
Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu lovelies...

I request my precious readers to pray their Salah if they haven't prayed yet before reading this chappy..


I took the little ball of energy who had been passed out on my lap after playing games on my iPad nonstop which was supposed to be for sometime and walked inside the room to put him on the soft plush bed and placed pillows around him to prevent him falling off the bed just incase.

I closed the door behind me softly and a smile took over my face when I noticed aala dozed off on her seat while the magazine was left open on her lap but her brows were pulled together like she was distressed which didn't set well with me!

I sat beside her on the seat when the plane started to shake severely and I know for a fact that we were facing turbulence which was common! And my pilot announced the exact thing on speaker which I seemed to remember as he insisted we put on our seat belt!

When i turned to put on her seatbelts she was mumbling something while writhing in her seat, sweat beads were formed on her forehead then I realised she was having a bad dream.

I tapped her cheek continously while calling her name because i know shaking is the worst thing when you try to wake up a person who's having nightmares.

"Hey.. open your eyes it's just a nightmare!" I tapped her cheek again and again when she jerked opened her eyes looking around breathlessly.

Her jade eyes were filled tears and it looked so painful to watch her shake with fear "you're alright it was just a nightmare!" I told her in a soft tone but she noticed the turbulence "why is it s-shaking so much, we're going to crash! someone save u-us !" She began to scream in fear as she looked here and there as if trying to find an escape, having those nightmare and turbulence on top didn't helped her condition a bit.

I cupped her face with my both hands as she looked at me frantically "hey..hey listen to me it's nothing it's going to pass! We're safe! Just look at me!" I told her wiping her tears but she was gone too deep to understand the situation in her fear.

"Please stop this, I'm s-scared please we will crash! P-Please!" She stood up from her seat as a panic attack seem to make her way.

I immediately pulled her down as she sat on my lap with a thud " just relax, I'm with you I won't let anything happen to you! Just breath with me try to even your breathing! Aal you're strong!" I told her while she was shaking and crying in my lap, I took her hand and placed it on top of my heart "try to feel the rhythm of my breathing, follow the expansion and contraction of my chest! Just breath!" I wiped her tears which seemed to never stop.

She closed her eyes as she sucked in large breath while her body shook by not ablling to control her crying.

My heart just broke seeing her so vulnerable in my arms, she looked like a wounded dove so innocent and naive!how much she had gone through in her life just made me worried and speechless.

"Just like that aal, breathe you're ok I've got you!" I encouraged her as her breathing seemed to return to normal slowly, just in the past 4 hours she had two panic attack!


I stroked her hijab clad head as she seemed so fragile, disturbed and restless, as her breathing returned to normal she collapsed on my chest like she has no strength anymore and I wrapped my arms around her waist pulling her close to myself, holding her dearly to my life.

If something happens to her then I don't know, how I'm going to live? I continued to stroke her head in a soft manner as her eyes seemed to droop and she once again fell asleep in my arms.

I looked at her tear stricken which seemed to tug something deep in my heart and I kissed her forehead filled with emotions which felt like the most natural thing to do.

"I promise you onething today my sunshine I'll take all your pain and miseries away! I'm going to make you happy because you know? you and Zain are my happiness!" A small smile broke onto my face as I caressed her cheek softly with the back of my hand.

I just hoped she would stay asleep as we will be landing in an hour so she shouldn't have to face another attack!that would be so heartbreaking.

I was tired already but I didn't dare to sleep a wink what if she wakes up and lost her control! I kept on looking at her sleeping form like a creep.

I didn't remember how long I was staring at her ? Until..

You're behaving like a creep! My conscience mocked! I was making sure she didn't feel uncomfortable I contradicted, was it the only reason I suppose?

I just snorted like seriously? i was having an argument with my conscience!

Believe it or not i was behaving like a fool!

A lovesick fool I may add! My conscience added which I chose to ignore. I didn't knew where the time went as it was time to land I just buckled the both of us as she seemed to be still asleep thankfully.

The stewardess placed a sleeping Zain in her lap as she buckled herself and the jet landed safely on the tarmac of JFK international.

Once the door opened I stood up still holding her in my arms, she seemed so tired "welcome back sir! And congratulations on your wedding, The ride's ready!" Ayan my secretary informed with a smile on his face.

"Hey there little boy, you seem so cute!" Ayan gushed like a girl and Zain pouted who just woke up "I'm not cwute!" Was the one thing he said groggily to which the stewardess and he laughed while I gestured to keep their voice low and they did.

We settled on the awaiting sleek black SUV as our trusted driver drove us to the mansion and Zain seemed to be amused seeing the views outside the window to see a new environment.

He looks so cute though!

Aala's pov :

A jump made me hit and press against something soft yet hard which made my brows to pull together as it didn't made any sense to me!

I opened my eyes in an instant and I tilted my head to see where I was and what was the noise, then he looked down at me and smiled "how are you feeling now ?" he asked in a soft voice as I pulled away to only realize I was seated on his lap while I had been asleep in his arms the entire time!

