
I request my precious readers to pray their Salah if they haven't prayed yet before reading this chappy..

I thought to spice things up hope you like it ;)


I kept scribbling on my drawing book as I looked up to check on zain time to time who was riding his Lamborghini in his playroom happily and smiled seeing his merry mood.

"Mama i nweed ice crweam!" Zain pouted coming near me

Here we go again!

"No baby you already had lots of it yesterday and you'll catch cold!" I told him shaking my head.

"Pwease mommy... just one last time, i want icy!" He pouted even more while on the verge of crying he and his love for ice cream will never end.

"Just this one last time and no chocolates for the rest of day ok ?" I asked, he thought for some seconds and nodded his head in yes but still pouting.

I buzzed the intercom which was implanted on the wall "Elena can you please bring a bowl of strawberry ice cream for zain!"

"Sure madame just coming right now!" She answered back and zain nodded grinning.

"Ice cweam...icy....ice cweam!" He sing sang in a funny voice which made me chuckle seeing his antics.

Then I switched my charcoal pencil two shades darker to define the outline of the pearl and ruby embedded necklace.

Detailing is the key to make any jewelry an antique piece, its what makes your piece different from others not many notice the details but it is what makes a huge impact.

I smiled seeing my completed work, my hand was dirty from using the charcoal and graphite pencils I entered the washroom and washed my hands squeaky clean.

When I re-entered the room I was shocked to see zaamin flipping the pages of my drawing book with kneen concentration while sitting on the loveseat.

I was wondering how he arrived this early was not he supposed be in office, it was just past lunch time.

"When did you arrive?" I asked as he looked up to see me standing in front of him.

"Just ten minutes before sunshine and I asked lia to set up the table as she said you also didn't had lunch yet!" He told standing still looking at my book.

"Can I have my book back?" I asked him in hesitation, he nodded his head in no with a smirk on his face.

"And how about NO, I feel so wounded sunshine you didn't thought to tell me that how amazing of an artist my wife is!"

I looked at him not knowing how to answer him, I usually get uncomfortable when someone praises me "it's...I just draw when I'm feeling bored zaamin, it's not that good!" I shrugged and he raised a brow at my answer.

"It's not that good? Are you kidding me sunshine?" He asked in disbelief like that was the most absurd thing he have heard.


"I'm not!" I told him normally whats their to kid around its just my drawings thats it, whats there to brag whether if its good or great? That doesn't matter to me.

"You're unbelievable but never mind! You my sunshine You can be the cheif jewllery designer of yasin diamonds! You're filled with incredible talent just wait until eva sees these designs she's going to squeal aloud in joy!" He told flipping the pages back and forth.

"What? Me? And who is eva? " I asked in shock, he looked at me as in I was for real?

He kept the book on the table and held me by arms in a soft grip "these designs are incredible sunshine worth millions and eva.. evalinge Williams is our chief designer in believe it or not I'm not going to miss a huge chance to bring your work to spotlight! Will you allow me?" He asked smiling at me, I was gombsmacked and at loss of words, woah its not getting too fast he really is something else.

"B-but I'm not sure about it! I'm not even a pro designer?" I told him looking down not sure about it and to avoid seeing his expression, he held my chin with his thumb and forefinger and lifted my face gently, I didn't noticed how close we had gotten until his face was just mere inches away from me, his baby blue eyes looking at me in adoration and assurance.

"But I'm hundred percent sure about it, will you do it for me, will you give it a chance? " He asked with eager eyes and I gulped inaudibly.

Asfa was right he can be very persuasive when he wants to be..

I searched his eyes to see if he was sugarcoating things for me to say yes but I found only truth and adoration, I slowly nodded my head "ok I'll give it a try!" And that was enough for him to hear from me as his eyes lighten up and a huge smile crept on his face.

"You don't know how happy I'm right now sunshine, thank you so much for trusting me!" He caressed my right cheek with the pad of his thumb.

"You look so beautiful!" His voice turned husky which made my cheeks to redden several shades deep his gaze held me captive in it no words were exchanged between us yet our eyes spoke millions.

Like a spell was casted on us the moment seemed to still as he leaned his head down before I can comprehend his lips were planted on my cheek so gentle yet electrifying that a gasp escaped my lips and eyes widening as saucers.

