
Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu..

I request my precious readers to pray their Salah if they haven't prayed yet before reading this chappy..


Zaamin's POV:

We reached Ibrahim mansion after an hour & half drive, all the while Zain was on my lap telling me how much sweets and ice creams he ate yesterday without her mamas acknowledgement.

Sly boy!

He was enthusiastic but later fell asleep on my arms as we neared the mansion, on the other hand I was filled with a little ok ok a lot of excitement and nervousness at how she's going to react to me.

Will she be happy?

That was my biggest concern but I know I have to bid my time with her, it'll not be easy for her to completley accept a man as her husband when she lost her dear one in a brutal accident.

But I'm very proud of her! Of how much she handled Allah's decree with patience and prayer without throwing a tantrum or cursing her fate like most people do.

Not to forget how she raised zain all alone without a partner by her side, playing the role of both mom and dad. She is most the selfless women I have ever seen heck we didn't even spend time with each other I'm already talking about her like I knew her from decades but it's true you don't have to be with each other all the time to know one's personality.

She has a soul of stardust!

So magical! Filled with hope, love and charismatic energy!

I don't know if I can ever compare with her previous late husband but all I know is I'm going to give her all of me and will try my best to make both of them happy till my last breath! Aameen!

As we entered the living room all the ladies were happy to see us, mama hugged me and I bent forward so she can kiss my forehead with ease, which made me to miss my own but I smiled at her.

"May allah fill your marriage with barakah, love and happiness!" She blessed me as all mumbled aameen.

Asfa and safwa both jumped on my arms giggling as I twirled them a little then hugged them both tight "congratulations bro! I can't believe you're married!" They both yelled in happiness as I chuckled at their excitement.

"Thanks my love and princess, I can't believe it too!" I said and everyone laughed.

"Go and meet her we know you're getting impatient to see her!" Asfa winked at me as I grinned at her.

My love knows me very well!

My heart was beating a little abnormally fast today but when I entered her room emotions rushed into my nerves making me overwhelm.

The room was squeaky clean with beautiful interior, it spoke class with a womanly touch.

The walls were beige in color as the marble floor was hidden with lush dusty rose carpet, a round crystal chandelier hung from the sealing illuminating the whole room. A queen size bed which was perfectly organized with various pillows as I turned around there she stood near the balcony, her back was facing me she didn't noticed my presence in the room.


A smile grazed my face as I neared her and her head shot up as she heard my footsteps but still she was facing front, I stood beside her leaving a healthy space between us so she shouldn't get intimidated.

I turned towards her and asked in my most calm voice "Assalamu alaikum wifey, how are you? "

She opened her closed eyes hearing my voice as she looked at me with her alluring jade eyes and I forgot everything just staring in her eyes "w-walaikum salam and I'm good Alhamdulillah!" She replied stutering but it was barely above a whisper.

She is scared of me!

I turned her towards me holding her shoulder in my both hands as we were face to face with each other, just like that my eyes widened and breath was knocked out of my system at how gorgeous she looked in her wedding gown as I took in her appearance.

The dress complimented her rosy skin as her makeup was kept simple and her eyes...


It can kill anybody, She was an epitome of beauty and all mine! "Beautiful!" That's the word left my mouth as I gazed at her shamelessly with a smile on my face.

She looked up at me in shock as I called her beautiful " you're gorgeous wifey, Masha allah! " I told her grinning but she remained silent but mumbled a small jazakallah.

I can easily sense the discomfort in her voice and actions and I didn't want that, I want her to be comfortable with me I don't want her to get scared of me.

"Shall we offer our nafl salah?" I asked her smiling as I extended my hand, she looked at my hand and then at me nervousness was visible in her jade orbs.

When she didn't take my hand even after sometime my smile slowly faded. I was about to withdrew my hand when she placed her trembling hand on mine hesitantly and a smile crept on my face instantly!

Stop behaving like a creep! My conscience scolded me.

I cleared my throat and walked further in the room where two musallah (prayer rugs) were already laid open on the ground holding her hand which was cold at the moment.

I made her sit on the single sofa first as she looked at me questioningly, I gave her a smile as I kept my right hand on top of her forehead where her forelocks were visible and started reading the dua in a soft voice.

اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَسْأَلُكَ خَيْرَهَا، وَخَيْرَ مَا جَبَلْتَهَا عَلَيْهِ، وَأَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنْ شَرِّهَا، وَشَرِّ مَا جَبَلْتَهَا عَلَيْهِ

Allahumma innee as'aluka khayraha, wa khayra ma jabaltaha ‛alayh, wa a‛oodhu bika min sharriha, wa sharri ma jabaltaha ‛alayh.

