
Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu..

I request my precious readers to pray their Salah if they haven't prayed yet before reading this chappy...


Aala's pov:

"Mama... I nweed cake strawbwerry cwake!" My little munchkin demanded banging his fist on the marble kitchen counter while he sat on the bar stool.

"Yes my handsome little man your wish is our command, cake coming right up!" The head cook lia an elderly woman told him kissing his cheek.

He has all the ladies wrapped around his pinky fingers my charming munchkin! Since the time we have arrived in this mansion all the maids and cooks were fond of him.

"No cake anymore to you, You're spoiling him lia, its his third cake slice since morning!" I contradicted and zain pouted hearing a no from me, his puppy dog eyes already melting my fake anger.

"Pwease mommy!" He pouted again battling his lashes for an added extra effort to make me succumb to his demands.

Sly boy!

"Awwwei.... he looks so cute! I want to squish those chubby cheeks!" Another young cook gushed while his puppy eyes narrowed instantly "I'm not cwute I'm handsome!" He told them with anger then instantly turned to look at me to continue his pleadings for having that delicious strawberry delight.

Everyone laughed seeing his cute antics as I finally nodded at lia to give him his request as she placed the pastry in front of him.

"So whats cooking for dinner?" I asked wrapping the apron around my waist as I loved helping them to prepare the dinner.

Event though there are 25 cooks to prepare meals, I still loved helping them, I get bored all day not doing anything and cooking is my hobby!

"We're making a lot of things as usual but as per young masters liking you can prepare his favorite mac and cheese with extra addition of oregano and dil, he loves herbs in his dish!" Lia told as Oliver the head butler entered the kitchen who happened to be the loving husband of lia both working for this family from their young age.

"Master's ususal please and he wants Darjeeling tea not the chamomile one!" He told the younger cooks who nodded at him and eagerly put everything in a wooden tray which consisted a bowl of greens creamy soup with a loaf of multigrain baguette cut into perfect pieces, his tables with warm water and his tea placed neatly with his cutleries and paper towels folded to perfection.

Oliver took the tray of food to his study where he spends most of the time.

"How many times do I have to repeat it to you guys that I want my dinner to be exact at 7:00 pm not even a minute late and who the hell made my dinner today didn't you know I don't eat gluten, if you do it one more time I'll ask aunt to throw you out of this mansion!" Aleena screamed coming into the kitchen as all the maids straightened and bowed down their head in fear.


She wore a tight red bodycon dress which hugged her figure perfectly " what's the use of her beauty when the venom in her voice and anger in her eyes will make you think twice" a maid whispered to another who stood behind me.

"I-im sorry m-mam.. it was me who m-made your dinner today, please don't report it to senior madame I'll remember it!" The cook bowed in fear and she just scrunched her face in disgust looking at her "I'm in good mood today so I'm sparing your good for nothing creature to stay in this mansion!" She said acidly and on her way back she threw a foul look towards my direction then stormed off.

Lia asked everyone to continue their work and I started preparing by boiling the water for mac and grated a mix of parmesan, cheddar and mozzarella cheese.

There's nothing normal in this family, they don't have breakfast or lunch or dinner with each other on the dining table, rare to almost no interactions between each other and I have noticed how his parents behave with him even his step sister.

I don't know what happened between them or I'm not understanding the unknown whatever it's, it saddens me when they threw his efforts back on his face without acknowledgement.

Even if he tries to initiate a conversation they do not show interest or cuts him off immediately, his every effort his every try his every action gets nothing in return except rejection.

And I'm no better than them and that pains my heart immensely, am I not shutting him out too? Not recognizing the effort he puts to make me talk to him, not acknowledging the fact that I'm hurting him badly!

What did he do to deserve such a messed up and broken woman like me? Why did he not married someone who can reciprocate his feeling without hurting him further?

And this very question and guilt haunts the sleep of my night and peace of my day!

"Daddyyy!" Zain squealed breaking me from my trance like state as I looked up at him who was entering the premise of huge white marbled kitchen

All the maids and cooks went silent seeing their young master enter the kitchen while he had a lazy smile etched on his aristocratic face.

