
Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu lovelies..

I request my precious readers to pray their salah if they haven't prayed yet before reading this chappy..


Did I hear her right?

" Well Alhamdulillah child, we're so happy that you agreed! " Grandpa told her, she nodded her head with a small smile.

But her eyes gave her emotions away. She's not OK with this decision but said OK anyway.

I can read her like an open book!

I felt hurt and guilty but I assured myself that I'll take her all pain away, I will keep her so happy that she shouldn't have anything else on mind to grieve. So a little push us necessary!

" We shouldn't delay the good things so when should we keep the wedding? " Grandpa asked with a content smile on her face.

" How about 2 months from now ? " Asfa told suggestively and they all thought for sometime.

If it was in my hands I'll marry her this second!

Impatient aren't we? My conscience mocked


" That's a good idea but it's a long gap I think how about 6 weeks from now we still got time to prepare for the wedding ! " mama suggested and everyone nodded in approval sipping their coffee.

" What about you guys zaam and aal? " Humza asked because he looked skeptical about this, I feel the same not knowing how she's feeling about this.

" It's up-to him! " " it's up-to her! " we both said at the same time and looked at each other in shock but everyone was smiling at us fondly.

" Looks like they started to agree with each other already! " Rey teased as everyone laughed.

" Then it's final, the wedding is six weeks from now! Mabrook! " Grandpa said happily.

" Alhamdulillah I'm so happy for you aal! " aunt was in tears as she and all the ladies began to hug her and give her blessings.

" Take care of my sis zaam and congratulations brother! " Humza hugged me tight, I can feel the brotherly affection from him he's worried sick for his big sister.

" Jazakallaah Humza, you have my word, I'll make her my whole world! " I told him while I stole a quick glance at her, her were glassy and it tugged my heart, I don't know if it was happy tears or sad ones.

He smiled at me and all the men hugged me and congratulated, as we fed each another sweets.

Six weeks till she becomes mine! My halal mate! Insha Allah!

It was late at night, time for our farewell we all bid adieu to everyone and left from there not before me giving a kiss to a sleepy Zain and whispering in his ears


" the next time we'll meet, I'll be your dad Insha Allah! "

After 2 hours we reached home, we all were tired but I'm leaving tomorrow early morning and the maids had packed my bag, I was all set to go.

" Insha Allah I'll be leaving tomorrow grandpa, work calls but I'll try my best to visit you guys! " I told them and saffu pouted not liking a bit.

" Are you leaving your princess already? " she sounded so upset.

"Aye.. It's not like I can leave you huh? But I need to inform them about my upcoming wedding right? " I told her grimly.

" I understand but i'll miss you big Bro! " saffu hugged me tight as she kept her head on my chest and sighed sighed softly, I kissed her hijab clad head she's the emotional one in our home, our spoiled princess!

" I'll miss you guys too! " imad wrapped his arms around us as we group hugged.

" I'm so happy for you bro, we're going to get a sis-in-law and a nephew soon " imad said excitedly which made me smile a little.

I'm excited too!

I was gazing at the moon while caressing zains hair who was sleeping soundly on my chest, as I sat on the lounge chair in the balcony over looking the garden.

It was dawn, I just completed my fajr prayers when Zain woke up looking for me and when he found me sitting in the balcony, he quickly snuggled into me and fell asleep instantly.

My sweet little boy!

I was not sure what's happening around me anymore, I'm still in denial, I just don't want to face or accept reality.

I just want no need to escape from the harsh reality, from the pain, from the memories I just want to numb myself!

I don't know how but I just to forget everything!

It's easier said than done!

I know I'm not ready for this marriage, heck I don't even know I'll be ever ready to remarry.

It seems impossible for me to even think!

I don't hold the capability to love someone again when I'm not over my past, I just can't..

But I said YES anyway, because I overheard the conversation of mama and aunt over the Skype call.


" I'm so grateful to Allah for saving Humza again, I don't think I'll handle the pain ever if I lost any of my children! " mama was teary eyed while talking to aunt..

