
Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu lovelies..

I request my precious readers to pray their Salah if they haven't prayed yet before reading this chappy.


Zaamin's pov:

We were waiting outside the doctors cabin, zain looked nervous as hell but he was masking his fears well because he was about to get his shot.

It was a general checkup screening for him to asses his growth and development also he was due to get his immunization shots.

"Zain yasin" the nurse called out as we looked up to the nurse calling us as the doctor was free to check him up.

Aala took hold of his hand as I held the other and we walked inside his cabin as my family doctor smiled seeing me.

"Hello son, its been so long since we met!" He told as I shook his hand with mine in a firm grip as I smiled at the old man.

"I'm good Dr. Hendricks How about you ?" I asked as we both sat on our respective seats.

"Apart from growing old im fine!" He joked as I smiled at his comment.

"Well let me introduce you to my wife, sunshine he is our family doctor Richard Hendricks and doc she's is my wife and our son zain!" I told him as he smiled at me.

"Congratulations to the both of you on your wedding!" He Congratulated us and aala mumbled a small thank you.

"Well hello there little man! I'm your doctor now can we start our screening ?" He asked Zain with gentle tone and he nodded his head pouting.

"Its going to be ok zain!" Aala reassured him as he nodded and the doctor started his check up with checking his weight, measuring his height an eye exam, teeth exam, listening to the heart and lungs, and paying attention to speech and language development.

It took us an whole hour when at last he got his shot as he fisted my shirt in fear "its almost done baby don't cry!" Aala cooed when he was finished getting two shots.

"Mwamma it hurt!" He cried as his azure blue orbs was dripping with tears and my heart pained seeing him cry.

"There you go little man its done!" The doctor patted his head and I scooped him in my arms patting his back, aala kissed his forehead as he sniffed silently.

"His reports are all normal he's a healthy kid but needs all the essential nutrients for proper growth and keep an eye on his sugar intake, he seems to have sugar rush and which tends to make him hyperactive sometimes" he told looking into his reports.


"Thank you so much doc!" He nodded at me as we left his cabin. I held aalas hand in mine as we were passing through the huge lobby of the best multispeciality hospital in the whole New York.

When we reached the parking lot, our driver opened the door as i buckled zain in his booster seat, when i straightened out and held aalas hand to help her enter the car My move came to an halt when I saw who was standing in front of me, red filled my haze as I looked at him with the deadliest stare I could muster, the person whom I loathed he stood there with a shocked face which soon turned into an emotionless face.

I didn't knew I was tightening my hold until my sunshine hissed in pain, I immediately loosened my hold and looked at her apologetically to which she seemed confused to see my reddened face of what had made me so angry.

"Well..well.. its not the infamous yasin heir!" He smirked an evil one which made my blood boil, just staring at him brought the horrendous memories back to mind which I so desperately wanted to forget which I knew was impossible but yet fate decided to play a cruel joke on me when it made me bump into him.

"And who this lady might be one of your new conquest perhaps!" He mocked eyeing aala up and down though she was covered from head to toe, I gritted my teeth so hard that I thought it will break .

"Back off Noah! If you valued your life, I don't want to waste my time on useless beings like you!" I gritted out and he laughed an humorless laugh.

"Or what? What will you do? Kill me like you killed her ?" His voice was mocking yet fuelled by anger.

"Zaamin?" Aala tightened her hold on my hand to calm me as I was about to burst any moment but I didn't missed the shock which registered on her eyes.

She'll think of me as a murderer!

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath to clear my head and looked at him emotionless eyes.

"Think whatever you want, I do not care!" I seethed in a deadly tone "Once a coward will ways be coward!" His tone held the deep mocking which made ticked me off in a wrong way.

Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “”

Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 5763, Ṣaḥīḥ

Muslim 2609

Grade: Muttafaqun Alayhi (authenticity agreed upon) according to Al-Bukhari and Muslim

I controlled the urge to use my kickboxing skills on him and reminded to stay sane "Your perspective about me doesn't mean anything to me!" With that I slid beside aala on the seat and the driver took off leaving him standing there.


My mind began to replay the things which I so badly wanted to forget making me restless.

The whole ride to home was filled with tension, it was suffocating after the gruesome ride when we reached our mansion i took Zain out who was asleep heavily and walked towards our wing.

I secured him under the blanket and kissed his forehead, I entered the gym and stripped out of my suit and took my boxing wraps tightening it around my palm and started my brutal attack on the punching bag.

By the time I was drenched in sweat and knuckles bruised to the point it was seeping out blood, I came back to reality.

I was breathing hard as pain surged throughout my whole body but still it felt nothing compared to the pain in my heart.

"Hurting yourself will not make the pain go away nor the memories!" Came a voice as I looked up to see aala walking towards my dishelved form, she took my hands and examined it with worried face.

"Agreed but when you don't have any option left you just get used to it!" I said looking away from her eyes which has the ability to see right through my soul.

"But here I'm! for you, aren't I?" Her statement seemed to shock the both of us but a strange kind of warmth spread through my chest just listening to her words.

I'm here for you!

When was the last time someone consoled me that they are here for me? It made me almost teary eyed.

It felt so good!

I gulped the sudden lump which seemed to form on my throat as I exhaled a heavy sigh "let me clean your hands then you take a shower alright ?" She questioned with hesitation and I nodded at her.

I was trying to normalize my heavy breathing by taking deep breaths as sweat dripped from my hair. She made me settle on the couch as she hurriedly went inside the washroom to get the first aid kit.

I hissed in pain memtally when the antiseptic liquid burned my fresh wound, she was treating my hand with so much concern and care that made me forget my pain by just gazing at her worried face.

She's achingly beautiful even without trying in a loosely wrapped hijab around her head as her dark brown locks threatened to break free any minute but she took no care of it at the moment as her whole concentration was on me.

What she'll be thinking of me?

Aala's pov :

I bandaged his wounded hands ever so carefully as not to cause him more pain though he was masking it very well.

My mind was in chaos, I was confused as hell who was that man and why he said like that about zaamin?

I didn't judge him when I don't even the knew the whole story or whats the score between them. From their exchange of heated words I knew this much that their history is not something which involves peace.

He had that faraway look on his face which made me worried I never had seen him this much distant or getting lost in his thoughts so often.

When I opened the drawer to put the kit inside I found a photo frame kept upside down on the far end of the wide mahagony drawer.

I took it out carefully and my eyes widened when I saw who it was a very beautiful girl who seemed to be in her early twenties was mounted on zaamins back as he carried her effortlessly, her jaw was placed on his shoulder blade as they both laughed. It was a candid pic for sure as it seemed to be taken when he was giving her a piggyback ride and they both looked so happy.

The striking part of her features was her striking light green eyes which accurately mirrored mine left me in shock and awe.

They both looked young and carefree, it seemed to be a photo of few years back I didn't understood how I felt after seeing him with a girl being so happy.

If I was not in his life maybe he would've found someone who will make him happy ?

"What are you doing ?" His sudden voice startled me as it made the photo frame almost drop on the ground but I catched it lightening fast as I heaved relived sigh.

He noticed the frame on my hand and his brows creased, he took it from me before I can say sorry to invade his privacy but my curious self couldn't help.

His confused face suddenly morphed with extreme sadness which tugged something inside my heart feeling his distress. He smiled sadly caressing the picture in his hands like trying to feel that moment.

I knew that feeling since I've been there so many times I couldn't even count.

"I think it's time I tell you about my past!" His voice reflected the pain he experienced, his lucid eyes explained the inner agony he was going through.

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