His coat long gone so as his tie and the top three buttons of his crisp grey shirt opened and his hair was no longer gelled instead it was messy like he had ran his fingers so many times yet he can put a model to shame.

Lia cleared her throat beside me and I came back to reality that I was staring at him all long, she had that mischievous smile on her face but on my defense it was an innocent observation of how worn out he looked.


Now I can't say that out loud can I?

Zain was in his arms as he fed him a spoon of his strawberry delight messing dropping some pieces on his shirt but he didn't complained instead kissed his forehead and smiled at him.

I took a wet tissue and stood infront of him to clean his shirt, while he just gave me his infamous dimpled smile which is infectious if I may add.

I cleaned his shirt while keeping my gaze on my hands while he listened to zains blabbering of what he did today and how many pastries he had.

"I bought a gift for my little man!" He told him winking and zains eyes lit up hearing it "Rweally?" He asked with widened eyes.

"Yes and its in the front yard but we'll see after we finish our dinner alright!" He told him grinning and zain pouted but nodded anyway.

He placed zain back on his seat who resumed to eat his pastry and he rounded the island and stood behind me while I was layering the cheese and macroni on the casserole baking dish.

"smells nice!" He told sniffing and I gave him a tiny smile "it's your favorite after all!" I told him and he nodded smiling when his phone rang he excused himself and went out of the kitchen premise to attend his call.

When I noticed other younger cooks looking at him with a dreamy look on their faces which made me I don't know feel a tiny something which I couldn't understand.

After lia put it in the oven I washed my hands and dried it with a hand towel, I took Zain to clean him up and he followed us to our room still talking in his phone and took a file from his study cabinet.

While I cleaned zain who was talking non-stop of how good the pastry tasted the maids arranged the table in our balcony for our dinner where we usually dine at night.

The maids brought the trolley of food soon and I thanked them with a polite smile then began to arrange it on round table with cutleries and drinks.

"I'm so hungry and It looks delicious!" I looked at him and he had changed then he pulled out a chair for me like usual and I fake glared at him while he pouted at me like a child.

I hate when someone does things for me which I'm capable of doing it chivalrous or not "its delicious wifey! I loved it!" He told grinning while eating the food and a smile made it on my face.

We made small talks while eating dinner and he made sure zain didn't ruined his outfit after our dinner zain was eager to see his gift and I just hoped it's not what I think it would be.

"Ready! My little man?" He questioned while he nodded his head grinning in yes!

He held my hand as we walked and climbed down the stairs "you shouldn't open your eyes till I say so! No cheating ok ?" He questioned an eager zain "okie dokie!" He told closing his eyes with both hands and the cold air welcomed us as we reached the porch of the mansion.

And my assumption was right "now you can see my boy!" He told and zain squealed in excitement "Eeeeee...thank you daddy!" He kissed his cheeks and then zaamin dropped him as he rushed to see his new found toy.

There stood a freaking ride on battery electric car in his favourite black color with his name imprinted on the personalized number plate.

"Seriously... zaamin you had already bought a room full of toys and made a huge playroom for him to play, just few days ago you bought him an atv and now this!" I asked keeping both hands on my hips with an arched brow glaring at him but he just grinned boyishly at me.

"Can't help it when it comes to his smile and my boy only deserves the best!" He told flicking my nose with his forefinger playfully and I rolled my eyes at him as a smile betrayed my face.

"You're spoiling him too much! No more toys for an entire year!" I told him firmly and he scrunched his face not liking what he his hearing from me.

"No promise there sunshine But a man can try!" He winked at me playfully and I shook my head in resignation he's worst than humza when it comes to spoiling zain.

"You're impossible!" I huffed but he just pulled me close to him by my waist and a gasp left my lips at the sudden closeness.

"And you're irresistible when you become angry with that cute face!" He told me grinning and my eyes widened at his compliment.

"Weee-heee!" Zain squealed riding his new car and we both smiled seeing how happy he looked.

If they're happy I'm happy!



An update! How was the chapter guys ?

The moment when you realize your exam are almost over💃🏻🥳

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See you soon sweethearts!

-love Noha

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