
Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu lovelies...

I request my precious readers to pray their salah if they haven't prayed yet before reading this chappy...


I was watching asfa intently with an amused smile on my face while she sighed 10th time just in a minute and something was troubling her but I just couldn't put my finger on it.

She was behaving weird and her mood swings were pretty strong, my suspicions about her being ahem* was beginning to confirm one by one.

Little asfa or Humza is on the way!

I talked with Humza yesterday night where he told he'll be here today to surprise his Missy who was sighing in front of me longing for Humza while looking at her phone seeing their pictures.

Pure Love for him was visible in her eyes, the way her lips will break into a shy smile whenever humzas name is mentioned! She will be a blushing tomato.

I mumbled a Masha Allah under my breath and made a dua to protect them from evil eyes! Aameen...

She and Zain were watching his favorite cartoon which he will never get enough of it, he is addicted to , he can watch those cartoons even on repeat!

I left them to watch while I moved downstairs to make a brunch for them, asfa was here with us for a short time until Humza returns from Malaysia.

While I was making an egg sandwich for them, I heard a sound of glass breaking in the living room, I ran and saw that mama was crying Rey was trying to sooth her who looked like she and Haan just arrived.

" Mama why are you crying? " I asked as the uneasy feeling crept in me.

" Sis please pull yourself, I just received a call from the hospital that Humza met with an accident! " as soon as the words left his mouth I felt the world crumble beneath my feet.

I was frozen in my spot, no it couldn't be happening... No way..

Tears welled in my eyes, I felt like I couldn't breathe, worst memories from the past began to replay on my mind when I heard the same kind of news even worse when I lost dan--

" Now who'll say to asfa?" mama asked, Just above a whisper...

"what is that you guys wanna tell me? " a voice asked, in utmost fear which I clearly know who it was..

All our snapped towards her direction, where she stood holding zains hand looking at us with a terrified face seeing our crying faces.

Mama got up and held her hands tightly, each passing minute my heart rate was escalating into higher speed..

" Asfa... Humza! " she started but a loud sob escaped from her mouth..

As soon as she she heard his name she was shocked "what about Humza? mama Pls tell me! what is i?t he's In Malaysia mama, no need to worry! " she just kept rambling in fear..

But mama shook her and said which took her breath away " Humza had an accident and now he's battling for his life! " she said, just above a whisper in horror..

She stood their numb, Tears pooled from her chocolate brown eyes, it felt like someone has ripped my heart from my body seeing the raw pain which I once experienced brutally which I didn't wanted any other women to feel.

" No.. you're lying momma! I talked to him yesterday, he's fine! " she pleaded her to say it is true..

" No asfa! you need to be strong he arrived California today to give a surprise to you but --" Haan stopped in the middle as he couldn't see his sister break in front of her..


Just three words left from her mouth "where is Humza? " in a hoarse voice..

We managed to bring her and mama to the hospital, mama was always the strong women whenever something happened but seeing her cry made my heart clench but I have to be strong for my family.

If I break too then who'll console them, When we looked at the lifeless form of Humza in the bed connected with various wires, just tore my heart into pieces..

Asfa watched him through the mirror and all her strength got futile, she was not able to look at him like this, she was clutching her heart closing her eyes.

The doctor came out and said that his accident was brutal but it's a miracle that he survived the accident..

His head hit something hard and glass shards dug into his arms, he had lost lots of blood and what he said next was enough to shake our whole world..

He's in

Everyone was crying hysterically! We can't see our Humza like this! I was consoling mama telling her everything will be fine when asfa almost collapsed on the ground but my quick reflex kicked in and I caught her just in time.

" Asfa.. Open your eyes! " I tapped her cheeks and Haan yelled doctor, the nurses took her and laid her on bed the doctor checked her and said that it's because of stress nothing to worry and took her blood samples.

After sometime she opened her eyes and we sighed in relief, Rey was holding her hand and I sat beside her on the bed and smiled at her weakly.

"what happened? " she asked us her throat must be very dry hearing her squeaky voice..

"you fainted asfu! how can you be so careless and that too in this state! " Rey yelled at her in anger and I knew what she was referring to but I didn't want to pressure her, I squeezed Rey's shoulder and she calmed down a bit.

"sorry Rey I'll eat but I want to see Humza first ! " she pleaded and we both looked at each other, I nodded and lead her to Humza's room, he was in ICCU.

We left her to give them some privacy. It was three days and he was still in coma, all were worried sick I was the one who prepared food for them and fed mama forcefully.

She is diabetic for Allah's sake yet she didn't want to eat anything asfa was worse than mama she didn't even touched the food when I threatened her I will tell Humza when he wakes up then only she ate that too a very little.

I just finished praying in the prayer room and came to out to hear asfa yelling on top of her lungs for doctor.

The doctor arrived quickly from her yelling and all my family members too entered to see what the commotion was, I was shocked and happy at the same time to see Humza awake, we all were relived but still crying from happiness.

After checking him, the doctor told us that he was out of danger Now but he should be in complete bed rest.

Mama sat beside him and caressed his cheeks " You scared us young man! what if something happened to you huh? " she asked him sadly while tears brimmed her eyes..

" I'm OK mama all your prayers saved me!" He said smiling to avoid the tension in the air but no one missed how tired and pale he looked.

"I'm angry on you, I'll not talk to you! " I said in a timid voice, I can't bear to lose anyone in my life.


" Aye I'm sorry aal! I didn't meant to scare all of you, it's just happened so fast that I didn't know how it happened! " he said, holding my hands..

I sighed and just hugged him tight while crying, my little lion!

