
Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu lovelies..

I request my precious readers to pray their Salah if they haven't prayed yet before reading this chappy..


Aala's pov:

"Where's my lovely wife hiding is she still angry at me?" Came his voice startling me as jumped in fear.

"Are you crazy you just scared the heck out of me!" I hissed at him still trying to calm my erratic beating heart as he chuckled guiltily.

"Sorry love but I didn't thought you'll jump in your place!" He started laughing like a maniac to which I just huffed.

He's impossible!

"You know what I'm way more mad at you then I was before!" I told giving him a sickeningly sweet smile which instantly sobered him up as his eyes widened in alarm.

"Please forgive me my lovely, sweet, cute and caring wifey, I'm sorry!" He held his both ears pouting at me.

I smiled internally at how cute he looked but kept my poker face not giving away anything, actually I was mad at him for missing our dinner date where we were supposed to celebrate our first wedding anniversary prior a week of the actual date because he needs to fly to Nigeria sadly for an important business deal.

But this mister couldn't make it, I was so excited and happy to break him the news of him becoming a father but I was sad, disappointed and hurt that I bawled my eyes out in the corner of a room.

I didn't talked to him the next entire day where he practically did everything so that I should forgive him and my anger completely vanished when I came to knew he helped an injured and bleeding pregnant couple to get into an hospital because of an accident the couple faced on their way, where no one was available to help them.

He didn't ditched our date purposely and here I thought he was busy in his company, I felt so guilty to make judgments about him.

"No need to ask for forgiveness when you didn't do it on purpose, I'm sorry for not listening your side earlier!" I told him pouting as I embraced him in a tight hug.

He instantly wrapped his arms around my waist as he sighed and nuzzled his nose on my neck which made me giggle lightly "it was not your fault you were already so excited about our dinner and me being not by your side on our first anniversary didn't helped your situation!" He justified my action and I just shook my head,

He's impossible!

"Well I'm sad though, you'll be not by my side on our special day!" I pouted burying my face in his chest further trying to dissapear in him.

"Well....you know my wife can't resist being without me..so being the loving husband which I'm, i decided why not celebrate our anniversary on the Caribbean sand!" He told smiling as I shrieked in excitement.

"Really... I'm so happy oh my God, I love you so much dani!" I hugged him even tighter if it was even possible.

"I love you more my love! my favorite girl in the entire world" he twirled me where we both laughed in happiness.

My eyes jerked opened as I sat on the bed drenched in sweat, my heart beat was beating so fast that I tried to inhale as much as oxygen I can to calm my erratic heartbeat.


I clutched my head with my both hands as silent tears seemed to escape from my eyes.

The ache in my heart rose an octave when all the incidents of the past became to hit me in full force making breathing a difficult task for me.

I miss you dani! Why did you leave me? I cried not being able to control myself.

"Aal.. are you alright oh my why are you crying ?" Zaamin rushed to my side as he sat on the bed and cupped my face, his face held so much concern that just made me cry harder.

"I--i- d-ream h-he!" I was a stuttering mess not even being able to form a sentence or control the shake in my voice!

"Hush... just try to calm don't talk, it's OK just close your eyes and try to breath normally!" He rubbed my back in an encouraging manner as he wiped tears from my face.

"You're ok! I'm here just try to relax!" His voice held that soothing power which was enough to calm my wracking nerves.

"Here.. drink this you'll feel better!" He handed me a glass of water as I drank it with shaky hands.

"T-thank you!" I told him looking down not being able to wrap my mind around anything.

"Let's go for a walk! It always help to calm yourself!" He tugged my hand as he was already wearing his sweats and hoodie for an early morning run.

He didn't give me a chance to decline his offer as he took his another hoodie from the walk in closet and offered it to me.

I stood up from the bed and fixed my hair as I wore his hoodie on top of my over-sized pjs and slipped on my running shoes being silent all the time.

It was past six am in the morning as the sky became to brighten with every passing minute, i had just slept after praying fajr but woke up due to my dream, the atmosphere was chilly yet giving it a serene look which helped to calm my racing mind.

He and I walked side by side on the huge lush green garden which was filled with various types of shurbs, flowers and trees.

The early morning air held a whiff of the raw smell of plants with the mesmerizing scent of roses, a combination which will make you feel alive.

"You want to talk about it? " He broke the uncomfortable silence which made me nod my head in no.

How could I tell him that I had a replay of my past which no longer exists?

He nodded in understanding "you know sunshine? this is the area where we used to play when we were kids?" He told me when we reached the play area which was made for children's to play.

It had multiple swings to see-saw to slides and various rides all in all it was a mini park for the children's to play around happily.

"Really?" I asked as I touched the swing which seemed it has been remodeled.