I instantly moved away from his lap and sat on the seat next to him as I kept my gaze down not being able to come in terms about how I ended up in a situation like this?


The last thing I remembered was dozing off on the jet while reading a magazine! My head was throbbing so much that made me wince "where are w-we and why I was in your l-lap?" I asked but my voice was barely audible with stuttering as I looked around to see that we were on the road far from the civilization.

"Take it easy on you, don't stress yourself! We've landed just a while ago and we're on our way to mansion! And you had a panic attack due to turbulence and passed out! I didn't wanted to disturb your sleep as you looked tired so I carried you without your permission for which I'm sorry!" He told me in a soft tone as I looked at him in shock was my panic attack getting worse? I gulped.

I just nodded at him not knowing how to respond to him avoiding his gaze, which always seemed to see right through my soul.

"Momma, are you ok?" My Zain asked me his azure orbs looking at me in concern as he tried to move from his booster seat.

"I'm okay my boy!" I told him as I stroked his cheek, my little munchkin!

"Your momma is going to be better when she will take proper rest!" He told him while looking at me.

"We're here!" The driver announced as I looked up to see two huge black iron gates being opened by the security guards.

Our car easily surpassed the security as it entered the huge U shaped driveway in which the centre and the borders were filled with trimmed shrubs and hedge plants giving it a view of lush driveway.

After a ride of 5 minutes the main mansion came into a view, the car stopped in front of the mansion as zaamin stepped out first then he held out a hand for me to take and I looked at him in hesitation.

He smiled softly while gestured to take his hands which I did after a minute of hesitancy, he held my hands tight in his grip and the driver removed Zain from his booster seat and Zain instantly jumped in his arms giggling while he placed a kiss on his cheek.

The mansion was two storied which stood magnificently with a vintage look as it screamed sheer opulence and wealth surrounded by lush green lawn and an overlooking swimming pool and with an alfresco dining area.

"Shall we?" He asked as I looked at him and nodded, we entered the mansion as the double doors were opened by the two uniformed maids who looked like they were in their late fifties.

"Welcome back home, young master!" They both greeted with a smile and their eyes held curiosity in them as they seemed eager to know why he is holding my hand with a child in his arms.

"Thank you ladies but how many times do i have to remind you to call me by my name and meet my wife aala and my son zain!" He told them with a smile as their eyes widened in shock as they looked at us but a smile made it's way.

"Congratulations! Young master and madame!" They said and zaamin rolled his eyes at them for not listening to him again.

"Everyone's assembled in the living room and are waiting for your arrival young master ?" One of the maid who had dark curly hair told.

"Then we shall not let them wait anymore!" He said as he began to walk in the opposite direction still not leaving my hand.

"You don't have to be afraid ok! We're going to meet my family!" He told me as we stood outside the mahogany double doors and he pushed it open, my palms began to sweat in fear.

As the double doors opened everyone's attention turned to us which made me freeze in my step under their intense gaze.

An older version of zaamin sat on the royal singlet sofa and a beautiful woman sat elegantly on the three seater sofa who was drinking something in her porcelain cup looked in our direction and the womans eye held shock while the mans seemed neutral.

"Assalamu alaikum mom and dad! How are you guys? " He broke the tension in the room as his mother seemed to come out of her daze and a readymade smile fixed on her lips.

"Walaikum salam zaamin! We're doing good!" She replied with lack of enthusiasm and her gaze was fixed on our interwined fingers.

"Well, I would like to introduce you guys to my lovely wife, mom and dad this's aala my beautiful wife and my son Zain!"

As soon as those words left his mouth, her eyes narrowed in my direction before anyone can notice she schooled her emotions as she smiled again.

And a woman knows when she's not welcomed!

"Assalamu alaikum!" I said in a soft tone without stuttering for which I was grateful.

Before anyone can reply to my greeting or can say anything, the double doors once again opened as two girls emerged wearing stylish clothes who were beautiful and their hair was perfectly done.

And a brunette who was wearing a short red dress "OMG... zaamin you arrived, I didn't knew you were coming!" The delight in her tone was very evident that she smiled and blushed at him but once she noticed me standing beside him, her smile instantly faded and a scowl was plastered in her face.

"Who is she?" She asked and irritation was laced in her voice as she gazed at our interwined fingers.

"Well... aala meet my sister aliza he pointed to a bored looking women who was seated beside her mother and this is aleena our cousin! And I would like you guys to meet my wife, aala and my son Zain!" He told her while looking at me smiling.

"Whaaat??? I-I mean when did you get married?" She asked with anger that no one can miss. her eyes narrowed in my direction like slits and she was glaring at me!

What I did to receive such a cold welcome from everyone, I don't know!everything was so confusing to me, this is not how a family works right ? from the looks of everyone's faces I gulped because...

It Looks like I've landed in trouble!



An update! How was the chapter guys?

Story is unfolding bit by bit 👀 and here comes the drama😉

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See you soon sweethearts

-love Noha

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