
Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu lovelies...

I request my precious reader to pray their Salah if they haven't prayed yet before reading this chappy...


"Do you aala Ibrahim daughter of late wasim ibrahim accept zaamin yasin son of Nayeem yasin as your lawful husband with dollar one Crore and surah ar-Rahman as meher " The lawyer asked me.

But my mind was on entirely different place lost in my thoughts, my mind began to race hundred miles per second as i felt a deja vu moment taking place, I was once in this same position years ago.

I was so lost in my thinking that I didn't notice everyone went silent in my room until asfa squeezed my hand only then the reality dawned on me that the lawyer had asked me the question twice to which still I didn't had answered.

My palms were shaking as I intertwined it tightly and shut my eyes tightly, the smiling face of Zain came into my mind as i said "

I heard asfa heaved a pleased sigh beside me as the lawyer asked two more time and I mumbled then the room filled with Masha allah and mabrook! as everyone hugged and congratulated me with so much happiness and joy.

Do I feel the same ?


"Oh aal, you don't have an idea how happy I'm for you darling! May allah fill your life with barakah and love!" She hugged me tight and kissed my cheeks as her happy tears didn't seem to stop.

"Jazakumullahu khair aal sis for giving bunny a chance, I'm so happy for the both of you!" Asfa kissed my cheek as she and Rey hugged me tight in a group hug.

"Mabrook aal, I'm so happy for you!" Humza hugged me tight and buried his face in my neck and I rubbed his back, he and imad served as our witness.

"Now I have a sister in law and my handsome nephew, I'm so happy to have you in your life sis!" Safwa squealed happily as she hugged me tight grinning from ear to ear.

I simply smiled as my own tears seemed unstoppable! aunt, lai, lari and everyone hugged and congratulated me and asfa recieved a call that that's a yes from the groomside.

I'm officially married to him!

I signed the nikah papers as the last procedure was done and everyone fed sweets to each other.

I catched a glimpse of myself in the floor length mirror as I saw a woman there who got married just now for the sake of his son, whom she wanted to be happy!

I was dressed in a white silk gown with gold sequence work on my waistline and a cut in the middle revealing beige netted detail.

A georgette beige hijab wrapped around my head in arabic style with a pearl headpiece tucked around my forehead on top of my hijab.

I remembered their shocked and worried faces when they came to know I fainted, asfa was the first one who saw me lying on the floor unconscious.



I felt splashes of water on my face as I blinked my eyes open, my head was spinning on all direction I clutched my head as it was throbbing and a worried asfa helped me to sit on the bed .

"What happened aal sis, when did you fainted ? Are you feeling ok now ? " she bombarded me with questions as she gave me a glass of lemonade to drink which she carried.

"I'm ok asfa AlhAlhamdulillah! I just fainted maybe because of lack of sleep!" I smiled at her trying to make her believe and it was not entirely false.

" Maybe but lack of sleep is not the only reason what if I say you're in too much stress and worried which is taking a toll on your health!" She touched my forehead to see if I have a temperature which thankfully I didn't have.

" Why will I be stressed? No asfu I'm perfectly alright!" I told her avoiding her gaze as I felt she can see right through my soul.

She sighed as she sat beside me and held my hand, she squeezed it a little " Don't try to hide your feelings sis, I know how hard it's for you, I also know you'll have a lots of doubts in your mind regarding to this wedding but let me tell you something " she continued looking at my jade eyes which held confusion.

" Bunny will take good care of both of you, he loves Zain more than anything which I've seen in his eyes, he'll never force you to open up to him unless you do! I'm not saying this just because he's my brother but I'm saying this because I know him like no other which i don't think it'll be the same anymore as you'll be with him !" She teased me with a mischievous smile.

"He is been through a lot sis which is not my place to tell, he'll never hurt you intentionally, he is my supporter and bestfriend with whom i can share everything and I ask one thing from you sis which might look like a lot right now but will you allow him to take care of you and Zain and will you take care of him for me? " she asked me with hopeful eyes and I nodded as my throat seemed to be clogged.

She gave me a gigantic smile as she hugged me mumbling thank you so much!

Mama, aunt all my cousins entered my room as asfa fed the news of me fainting on the balcony, in a second all were beside me worried bombarding me with questions of why? What? And how?.

Mama and aunt made sure I had a hearty breakfast without any fuss and they took care of Zain without giving me a chance to take care of him.

As the time for nikah was nearing my heart began to race but I was being dolled up for the nikah!

My hair was being pulled into a low bun with various pins as the MUA began to do my makeup, lotions were lathered on my skin, when all the torture ended I was handed my beautiful dress which I wore and they began to do the adjustments then my hijab was done and at last safwa pinned my forehead headpiece and asfa handed me Jimmy choose stiltoes which completed my look


Flashback ends..