"Yes you don't have an idea how crazy we were to play outside, the crazy pranks and jokes we pull on each other still makes me laugh !" He told me smiling as his dimple popped on his left cheek.


"Safwa hated when someone tricks her just to get seated on her swing which was made specifically for her! But Imad always loves to annoy his twin!" He told as I chuckled lightly, i can already imagine a pouting safwa glaring at imad.

"Laila mama was the only one who was able to control imad, he was the naughtiest among us all!" He told cherishing the moment, he had a faraway look on his face but the longing cannot be missed.

"Do you miss her?" I asked knowing the obvious but still wanting to hear his thoughts.

"More than anything!" He told looking down on the ground, his face was morphed with sadness which made me sad too.

I walked towards him and took his hand lightly squeezing it, like he'll do whenever I was upset he was shocked because it was the first time I held his hand even for the sake of comforting him. I don't know what made me do that but seeing him in distress didn't set well with me.

"She.. she was my best friend I was her first baby boy and Omar dad didn't loved me any less as you know they were my foster parents as my mum couldn't breastfed me when I was a child because she was battling with cancer!" He told reminiscing the moment as I nodded my head.

"Being a 9 year old I was already grieving the loss of my own mother when I got the news that Laila mama and Omar dad died in an accident, that was the hardest part of my life I was not able to accept that all my loved ones left me!" He told as he looked up at the sky not letting me to see his misted eyes.

"It was so devastating To see all my siblings cry and asfa she closed herself from that moment not letting anyone in, she was grieving in her own way, a part of me knew she blamed herself and I couldn't do anything about it because my love can be stubborn sometimes and I hated every minute of it when she pushed me away!" He told his voice was filled with hurt and I swallowed hard everyone has their own battles to fight.

"After that incident my childhood life is not something that I'm fond of because my dad remarried and we don't share the same bond which we once did!" He told looking at me finally not hiding how vulnerable he was in that state.

"So Diana is your step mother and that makes aliza your step sister and not half sister? " i told and he nodded smiling sadly at me.

Now I understood why something seemed off about his family, my heart constricted knowing how difficult it had been for him losing his mom at an early age and not being able to share the same bond with his father, I can't even imagine how lonely he would've felt.

"Past is past but sadly somethings never change!" He sighed looking down and I squeezed his hand as a way to comfort him.

"True somethings doesn't change but it leaves a mark so when you look behind that will be a reminder to know how far you've come!" I told him as he nodded looking at me intensely which made me shiver under his gaze.

Zaamin's pov:

I couldn't stop the smile when she squeezed my hand in assurance that she's here for me!

For me!

Which soothed my heart like nothing ever could, I had someone to confide in to trust without having a doubt to be stabbed in the back.

The sun began to rise as it grazed us with the warm sunlight which made everything shine brightly, when the sunlight hit her jade eyes I forgot to breath .


That's the only word left my mouth.

Her eyes had the capability to make you forget everything when you gaze into it.

My jade eyed beauty!

Like my hand had a mind of its own, it began to caress her cheeks softly, the morning sunlight highlighted her carved features making me almost speechless.

The moment was so magical, like a spell was casted on me we were lost gazing at each other's eyes that I didn't know when I pulled her close to me by her waist, a gasp left her lips as i leaned down and kissed her forehead gently but filled with emotions which were hard to describe, her rose and vanilla scent filled my nostrils which always soothes and drives me crazy at the same time.

"Jazakallahu khair my lovely friend for being here for me!" I told her when she pulled back looking at me in shock because I kissed her forehead, I crossed my line here but I can't control myself when I'm near her it's like my thinking capability gets completely lost somewhere.

She's too good to resist!

Before she can say something "what's happening here? " A voice interrupted as we both turned to look at the source of voice and there stood my cousin Aleena looking baffled seeing us almost in each other's arms, my arm around aala's waist tightened as I pulled her close to me.

She looked disturbed seeing aleena as she clutched my hoodie, I can easily sense her distress.

"Nothing much aleena, we're here for a morning walk, right sunshine ?" I told her looking at my wife as aala nodded but aleenas gaze remained at aala where my hand rested on her waist.

"Last time i checked you hated when someone accompanies you in your morning run? " she questioned with raised brows, she was wearing her running outfit probably starting her morning run.

It was true I hated when someone accompanies me in my morning run because I hated being disturbed, it was the time of day which I allot for myself just being alone with my thoughts and nature it was a me time for me!

"Things change with time, for the best!" I told her still looking at my sunshine who was lost in her thoughts.

"But not all the good things last forever!" I sensed the way her tone changed into something different then she plugged the airpods in her ear and sprinted off.

She sounded bitter or so I thought ?


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