
Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu lovelies...

I request my precious readers to pray their Salah if they haven't prayed yet before reading this chappy...


Aala's pov:

The dreaded time had arrived the time where I leave my family to live with my newly acquainted family.

It's a tough time for every single women to leave her home where she was born, played in every corner of the house, raised by her parents with affection and love, bullying, poking, fighting with her siblings for fun, where she was the apple of the eyes of her family and pride of her father.

But no one can alter the law of nature it's how it was supposed to be, she has to leave her family to start her own!

Mama was already so emotional but she was controlling herself but tears didn't seem to stop, humza stood strong beside mama and I know he was being strong for the sake of mama and me.

But I was not ready to leave mama's embrace, I just don't want to leave!

The jet was ready to flew to New York and we were standing outside the jet on Ibrahim's private airstrip.

Our bags were already packed and settled on the plane, Asfa was holding Zain in her arms as safwa and imad having a argument of who was zains favorite!

"Mama if you cry then we'll stay here, I want you to send us off with a happy smile and not by crying your eyes out!" Zaamin told her softly as i pulled back and he held her both hands and kissed it affectionately.

"I know but I'm so happy zaam but sad at the same time, I'm so going to miss her and my munchkin!" She sniffed and he was quick to wipe her tears.

"My lovely mum whenever you'll miss us remember we're just a call away and we're going face time all the time and you're not going to miss us, I promise you we'll visit you often!" His assurance made mama smile while her eyes were glassy.

She was shorter compared to two gigantic men's standing beside her, I was gripping my abaya to calm myself as not to cry!

I'm going to miss my family!

Just the thought of being away from them scares the heck out of me! I don't know what's going to happen in future but I was so nervous and petrified.

"Are you ok?" Humza cupped my face as he looked at me with worry in his emerald eyes and I know he can see through my lie if i said i was ok.

I just hugged him tight as no words seem to escape my throat and he tightened his arms around my waist, a sob escaped my lips as I couldn't hold myself anymore.


"I'm going to miss everyone so much!" I mumbled against his chest which made him tighten his hold as he rubbed my back.

"Don't cry aal you know right I hate it when you cry, we're going to miss you too but it's a happy beginning in your life!" He kissed my hijab clad head and rubbed my back gently while I nodded still being in his embrace.

"Always remember aal no matter whatever happens your lion is always with you and I'm just a call away!" He pulled back wiping my tears with the pad of his thumb and his eyes were glassy too.

"Don't I get any hugs?" Asfa asked pouting as she looked at us which made us chuckle while crying and i opened my arms for her wide as she grinned and hugged me tight.

"I'm so going to miss you but at the same time I'm happy for you remember it aal sis, you're a gem of a person who deserves the world's happiness and allow him to take care of you both, love you sis!" She told me as she pulled back, her voice cracked at the end as silent tears were escaping from her eyes.

In the short span of eight months since we knew each other, she had become my sister in all manner, I never knew how close our bond got as the time passed.

"I love you too asfu! Take care of mama and lion and especially my upcoming little one!" I carresed her baby bump as she smiled sniffling.

Safwa hugged me tight and she was fighting with zaamin from yesterday since she came to know that we'll be leaving to New York today itself! Which also left me shocked since we just got married yesterday!

After his nth pleading, luring and making promises of endless gifts and visiting whenever she wants us, she agreed as he said she was the princess of the hannan's .

I smiled at their bond, grandpa hugged and blessed me then safwa just didn't let me out of her embrace "it's unfair big bro, you're taking her away from us to have her all to yourself, I didn't even played with Zain and you're already taking them!" She huffed and puffed and he sighed.

"It's not like that princess, theres a emergency at work otherwise I won't flew today itself, I promise to bring them back soon!" He told her as she pulled back from me and looked at him then she sighed a dramatic sigh and jumped in his arms "Ok fine you win this time but I'm going to miss you!" She mumbled against his neck as he smiled shooking his head with a soft caress in her back.

