last minute emails when I noticed that her eyes were getting droopy thank allah that her temperature had come down but still she had cold.

"Just relax aal you'll be fine!" I pulled her to me as I made her lean her head on my shoulder and kissed her temple, she just nodded while smiling lightly her face had become pale but her nose had turned red making her look like a ripen tomato.

"You didn't have to leave your work for me I would've be just fine!" She told me her voice was hoarse "like hell I would've you know me sunshine you comes first to me!" I told her honestly keeping my iPhone on the side table.

I heard her sigh as she snuggled into my chest and I stilled for a minute, her eyes were getting closed I didn't know whether it was the effect of medications or she finds comfort in my arms but it made a warm feeling erupt in my chest which made me smile for the second time she held me tight.

I wrapped my arms around her shoulder pulling her more in me and her breathing turned even in seconds, I kissed her forehead gently lingering my lips there longer she looked so cute while sleeping.

My sunshine!

My phone suddenly started to blare and I picked it up immediately a smile grazed on my lips seeing who the caller was she was face timing me.

"Assalamu alaikum bunny!" She chirped loudly and I was holding the phone in an angle that aala wasn't visible to her.

"Walaikum salam my love! How are you guys doing? Finally remembered you have a bunny huh ?" I teased her to which she glared and then pouted cutely.

"Alhamdulillah we're doing good and humza is taking extreme good care of me!" She told rolling her eyes and I just chuckled sensing her annoyance which she didn't seemed to hide "but you liar you didn't even call me then you have the gusts ask if I forgot you!" She glared and I just chuckled lowly as not to wake her up.

"Well just to inform you mister saffu is even more angry on you than anyone on us you better gear up you're going to pay heavily!" She smirked and I just groaned "I know and I'm sure I'll make it upto you guys you know you can't resist me!" I winked at her causing her to glare but she eventually laughed "true bunny no one can resist your charm!" She winked and we both laughed.


"When are you going to visit us and where's aala sisto? I talked to her yesterday morning and today she didn't picked up her phone! I miss my little zainu so much" She whined.

"Soon love soon we'll be coming this weekend and your munchkin is fine he was asking for you and his maam we'll be there and for aala she's sleeping!" I tired my phone downwards so she can see aala sprawled put on my chest and her eyes widened in excitement that she almost squealed aloud.

"OH MYYY ALLLAAHH! you guys look so damn cute together! Awwwiee I'm so happy for you bunny!" I chuckled at her enthusiasm "Thank you love she's slowly getting comfortable around me and insha allah I'm sure that in the upcoming future I'll break down her walls!" I told her smiling and she gave me a big thumbs up sign smiling wide.

"That's the spirit bunny you both deserve the world and I pray to Allah that he'll make it easy for you Aameen!" She mumbled getting emotional "Damn my pregnancy hormones i cry every single time I get emotional!" She told wiping her tears which made me chuckle "awe my love you look so cute and I'm sure my niece or nephew will be a drama queen like you!" I teased her and her tears were gone in a blink as she glared at me fiercely.

"I'm no drama queen!" She stated pouting and I raised my hands in surrender as not to make her cry anymore.

We talked for some more minutes when humza arrived and he greeted me "what happened to aal?" He was worried sick i will be the same if I was in his position.

"She had fever doctor already checked on her Alhamdulillah it was nothing major her fever had reduced now she has slight cold she'll be better in no time!" I told him pulling the duvet over her sleeping form and standing up to check on zain.

"I was so scared man but thank you for taking care of her!" His emerald eyes looked at me with meaning as I gave him a smile "No need humza she's my life I will take care of her no matter what!" He nodded smiling as I showed them a peacefully sleeping zain on his bed.

"Why you have to be so far bunny I want to squish those chubby cheeks of my munchkin!" Asfa whined and humza chuckled seeing her antics as he kissed her temple calming her down "calm down darling he's going to be with us in no time! And we can have him all to ourselves!" He winked at her to which she grinned like a chesire cat.

"Well take care bud! We'll call you later!ma'assalama !" I cutted the call smiling and re-entered my room.

I changed myself into my nightwear and slipped on the bed beside her caressing her soft cheeks, I pulled her closer to me until her head was resting on my chest and she mumbled something under her breath which I didn't understood she was sleep talking making me chuckle.

I was thinking of ways how to reduce her aerophobia she will be scared to be on plane again but I think I'll find a way.

"Don't leave me please!" She mumbled suddenly making me look at her in confusion she was restless I tightened my hold around her as I rubbed her back trying to sooth her then kissed her forehead lingering my lips there for sometime "I'll never leave you sunshine and that's a promise!" I told and smiled at her though she can't listen to me but an involuntary smile made on its way on her face.

Because without you there's no me!



An update! How was the chapter guys ?

A laid back one though!

See you soon sweethearts

-love Noha

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