
Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu lovelies...

I request my precious readers to pray their salah if they haven't prayed yet before reading this chappy...


Zaamin's pov :

I'm not a coward

I'm not a murderer

I'm not an unlucky child

I didn't do it on purpose

Everyone is fake

There is no such thing as fairytale princess remember that

I'm not a bad luck

She left me when she promised to stay

You're a monster who destroys everyone's happiness

Punch* punch* punch* punch

" Agghhhh! " I screamed at the top of my voice as I kicked the punching bag hard and punched it one last time before falling on my knees and panting heavily.

I closed my eyes to block every single emotions from my head, I was drenched in sweat from head to toe, my top half of the body was bare as I only wore my boxing shorts and took a towel to dry my face.

I looked at my bruised knuckles as the boxing hand wraps had turned red due to bleeding.

My anger got the best of me! I should try to control it more.

" Are you even listening to me zaam! " an angry voice broke me from my trance, I looked up-to the source of voice which was coming from my iPad pro which was settled on the coffee stand as my best bud Saad glared at me.

" I was listening just zoned out for a bit! " I tried keyword tried to escape his series of questions but his one look was enough to tell me he didn't believe me a bit.

" You can fool the world zaam not me I'm your best friend for a reason! and let me tell you something bruising your hand will do nothing to the inner turmoil you're facing so don't let your knuckles pay the price for your frustration! " he raised a brow in my direction and I sighed.

" Did you informed them about your wedding? " I can sense the compassion in his voice.

" Will that make a difference? " I asked as I threw the wet towel on the laundry basket.

" Whether it does or not I know you will inform them anyhow but are you sure about this Zaam? " his question trailed off as he saw the determination in my eyes and nodded.

" Never been so sure about something than this, I already prayed my istikhara and I know she's the one for me! " I told him while remembering her jade eyes which made my heart to beat wildly.


" Then I'm for you bro, as long as you're happy I'm happy! " he gave me a smile, I returned his gesture.

" Now apply some antiseptic on it before you do more damage to it and I'll call you later, your sis-in-law needs me !" one can easily detect the affection in his voice, that how much love he had for her.

" Well convey my Salam to her and take care brother! I'll call you soon! " I waved at him and ended the facetime.

I looked at my punctured knuckles and hissed when I tried to close it, I entered my room which was connected to the gym of my wing. My room was divided into four compartments.

My bedroom dominating the whole area while one side had my office the other section was the spacious living room and the other side my huge walk in closet.

One wall of my room was ceiling to floor length transparent glass wall which allows one the access and view to my private pool, sunken lounge on another shallow pool and gym which was fully equipped.

I got under the hot steaming shower clearing my thoughts and dressed myself in Tom Ford black tailored suit, which was hugging my body like a second skin.

I climbed down the wide carpeted marbel stairs correcting the leather watch strap with my uninjured hand. My hair still slightly wet and bangs covering my forehead which I combed back with my fingers.

The mansion was calm and oozed ere silence but there was not even a trace of peace and tranquility!

The maids didn't made sound while doing there daily chores as if they are some invisible force, I directly went towards the study room in the east wing, the house was built on modern style with sleek and spacious interior making it feel lavish and royalty but not the study, it was on the classic vintage style with historic decorations which will make a person to take a double look at everything which catches the eye, I knocked and pushed open the mahagony double doors.

The room smelled of soothing eucalyptus and lemongrass scent which was coming from the expensive diffuser with gold intricate design adding the perfect details to this vintage styled study.

I was greeted with the brown and mahagony interiors with a huge section of library at one side and a lounge area surrounded with classic plush leather sofas and chaise lounges but the office will be the first thing which will catch the eye.


On my arrival, Oliver raised his head, our family Butler who was in his late 40s looked at me an instant smile grazed his lips as he stopped pouring the hot chamomile tea in the middle to which another set of bored blue eyes looked in my direction.

" How may I help you Zaamin? He asked casually like he was not seeing me after an year, it was actually better than expected.

" Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu! How are you doing? " I asked him gently as his face looked tired, without answering his question. As one should not start a conversation without a salam.

Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said: (Abu Dawud).

Messenger of Allah (SAW) said: (Muslim)

When I got a faint reply after waiting for a few minutes then I said " I'm getting married in about a month time Dad! " I stressed on the word Dad to remind him about the relation we share.

A gasp left Oliver's mouth with wide eyes in astonishment, while dad paused signing the document in the middle for a second but then continued it like It was nothing to him.

Not so new!

He just replied with an Hmm and I sighed, so much for expecting! I internally laughed sarcastically.

" I hope your schedule will allow you to attend your only son's wedding as I'm informing you prior to a month, that gesture will be appreciated by grandpa very much! " I told him politely as I can, with a ray of hope which I still cling on to till this date.

" I don't think that's possible as you know my doctors don't allow me to travel a lot but let's see what the future holds! " He replied with a neutral face not even sparing me a glance as his intentions clearly spoke you're not worthy to even spare a glance!

Oliver looked at me with sad and sympathetic eyes, he's been working for us since I was a baby, he knew about how our family works and I just gave a smile to him in return.

" As you say so dad and I'll take my leave now as nothing holds me here, convey my salam to mother! " with that I turned hot on my heels and left the study without waiting for his reply.

like he will?

Invitation sent done *

I typed a quick message to Saad and his reply came in instant

What did he say? *

He asked eagerly I can already assume his furrowed brow and tight lipped face in anticipation.

What do you think would've happened;)

I sent him a wink emoji to let him know. I can already imagine him sighing with an apologetic face.

I'm sorry bro*

He typed back, why he's saying sorry when he's not at fault for anything.

It's not your fault and I'm leaving for work, bye *

I typed back quickly and put my iPhone 12 pro in my jacket, I don't want to start a conversation with him when I'll just indulge myself in self pity, I settled on the back seat of the awaiting beast and massaged my temple's to relieve the mild headache which was forming.

After a 30 minutes drive, I reached the Yasin holdings and Co. Which stood majestically tall with 80 floors on the New York City.

On seeing me every member greeted and cleared the way, ayan was instantly in my side as my private lift dinged open on the 79th floor.

" Hold the meetings and appointments for fifteen minutes then we'll start ayan !" I told him not explaining much about how I'm feeling right now.

" Sure sir, I placed your Americano with waffles in your table as I know you probably forgot to eat and thank me later! " he gave me a boyish grin which suited his sculpted face.

I nodded at him with a smile on my face, a Genuine one this time, these are the small things that I'm grateful for everyday, he may be my secretory but he means more to me than a blood relation, we treat each other as brothers.

Life taught me many things in life in which I experienced this personally.

Blood makes you related,

Loyalty makes you family.

Learn the difference.

Which I did! in the most colorful ways which I can't even describe, I didn't let my mood to be sour with some agonizing thoughts As a bright day and new opportunities are waiting for me to accomplished and prove myself worthy.

I quickly finished my breakfast/brunch as my stomach thanked continuously for giving it some food since I forgot to eat dinner last night due to working overnight and forgetting about it completely.

I buttoned my blazer and took a deep breath to get my thoughts straight,

Work here I come!


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