" Don't over think Aamina, Humza is safe now by the will of Allah, it's a blessing a for us to have our family safe and secure, don't cry please, wipe your tears! " aunt told consoling my very gentle mama.


" I know i'm just overwhelmed, but my real worry is about aal, she's just never been the same after the incident as you know, and we are all so happy that she accepted zaamins proposal, But she didn't want to get married soon, I know I can't force her it was a tough decision for her but I just want her to be happy again, to live her life happily not be miserable, she masks Her emotions well but I'm her mother she can't fool me! "

" Allah reminded us one more time that life is short and we need to turn to him before the angel of death takes us to him, by witnessing Humza getting in another accident just prove me that we can't say when we'll die and I want my aal to be settled as soon as possible before something happens to me! " she said and I can sense the distress In her voice.

Oh mama!

I'm sorry to trouble you!

I love you so much!

" Don't utter something like that sis, I'm warning you, just trust Allah's plan everything is going to be all right, don't worry! " and mama nodded hopefully giving her a smile.

And I couldn't hear their talk more because I was numb!

Flashback ends...

I didn't know that I was crying until I tasted the salty tears in my mouth, I wiped my face quickly because I'm tired of crying but the pain doesn't lessen a bit.

When grandpa asked me I lost it completely, I sensed his gaze on me but I was too shocked to even answer.

But I said it anyways because I don't want to burden mama more for always worrying about me.

I'll just have to get used to the idea of me getting married again which I don't think I can accept anytime soon or ever.

How can i agree to marry him when I still love and crave for my daani?

Flashback! .

" What are you thinking so keenly? " I asked him while he continued massaging my head, I was seated between his legs on the bed.

" Nothing my love! Just thinking how much blessed I'm to have you in my life, I'm very grateful to my rab for giving me you! " and just like that my heart skipped a beat at his honest confession. I took his hands away from my head and wrapped it around my baby bump while I leaned my back on his chest, he kissed my hair and inhaled my scent which made me smile.

" You're always like this, leaving me speechless with your oh nothing just my love confessions! " I scowled at him hiding my blush he didn't know the affect he has on me.

He chuckled throwing his head back " It's not a confession love, it's a deep feelings of mine which needs to be set free from time to time! "

" You know I love you so much right? " he asked me tightening his hold on me.

" Do you even have to ask that, I not only know but also feel it in your actions how much you care for me! adore me! love me and respect me! From the depth of your heart. " I told him feeling giddy as my insides were a mush.

" But why do you ask me that, All of a sudden? "

" I don't know I just wanted to let you know that as long as I live I want it to be with you, you are my world, my everything, you made me a better man, I've been getting bad vibes from some days that something bad is going to happen I don't know why? " I can sense the deep worry I'm his voice.

" You're just being paranoid my love, you've been so stressed lately as my due date is coming closer, that is getting in your head just relax and have faith, everything will be fine Insha Allah we have Allah with us! " I assured him turning around and sitting on his lap.

" you may be right i'm just over thinking things, Insha Allah everything is going to fine! " he gave me his dazzling smile showing his pearly whites which makes my day.

" If your over thinking face is over then make me some Oreo shakes, your baby is craving it very bad! " I pouted at him and he chuckled seeing my pouting face and kissed my enlarged belly affectionately.

" Your wish is my command milady! I can't make our Zain waiting now can we? Oreo shake we're coming! " I chuckled seeing his enthusiasm, he scooped me in his arms as I dangled my feet in air like a carefree baby, he kissed my temple affectionately and I smiled at him.

My Daniyal!

Flashback ends..

I was smiling like a fool remembering the old times but my smile faded once I realised that it was in the past which made me happy but the reality now I'm in is far from the heaven I once lived.

It makes my heart break into million tiny pieces knowing that he can never come back to me, the person I loved with my whole heart is gone forever!

Oh Allah please ease my pain! I cried internally.


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