
Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu lovelies..

I request my precious readers to pray their Salah if they haven't prayed yet before reading this chappy..


Zaamin's pov:

"It's pleasure doing business with you Mr. Yasin!" Tristan Anderson the CEO of Anderson Inc told shaking my hand firmly as I smiled at him shaking his hands.

"Pleasure is mine actually! It'll be an honor for my team to build an aircraft of your dream!"

"I can't wait!" He told grinning he's actually a good friend of mine in the business circle and let's just say he has a fetish to rode the new models of aircraft so he always renews or orders to make a new one but he's also a fan of classics.

"You're one crazy guy you know that!" I punched his shoulder playfully as we walked out of the conference room with our secretaries following behind us, he just chuckled as hook his head.

Ayan escorted them out as I made my way towards my cabin, I settled down on my plush leather recliner rotating chair when my phone rang i attended it without even looking at who the caller was?

"Yasin here!" I stated opening a new document while balancing the phone with the help of my shoulder.

"Finally big brother got the time to answer my calls eh? Well salam to you too big bro!" Safwas loud voice made me stop still.

I mentally slapped myself "its not like that princess as you know i- she cut me in the middle even before I can complete my sentence "Don't you dare say I was busy bro don't give me that lame excuse you forgot me and admit that!" I winced at her accusation as I clicked my tongue.

Damn you zaamin!

This time I seriously didn't gave her a call!

"Princess its not like that you know I was seriously so overwhelmed with work! forgive me!" I told her sheepishly scratching the back of my neck.

"Nope you're not forgiven! Thank allahﷻ atleast he gave me aala sis otherwise I'll be unaware about your whereabouts!" She stated angrily.

"Wait... you mean you were talking with aala all the time since we came here! how come I didn't know about that ?" I asked more to myself than her

"You would've known if you didn't indulge yourself in your so called WORK which annoys me all the time!" Sarcasm was dripping in her voice and I just chuckled shaking my head.

"Oops looks like I messed up big this time!"

"Damn right brother!" Her tone held finality.

"Well I didn't called you only for that but to tell you as you know that HANNAN INDUSTRIES is celebrating its CENTENARY jubilee grandpa had asked you to arrive prior to the event and strictly told you to take a break and you will spend atleast a week with us!" She told I can already imagine her flicking her hijab proudly with a smug look.

"Well as you know I can't deny grandpa's order inform him that we will be there as per his request!" I told her smiling because if I didn't attend then I should be ready to face grandpa's wrath.

"I'll inform him! just so you can remember I'm still mad at you and you're not forgiven brother!" She told me and I chuckled at her antics.


"I know princess I promise I'll make it upto you you need not to worry!" I told her rolling my fountain pen in my hand. This pen is one of a kind not just because it costs $1.4 M and its the most expensive pen on the planet Crafted from pure platinum, encrusted with 1,919 De Beers diamonds (that’s more than 30 carats), and topped with an 18-karat gold nib and only one of the pen is available for purchase every year. Just ONE.

But because it was an important gift from my grandpa when I cracked a deal and made my first ever $10 billion few years back. I don't use it much but for certain occasions its an exception like I signed the deal with Tristan making another set of billions.

I'm not bragging about my achievements but showing gratitude to my lord for his blessings on me!

"Sir your next meeting starts in 5!" Ayan interrupted and I nodded at him.

"I'll surely make it upto you princess see you there work calls Assalamu alaikum!" I cut the call after hearing a huff from her.

My childish princess!

After this meeting I was ready to go home to my wife, well its still awkward between us after the kiss which almost happened if the maid hadn't interrupted us.

I almost kissed her!

And I didn't even regret it even a tiny bit but I was disappointed that it didn't happen but I was angry on myself too i couldn't control myself but damn its extremely difficult for me to control myself when I'm around her.

She's too beautiful to resist!

I intened to break through the thick iron walls which she had built around her and claim her heart ruthlessly like the way I'm.

You just wait sunshine I'll claim your heart and you can't runaway from me!

And thats a yasins promise to you!

After completing my meeting which took me about an hour I was on my way to home when I bumped into aleena on the hallway.

"OMG zaam its been so long since we met!" She gushed rushing towards me even before i can comprehend what was happening she hugged me tight in a bone crushing hug i was caught off guard at the moment my eyes widened in shock.

"I've missed you so much!" Her voice broke my trance like state that I came back to my senses and immediately pulled off from her she looked shocked that I broke the hug "You can't hug me aleena I'm a married man and we both know its not permissible!" I told her calmly my fist tightening with every word I spoke.

"Oh come on zaamin you're so old fashioned! It's common now a days to greet with a hug!" She told winking at me completely disregarding what I just said.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath to calm my senses, she wasn't like this then what happened to her?

"I don't know about how you much you take our principles seriously but I'm very serious about it! so do not hug me ever!" I told her firmly and she just scoffed rolling her eyes.