"Mama they are on way to home!" Rey yelled excitedly bringing me out of my trance as she ended the call with arhaan.

"The groom is getting impatient to see his bride !" Lari teased not knowing my inner turmoil as I gripped my gown tightly.

"Oh they're here! Take care aal sis!" Layi teased as they all left my room leaving me alone to face him.

Oh allah! How I'm going to face him ?

Zaamin's POV:

The day had finally arrived my wedding day!

Grandpa, imad, me all were having our beloved tea time after fajr when saffu joined us with her infamous almond & dried goji berry biscotti and madeleines which no one can resist after having one.

"So zaam tell me are you ready to take the responsibility of taking care of aala and Zain, loving them with your whole heart ?" Grandpa asked sipping his Darjeeling tea which helps with his heart health.

"I'm ready as I can ever be gran! I assure you I'll cherish them forever because you know gran there are not much people in my life!" I grinned at him sipping my chamomile tea which I inherited from my father.

He smiled at me as he gave me advice on married life of what to expect and how to prepare yourself mentally for ups and lows you face in your relationship.

I was so grateful to grandpa for telling me all those things when my father should've been the one to guide me.

Somethings never comes true!

A smile instantly grazed my face as I remembered the cute face of my Zain.

My Zain! I like the sound of it!

Not to mention I'll be having a family of mine which I'm so grateful for, my life is going to change today and I hope it'll be for the best!

After our brunch session with all the guys, whom seemed to not show any mercy on me as they teased me in every chance they got.

I went to my room to get ready as the crisp navy blue wedding suit was steamed to perfection.

I buttoned my thin white shirt then buttoned the cufflinks as saad helped me to wore my blazer, I straped my brown leather watch around my right wrist, I love to wear my watch in right hand, that's my style!

I sprayed my signature cologne then set my hair in place, my baby blue eyes scanned my appearance in the floor length mirror and a content smile etched on my lips.

"First time I'm saying this because it's your wedding day as I don't want your face to be sad, you look handsome bro!" Saad my best bud joked as he patted my shoulder as I punched him on the ribs lightly.

"Yo don't exhibit your kickboxing skills on me, I want to see another daylight and I have beautiful wife waiting for me at home!" He sassed lightly rubbing his ribs, as we all laughed.

We all left to the mosque where my nikah will be held and I was little bit nervous as you can say.

We all reached the mosque mumbling the dua of entering mosque, we settled down and after 10 minutes imad, humza who carried Zain in his arms and the lawyer came with big smiles on their faces.

She said yes! Alhamdulillah..

Humza and imad are the witness of my nikah, as the ceremony began I listened to the preaching (khutbah) of the sheikh as he enlightened us about how sacred is the bond of marriage and it's the sunnah of our prophet Muhammad (S.A.W).

After the preachings and introduction the main moment came when he asked me the question.

"Alhamdulillah I do!" I said within a heartbeat, he asked me another two times and I repeated I do then the whole room burst into takbeer, masha allah and mabrook! I signed the documents and boom!

I can't believe I'm married Alhamdulillah!

She's my mine now! my halal mate!

My aala and Zain!

"I can't believe this is happening but I'm so happy for you bro, mabrook!" Saad hugged me tight and I chuckled at his enthusiasm.

"I have given you my most precious gem zaam, take good care of them will you? Otherwise I promise you brother or not if you hurt her I'll break your bones!" Humza threatened but no one can miss the crack in his voice.

Once I threatened him with these same lines which he's using now! How irony!

"I promise you dude, I'll cherish them forever!" I hugged him as he smiled.

"Big fwiend!" Zain jumped in my arms as I twirled him laughing a little.

"How's my little man doing?" I asked kissing his cheeks as he chuckled.

"I'm gwood but I mwised you sho much!" He told pouting and I ruffled his hair.

"I missed you too buddy but not anymore as you're going to be with me all the time!" I told him and his azure orbs widened in shock.

"Really ?"

"Really and it's a promise!" he grinned at me showing he really like what he heard and I didn't want to break the ice to him yet!

Everyone hugged and congratulated me for my nikah as sweets were distributed, zain seemed to be enjoying his sweets with a goofy smile.

The time came which I was so eager about, to meet her as my halal mate!

Dear wifey here I come!



An update! How was the chapter guys?

Finally they are nikahfied!🤩🥳

Don't forget to vote,comment and share!

I'm so excited because This is where the real story starts brace yourself for the plot twist of the story😉

See you soon sweethearts!

-Love Noha

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