
Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu lovelies..

I request my precious readers to pray their salah if they haven't prayed yet before reading this chappy...


Zaamin's pov :

It's been three days since Humza had woken up and everything went back to almost pretty normal and two days since I'm giving silent treatment to asfa for hiding things from me .

She tried to talk to me several times but I only gave her answers in monosyllables or curtly.


As I entered the room, Humza was wide awake but he looked so pale and weak that made me feel bad for him.

His head and left hand was wrapped with plaster but he was smiling at my love as she was feeding him, asfas back was facing so she couldn't See Me coming but Humza saw and a smile grazed his face.

" Assalamu alaikum Humza, how are you feeling now? " her head jerked around so fast that I thought it would break.

Her eyes widened and mouth went agape seeing me here. She was gaping like a fish out of water seeing me here.

I gave her a Didn't- expected-me-here-right? Kinda Look and she lowered her gaze in guilt.

" Walaikum salam zaam, I'm good bro! " he said as I side hugged him.

" You like to worry us a lot brother, need to put control on that !" I joked and he laughed a little.

" when did you arrive bunny? " she asked but I completely ignored her like she's not even in the room.

" What did the doctor say about your health Humza ? " I asked him instead and his brows raised an octave, he clearly understood that I was avoiding her.

" The doctor said I'm out of danger zaam, Alhamdulillah! " I adjusted the pillow behind his back so he don't strain himself.

" Alhamdulillah! Good, I was shocked when Imad informed me about your condition, I flew back immediately after hearing about your accident !" I stressed on imad to let her know that she didn't informed me in the first place.

From the corner of my eyes I can see her wince on my accusation but I kept my face neutral, Humza looked droopy as the medication seemed to kick in.

" Take care brother, I'll come back later to see you ! " I told him and he nodded silently, when I was about to open the door " bunny please.. I'm sorry! " she pleaded and I felt bad for making her sad but she should know how it feels to be left out.

" You failed me as a brother asfa! " I told her, she knew when I Call her by her name then she messed up a big time.

When I was out the door I began to walk but my traitorous eyes looked at the glass window outside humzas room and she was crying in humzas chest, my heart clenched seeing her cry.

By the way her lips moved I can easily make out that she was telling him about my behaviour how she didn't want to stress me to how she had ended up hurting me unintentionally.

My poor love!

But some lesson needs to be Learned !

And I'll make her understand!

Flashback ends..

I was completing my work going through the monthly finances of the company, and checking the balance sheet which needed my sign, when safwa came jumping around happily in my room.

" What's up big bro? " she asked munching on the rice crackers loaded with peanut butter and jam, my princess is such a kid being the youngest in our home she gets spoiled a lot.


"Nothing much saffu just finishing up with work, what about you? " I asked her and she shoved her half eaten crackers in my awaiting mouth.

" Too much PB and J! " I told her grimacing at the taste of those overloaded gooey mixtures.

" That's my style! " she flicked her hijab proudly while her electric blue eyes gazed at me with amusement.

" Oh shoot I completely forgot grandpa asked me to tell you to complete your works soon as we are going to the Ibrahim mansion for dinner tonight! " she said giving me a sheepish smile for forgetting it.

" OK princess you better get me my signature coffee and I'll finish this asap! "

" On it brother! " she gave me a salute and I laughed at her antics.

I was staying in California from the past three days in Hannan mansion with my siblings and grandpa.

I was looking after my Companies branch and operating the main office from here which is in New York City.


I tried to finish my work in record time and headed to take a warm shower after finishing with my business, I dressed myself in casual clothes.

A white T-shirt, navy jeans and navy knitted jacket paired with chestnut leather boots.

I sprayed my signature cologne and just ruffled my wet hair.

As I descended down the wide marble carpeted staircase, imad came out of his room and grandpa was seated on the plush black leather sofa.

" Let's go, I'm so excited to see sisto! " saffu chirped and grandpa chuckled seeing her excitement but I was sure that I should make asfa understand the lesson very well!

" I'll drive please! " saffu gave us Her best puppy eyes which will melt anybody but not her twin.

" Dream on babes I'm never gonna allow you to drive after what you did to my poor lambo! " imad scowled on her twin because well let's just saffu is a responsible driver until she decides to have a little fun when someone annoys her she loves to destroy their car as punishment!

And imad experienced it few days back!

Why you ask me its because imad pulled a little prank on her making it look like someone had thrashed her car and well my little princess really thrashed his.

" That was your fault! " she contradicted by keeping her hands on her hips and glaring at him.

" Yeah pigs do fly! " he mocked her and she turned to me with her her big blue eyes turning glassy and a pout formed on her lips, she looked so cute and innocent that I almost believed but threw the car keys in her direction anyways.

" Cheating! " imad yelled but she grinned and kissed my cheek " Thank you big brother! " she said and poked her tongue at Imad who in turn huffed.

I seriously have kids in my home heck Zain behaves maturely than these two, I shook my head smiling at their antics.

As we entered the Ibrahim mansion, aunt was already awaiting for us and welcomed warmly.

We all settled down on the living room overlooking the pool area.

" Sisto! " saffu squealed seeing asfa climbing down the stairs carefully helping Humza to climb down.

" Assalamu alaikum everyone! " Humza greeted us cheerfully, he looked so much healthier compared to how I had seen him few days ago but the plaster remained to avoid straining his injuries.