"Are you ready?" He asked as he took Zain in his arms and I was holding mama's arms with pleading eyes I don't want to go! But she smiled and tapped my cheek saying it's going to be ok.


Zain was also sad knowing his maam, avva mommy and granny is not going to come with us but he got happy humza promised to visit him as often as he can.

I reluctantly let mama's hand go as I stepped on to the iron steps which led me to the lavish interiors, I turned to see them one last time as they all had sad smiles on their faces waving at us.

Humza mouthed a I love you to me as I gave him a nod with an i love you more!My heart clenched with pain as I know I'm not going to see them every day! Zaamin squeezed my hand in a comforting manner as I sighed and entered inside.

The stewardess rushed to make us comfortable on our seats and she looked friendly with all smiles on her face.

Zaamin buckled up Zain who was grinning at us, he loves to be in plane, he loves to see the clouds unlike other kids he gets all exciting and happy to flew, he's pretty fearless compared to me.

I always fear when it comes to flying since I'm an aerophobic, I loathe heights which make me dizzy and loss my control especially when the plane takes off and lands, it is the crucial part which makes me cry in fear but I control myself sometimes.

So much for my thoughts that I didn't knew when the engine had started as the jet was ready to take off on the asphalt coated run away.

I closed my eyes tight and tried to even my breathing clutching the handle tight but my fear only worsend when I thought of being 30,000 feets above the ground.

As the jet started moving I found my hands being freed from the handle and my fingers where interwined with his which made me open my glassy eyes to see zaamin held our interwined fingers tight in assurance.

"Just look at me and try to follow my breathing! Its going to be ok, I've got you!" He squeezed my other hand gently, his baby blue eyes held me captive in his gaze which was looking at me in concern as I tried to follow his breathing pattern "In and out, in and hold your breath now exhale,.just like that!" He repeated like 6 more times where I found my breathing slowly return to normal.

"Yehey... mama lwook at the clowds! It's so cute!" Zain squealed then only I realized that the plane had already took off and was already in cruise phase, which made me sigh but my worries never ended.

"Nothing is going to happen we'll land there safely, my pilots can be trusted, I'm sorry I didn't knew you are aerophobic!" He told me with guilt but he was not at fault, he didn't knew!

"It's ok! I thought I o-overcame it but looks like I'm n-not!" I told to no one in particular looking away from his eyes which seemed to see right through my soul.

"Take it easy, it's not easy to over come when you've feared it all the time!" His voice held pain as he looked at the clouds.

"Daddy.. hwelp me to remwove this belt!" Zain whined trying to free himself from the seat belt with a pout on his face and he chuckled beside me.

He helped him ease out of his seat belt as Zain hopped out from the opposite seat which was facing us and settled on his lap.

It gets me everytime whenever Zain calls him daddy. I just try to accept it and smiled seeing his happy and excited face, he has become more chirpy and lively since he came to know zaamin is his father.

"I want to play game...Please!" He pouted showing him the puppy eyes because he know it works every single time on him but not on me.

"Just for sometime ok?" He asked taking the iPad pro from his gadgets bag which contains his macbook, iPads, earpods, cables and what not.


Though he was engaged in conversation with Zain all the time and helping him to play correctly he didn't left my hand even for once! When I tried to pull away he merely tightened his hold.

I looked at our interwined fingers which seemed to fit perfectly made me gulp as the old memories of my past seem to take over my mind.

I was not the person to easily cry but the past few days were so overwhelming that I don't know what's happening with me anymore, I have lost control over my emotions.

I wish I really wish if all this events are just a dream from which I so badly wanted to wake up and assure myself that everythings ok! But reality hit me hard every single time whenever I was in denial of things which was beyond my control!

It's just so hard for me to cope up!

Ya allah please ease my pain!


An update! How was the chapter guys ?

I'm so sorry for the late update! Just was busy with family gatherings,

got reunited with my cousins 🤗 after long time Alhamdulillah!

Don't forget to vote, comment and share!

See you soon sweethearts

- love Noha

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