I closed my eyes just feeling my heart beat to go hay wire on our close proximity not believing the fact that he is kissing my cheek and i was too shocked to move literally frozen in my spot.


He pulled back immediately once the reality sank in knowing that he had crossed his boundaries and the air around us suddenly got awkward, we both looked here and there but each other then he cleared his throat "come on sunshine the foods getting cold!" He added as he dragged me holding my hand towards the round table which was set for two with foods and drinks.

"Daddy look what I mwade?" Zain asked him with eager eyes as he showed the card which he was making from the morning, he was already seated in one of the chairs in the balcony overlooking the lush garden.

"Woah champ is that a present for me?" He sat on the chair as he pulled zain on his lap and I sat beside him on another chair.

"Yesh..yesh I mwade it for you!" He grinned boyishly as zaamin chuckled at his excitement, he opened the red card which held a painting in it with three figures holding hands which refers to me,zain and zaamin a small hut surrounded by grass with a sun shining in bright yellow color and a few clouds here and there and a palm tree planted beside the hut.

It was a basic drawing any kid around his age would draw and he was no exception I'm amazed to tell that he's a great artist even in a small age the uniqueness of this painting was that it was not any normal warer color or oil painting but thumb painting he drew all the figures using his thumb print dipping in different colors.

My little artist!

"Its..just wow masha allah champ!" Zaamin seemed to be at loss of words so was I "you my little man, you took after your mother huh? I'm so proud of you!" He kissed his chubby cheeks to which he giggled.

I spooned the dishes on our plate as I watched them discuss about the present he gave him, zaamin was truly surprised.

"How come you're so early today?" I asked to lessen the awkwardness, I still can't believe he kissed me and I was caught off guard, I don't know how I felt about that but one thing was sure that I was not ready for anything other than to offer friendship to him.

Its too much to handle for my messed up brain!

"I was tired from the continous works and I had no important meeting so I decided to take a break!" He told wiping zains mouth which was coated with strawberry ice cream.

I nodded as he made small talks about how his day went "I had a luncheon with the CEO of a designer company, he's a great man to work with but it wasn't a halal restaurant so I just had salad and you know what the amazing part was ?" He asked chuckling like he was enjoying a private joke.

I was utterly clueless "what?" My voice held the clear confusion.

"I got a marriage proposal today and you should've seen his face his reaction was priceless when he came to know that I was already married to an amazing woman and the happiest being alive on the earth!" He told chuckling aloud shoving a morsel of rice with Alfredo chicken in his mouth.

My eyes widened at the news gaped at him that was unexpected and I don't know why I didn't find it amusing at all not even a bit.

Happiest being alive ?

Do I even make him smile let alone happy? We both know the answer then why he's saying he's happy being married to me.

It only adds to my guilt list of how much I don't deserve him and how kind hearted he's, my eyes casted down in shame as tears seemed to brim my eyes.

Why am i so pathetic?

Its a never ending cycle of my constant struggle i can't seem to move on from my past then how can I make a future with him?

The sudden change in my mood didn't go unnoticed by him when he held my hand rubbed it soothingly "Are you ok sunshine ?" His concerned filled voice making my stomach twist in regret.

He deserves someone better than me !

I don't know i was crying silently until he wiped my tears and was kneeling in front of me holding my face in his palms.

"D-don't be so kind to me! It m-makes me feel g-guilty!" My voice cracked and I was a stutering mess.

He opened his mouth to protest but I didn't let him "Don't defend my a-actions no i don't make you happy you're stuck in a marriage with me! you deserve so much b-better you deserve the world but I couldn't seem to understand myself these days.. p-please don't be so gentle and kind it only makes me hate myself more for treating you so awfully a good person like you don't deserve a mess!" I choked on my voice while hiccuping in between I removed his hands and ran out of the balcony and locked myself in the washroom while crying.

Why I always end up hurting him when he's only helping me!


I'm a coward! A big coward!



An update! How was the chapter guys ?

I can't seem to thank you enough for your sweet messages and support you've shown me❤

I feel blessed to have you guys in my life a big jazakallah for all your prayers

Don't forget to vote, comment and share!

See you soon sweethearts

-love Noha

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