Me, imad grandpa all side hugged him when Zain came running to us holding his plane toy.


" Big fweind! " he laughed as I twirled him in the air " Yup little friend I missed you so much! How are you? " I asked him excitedly.

" I'm gwood, I misshed you too! " he kissed me on my cheek and hugged me tight, he hid his face in my neck, I smiled unconsciously but felt content just holding him in my arms.

" Awe! " saffu, asfa, Rey, aunt everyone cooed seeing him bonding with me so well and I just smiled at them.

I'm waiting for the day when he'll call me daddy!

" Let's go everyone the dinner is ready ! " I heard an angelic voice said and I knew who it is, I turned to see and was left speechless.

She's so beautiful!

Haram! Haram! Lower your gaze zaam.. My conscience scolded me and I looked away immediately..

I'm such a weakling when it comes to her. Control yourself I scolded myself mumbling an Astagfirullah..

Asfa was trying to hold my gaze but I was purposefully avoiding her, while eating everyone was chatting happily as the maids served the delicious food, Zain didn't leave my side even when aala wanted to take her, I was feeding him it was good to experience all these things.

Most of the things were my loves favourite but she was not having it, she was just playing with her food despite humzas constant reminder.

She's upset I know! the dinner went smoothly then everyone settled on the backyard to have a chat but I entered the kitchen awkwardly not knowing anyone.

But aala was preparing some appetizers with the maids and our gazes locked she looked shocked to see Me in kitchen.

" Do you need something child? " An elderly aunt asked, while all the eyes were at me.

" Some food perhaps, I mean to say is can you arrange a tray of food so that I can take it to asfa, she didn't ate anything properly! " I told all the while making me strong to not gawk at the jade eyed girl, who was haunting my sleep Day and night.

The elderly aunt smiled appreciatively as she arranged the food in no time, I took it from her but aala stopped me, I looked her in shock.

" Nina will help you! " she told as the girl named nina took the food tray and began to walk with me, I mumbled a small thank you and patting myself on my back for not embarrassing myself.

When I entered asfas room, she was taking humzas medicine, I cleared my throat and she looked up in shock to see Me while the girl placed the food tray on the tea table.

we both asked in the same time and a small smile played on my lips.

" Maybe after you finish your food! " I told her as I sat on the lounge chair and opened the clouche.

She sighed as sat beside me nervously, she knew she can't argue with me in her eating habits.

I ripped the French baguette and dipped in butter chicken, which I brought near her mouth, she looked at me with her sad chocolate brown eyes but opened her mouth slowly.

I put the food in her mouth as she chewed it slowly but sneaking glances at me to know my expression, I handed her a glass of water after she completed the food.

I wiped her mouth with napkin all the while she was looking at me with glassy eyes and in a blink she hugged me tight.

Her control broke as she sobbed into my neck " I'm sorry bunny I didn't meant to hurt you, I just didn't want to stress when you were handling so much already... Please forgive me! " she cried as I tightened my arms around her back.

" Hush.. Don't cry love, I'm sorry too for not talking to you but you should know how I felt at that moment, you don't know how left out I felt, I was so angry on you for hiding important things from me and more angry on myself for not being there when you needed me the most! "

" At that moment I felt a shi*ty useless brother who was so busy in his work, who didn't even know that his sister is crying her eyes out somewhere! " I told her how frustrated I was.

" It's not like that it was my fault! " she Contradicted

" Oh don't you ever take that blame on you but just tell me love what if the situation was reversed tell me how would you have felt that tell me how would you feel? " I asked her as she pulled away from the hug, I wiped her tears she's too precious to shed it.

" I just didn't want to tr--" I stopped her in the middle of sentence.

" Don't you dare finish that sentence otherwise I don't know what I will do, from when did you started considering your problems as trouble for me huh? We are I want my little sister to depend on me to look for me when she's facing trouble, because I'm there for you! " I told her as I cupped her face and she sniffed while crying.

" I'm sorry.. I didn't meant to hurt you it was not my intention! "

" It's OK love but just promise me you won't hide any things from me even how small it may be! " I told her and she smiled, I kissed her forehead lovingly.

" I'm so full because of you! You fed me forcefully! " she complained as she fake glared at me and I laughed throwing my head back.

And Ladies and gentlemen...

My drama queen is back!

" That's what you get for playing with food, now let's go downstairs! " I held her hand as we walked downstairs towards the back patio.

Sounds of laughter was erupting and on seeing me and asfa smiling Humza gave me thumbs up and mouthed a thank you as she sat beside him because she looked lively again, I sat across her on the couch.

" So when is the best time for zaam and aalas wedding? " grandpa asked aunt and my eyes were wide as saucers and everyone's eyes were on me.

My wedding?

" Honestly speaking I don't have any idea, you're the elders you decide but I don't want to force her if she's OK then I'm OK! " I told them smiling awkwardly.

Her happiness matters to me the most!

" What do you think about it aal? " aunt asked her and everything seemed to blurred as the thumping of my heart was so loud that I was afraid everyone can hear.

She was just as shocked as me when the question was raised, she was silent for a whole lot of moment and I was sure it was a... when she said something that blew my mind away.

" As you guys wish! " which was a yes!! Which I never expected this soon..

Am I dreaming?



An update how was the chapter guys?

She said yes 😘 who expected that this early?

Don't forget to vote, comment and share

See you soon sweethearts

-love Noha

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