"Is it because of her isn't it? I don't know what you've ever saw in her and she also has a son! so old!" She said with acid tone and the way she degraded aala made my blood boil.


"Dare say another word about my wife and you'll face my wrath thank allah that you're my cousin and you are a girl otherwise I don't know what I would've done to you and for your question what I saw in her? She's everything which you can never be and I'm so lucky to have her in my life!" I told her controlling the rage which was brewing inside me.

Talk s**t about me I don't care but say anything about my loved ones I will be the first person to lose my calm and she has no rights to insult my sunshine!

Her face paled hearing my reply this was the first time she saw me getting angry and I hope she won't forget her lesson to never mess with my love life I don't even know whats gotten into her lately she was never like this before.

I turned hot on my heels and stormed towards my room only my sunshine will be able to calm me down.

I loosened my tie as I unbuttoned my upper two buttons and opened the door a smile was plastered on my face seeing aala standing beside the shelf but my smile faded when she suddenly lost her balance "Aalaaa!" I ran and catched her before she can hit the ground.

I pulled her to my chest as she lay unconscious in my arms, I tapped her cheek trying to wake her up but she was burning, I cursed under my breath as I scooped her in my arms and made her lay on the bed "aala sunshine wake up!" But she wasn't responding.

I immediately called the doctor and yelled for a maid she immediately came and handed me water, I sprinkled it on her face she blinked her eyes and opened it slowly "thank God you're ok you scared me sunshine!" I told her heaving a breath of relief i placed my forehead on hers, I was so scared for a moment i didn't know how to even explain it.

"Z-zaam!" She started weakly but I shushed her removing her hijab which was wet because of the water I sprinkled on her face " its ok darling take it easy you're burning up the doctor is on her way she'll just check you up take rest I'm here now!" I told her rubbing her cheek smiling at her she nodded smiling weakly I tucked her inside the duvet and kissed her forehead as she closed her eyes exhaustion taking over her.

"Daddy!" Zains chirpy voice made me turn to him as he ran and jumped on my awaiting arms "sssh my little man mama is sleeping she's sick so let her take rest!" I told him in a hushed tone.

"Mwama is shick?" He questioned like he couldn't believe it and looked at her direction with worried eyes and I smiled looking at his concerned face.

He's surely a mama's boy!

"Dont worry zain mama is going to be fine the doctor will give her medicine you just need to be good boy and shouldn't trouble your mama so she can become fit again!" I told him tickling his tummy to which he nodded smiling and squirming in my hold.

He bent and placed a kiss on her forehead "I love you mama!" He said in a hushed tone and I smiled seeing his sweet gestures.

"Elena its time for zains smoothie please take him with you until the doctor checks her! be a good boy zainu will ya?" I asked he nodded as I kissed his cheek and Elena took her from my arms as they both made their way towards the kitchen.

He's grown attached to Elena being her part time nanny, he doesn't usually mingle with strangers but she had made him her tiny best friend to which I was glad.

"Young master the doctor is here!" I heard Oliver's voice through the intercom as I opened the door of our room and the doctor greeted me with a smile.

She checked Aala's temperature and she had high fever 102°C the doctor prescribed her the required medicines for cold and fever but she said its nothing to worry too much just asked her to take lots of fluid in her diet and to take plenty of rest.

Oliver helped her way out as I thanked her politely she was our family doctor in her late fifties, she was a sweet person.

I sat beside her and caressed her cheek, she looked so pale "you need to eat something sunshine then you have to take your pills!" I told her softly but she shook her head like a child in no.

I chuckled seeing her childish reactions, the maids rolled the food trolley consisting a bowl of spinach soup with freshly baked sliced baugette and a glass of water.

"I don't w-want to eat!" She told her voice was hoarse and stuffy nose didn't helped her situation, I removed my jacket then rolled my sleeves, I made her sit on the bed and placed pillows behind her back for comfort.

I spooned the soup and blew it to make it to a desirable temperature so she can eat with ease "Open your mouth !" I asked holding the spoon but she refused and she knows I'm stubborn than her.

I didn't let her until she finished the whole soup and a slice of baguette so that she can have her pill after giving her medicine I made her lay on bed as I half laid beside her caressing her head and she sighed softly liking my gesture which encouraged me to do more.

After sometime her eyes began to droop as she snuggled into me she was shivering but her temperature was still high and my body heat served as a source of comfort my heart beat stilled for a minute when she wrapped her hand around my waist and snuggled into my chest seeking comfort.

That little gesture erupted some kind of warmth inside my heart that I couldn't explain it made so happy a full blown smile was plastered on my face that I couldn't wipe off no matter what i kissed her forehead affectionately and kept it lingering there for a moment and in that moment I knew

I was falling for her head over heels with no going back!



An update! How was the chapter guys?

Terribly sorry for the late update but my practical exams just got over!


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See you soon sweethearts

-love Noha

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