"I can't breathe aal you're choking me! " he joked to lighten the mood but I just chuckled and hit his chest playfully...

Then Haan hugged him while scolding and Rey smiled at him, saffu was just looking at him and asfa while she smiled at her, imad too hugged him and grandpa patted his back...

"get well soon son! may Allah bless you!" grandpa said smiling but asfa was silent the whole time she was just looking down and I smiled at them fondly.

Poor lion!

He has to explain a lot!

We left them alone to give some privacy.

Me and Haan insisted mama and Rey to go home and rest as Humza is fine now, Alhamdulillah!

Mama agreed as I asked her to take care of Zain who was in home with our trusted house keeper and her part time nanny.

And then I entered humzas room with a nurse and the nurse began to speak in a loud voice but he indicated her to be silent by keeping his forefinger on his lips as asfa was sleeping on his chest snuggled into him.

My poor asfu!

I smiled at them fondly! The nurse mellowed down her voice.

She said its inappropriate to let her sleep next to him, she checked his pulse and replaced the drip then she left..

" You know what Humza? she didn't left your side even for a single minute! we had to push her forcefully to eat something but being the queen of stubbornness she never ate but when we told what we'd tell you once you wake up that she didn't ate anything! then only she ate and that too a little!" I said amused and he chuckled lightly caressing her head.

"I know! no one can beat her on stubbornness, rather than me! " he said and I laughed a little...

"whatever! but she was the one who was more broken than any one of us, don't scare us like that, my little lion! " I said worried and patted his bandaged head..

"I'll never! " He assured me I nodded smiling after kissing his forehead, I left them to take some rest.

The smile on my face came to a halt when I saw him coming with imad with a worried face and just like that our eyes locked and I couldn't bring to move my eyes from his cobalt blue which held me captive in his gaze.

I forgot to breathe!

I was not wearing my niqab ( face veil) as it was our private area where no one was allowed except close family and he can clearly see the shock on my face!

" Is he sleeping sis? " Imad asked me politely and I just nodded in no because I was tongue tied as I couldn't speak.

" Come on Bro you go in I need to take this call! " Imad told him and left us alone on the hallway who was in a hurry..

Zaamin's pov :

I was in the middle of the meeting when my phone vibrated on the table, I always put my phone in silent during meetings and no one calls me on my personal number except my family that means something had happened..

Imad was calling I stood up and the board room went silent, I walked inside the another small room which was attached to the conference room and my secretary ayan understood that it was important otherwise I Won't Leave in the middle of an important meeting .

" Brother you need to come back right now! " was the first thing I heard him say and my brows narrowed at his low voice.

" What happened imad will you elaborate! Is everything fine ? " I questioned as the uneasy feeling crept In me.

" Bro in law had an accident and he's in coma from the past two days, sisto didn't wanted to worry you because she knew you're in UK but she's worried sick of him and she became so weak she isn't listening to any of us! " his voice was filled with distressed and I was shocked at the news and most probably angry on my love for hiding things from me

How can she do this to me?

Looks like I need to have a word with her!

Calm down zaam! She just didn't wanted to worry you !

" I'm flying right away don't worry, lion is strong he'll wake up insha Allah until then take care of them for me will ya especially asfa she will not eat anything but feed her forcefully OK! " I asked and he nodded.

I took a deep breath to stop my wayward thoughts and prayed for humzas safety if anything happens to him my love will be broken and the thought alone scared me!

And what about aala? Is she fine?

" Sorry to cut this meeting short gentlemen! I need to leave right now for personal reasons! " I told them and exited the boardroom without waiting for their replies.

" Call the pilot get the jet ready we'll be leaving in an hour ayan ! " I told him who was following me hot on my tails as I stride towards the elevator.

My mind was not at peace, I groaned and took a deep breath, don't think anything bad just be calm everything is going to be fine! I told myself a million times.

After a very long flight of 11 hours we landed in Los Angeles international I was exhausted from the continuous meeting and jet lag but I need to see my love!

I kept praying for humzas safety and speedy recovery the whole flight as the dua made while travelling is accepted sooner than the other time.

The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said; Three supplications will not be rejected (by Allah (SWT)), the supplication of the parent for his child, the supplication of the one who is fasting, and the supplication of the traveler. [al-Bayhaqi, at-Tirmidhi - Sahih]

As soon as I landed imad was there to pick me up, worry was clearly written on his face.

" Assalamu alaikum bro! " he greeted while hugging me tight, he doesn't show his emotions well but just need to be held when he's down.

" Walaikum salam Imad, Don't worry he's going to be fine! " I hugged him and soothed his back, he updated me on the condition of Humza, while we were half way along the journey he received a call from safwa our little sister that Humza had woken up and he was out of danger.

The moment I heard the news I couldn't describe the amount of happiness that surged through me! I was relived from the fear and worry.

Shukran ya rabbi!


The car came to an halt at the porch of hospital and we stepped out of it immediately.

I was very eager to meet my love and give her an earful lecture for trying to hide things from me!

But I was completely catched off guard to come face to face with her.

And just like that I was rooted in my spot, her beautiful face looked tired, bags were under her jade eyes like she had been crying all time, her aura screamed exhausted which mirrored mine.

No matter what I couldn't stop gawking at her until she snapped from her daze and quickly looked down.

And that stung my heart a little I guess!

An update!

How was the chapter guys?

Been truly disappointed from the lack of comments from my readers!

I appreciate the ones who constantly comment and encourage me 😇

I'm feeling like my book is not worth reading 😞

Don't forget to vote, comment and share

See you soon sweethearts

-love Noha

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