"O Allah, I ask You for the goodness within her and the goodness that you have made her inclined towards, and I seek refuge with You from the evil within her and the evil that you have made her inclined towards."


It was narrated from 'Abdullah bin 'Amr:

that the Prophetﷺ said: "When anyone of you gets a new wife, a servant, or an animal, let him take hold of the forelock and say: Allahumma inni as'aluka min khayriha wa khayri ma jubilat 'alaihi, wa 'audhu bika min sharriha wa sharri ma jubilat 'alaih (O Allah, I ask You for the goodness within her and the goodness that she is inclined towards, and I seek refuge with You from the evil to which she is inclined).' "

Sunan Ibn Majah

After completing the dua, I bent forward and placed a small kiss on her hijab clad head, she smelled like roses and citrus which was starting to get addicting already!

I lead the prayer and started reciting my favorite surahs in a melodious voice after completing our two unit of nafl Salah and our duhr salah I sat beside her as I started dua asking allahﷻ to make this wedding the coolness of our eyes and bless us with love and tender affection towards each other and to make us partners till and in jannah.

I took ahold of her hand as we sat in front of each other, it was time to recite surah Ar-Rahman to her to complete my mehr she remained silent all the time.

I closed my eyes as I didn't want to get distracted seeing her or collapsing lines in between due to nervousness, I started in a slow place with proper tajweed as I got lost in the meaning of the surah, the words of our creator.

فَبِأَىِّ ءَالَآءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ

"So which of the favors of your Lord would you deny?"

(QS. Ar-Rahmaan 55: Verse 13)

This sentence gave me goosebumps as actually Marrying aala was my decision which seemed impossible a year back but now she's my wife for life.

Which of the favours of my lord would I deny?

I didn't know when the 78 verses ended as I was lost in the recital, my eyes were brimmed with tears but i held them back when I opened my eyes, tears were dripping from her eyes as i wiped it immediately.

"Hey.. why are you crying wifey?" I asked in panic as i never handled a crying person before.

She just shook her head in nothing as she wiped her tears quickly "y-your recitation brought t-tears in my eyes!" She mumbled giving me a very..very tiny smile which I was grateful for, at least she smiled!

A knock was heard on the door as we both looked at the direction "I'll see!" I told and got up, opened the door to see safwa and another girl holding the food trolley filled with closed dishes for our lunch and a very smiling Zain in the girls arms.

Who jumped on seeing me " looks like my champ is awake huh?" I tickled his stomach to which he laughed loudly.

"Enjoy your lunch bro! This little munchkin was getting hyper active without seeing you guys, we couldn't hold him back anymore!" She told me laughing, I nodded chucking and carried him inside.

"Mama!" He squealed seeing her standing and she gave him a heart melting smile which blew my mind away.

"You lwook sho cute!" He gushed pulling her mothers' cheek while being in my arms as I stood next to her chuckling at his antiques.

"Thank you my baby!" She mumbled smiling at him and zains stomach let out a growl which made me laugh.

"Someone is hungry!" I tickled his stomach and he giggled "I'm sho hwungry big friend !" He told rubbing his stomach.

"Is that so...But I'm not you big friend anymore my boy!" His eyes widened in shock listening to me,

"Ywou're not my fwiend anymwore?" His azure orbs filled with tears instantly which made me guilty oh baby!

"Yes but I'm much more to you than that, why don't you ask your mama who am I?" I told him with a wink as his little brows narrowed in confusion but her eyes widened in shock!

"Mwama?" He looked at her for answers where she stood fiddling with her fingers, I let him down as he tugged her gown lightly to get her attention.

She squatted down to his level as she caressed his cheek, her eyes were glassy "He's your D-daddy baby! He's y-your father! " her voice stuttered but I was damn happy that she accepted me as her baby daddy.

His eyebrows rose an octave as he looked at me in shock and happiness "Are you rweally my dwaddy?" He questioned curiosity filling his eyes as a smile was betraying his face.

I squatted down nodding at him smiling as he engulfed me in a tight hug laughing loudly in happiness "yea... I hwve a dwaddy!" His little arms holding my neck tightly as I held this tiny human in my arms feeling content.

"Yes zain you're my son and I'm so happy too!" I told him looking directly in her eyes where she stood frozen in her spot witnessing the scene unfolding in front of her.

I promise you aal you'll be happily mine one day!

And that day doesn't seem so far!



An update! How was the chapter guys?

The journey is going to start!

Don't forget to vote, comment and share!

See you soon sweethearts

-love noha

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