
Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu lovelies..

I request my precious readers to pray their salah if they haven't prayed yet before reading this chappy..


I changed my charcoal pencil to 3 shades darker as I added details to my design, while changing to another angle so that the lines will be much more precise and the color contrast will be better with the light shades.

Art is my escape from every problems, I love to draw since childhood it was the thing which will give me peace and motivation to do better no matter what.

Art is my passion Humza and mama supported me when I wanted to take art as my major in college, I recently achieved my masters degree in business but I was an undergraduate of arts, It was a challenge for me to take two completely different majors for UG & PG but taking business helped me to take my mind off of My loss.

I joined college for masters after giving birth to Zain to take my mind away from the heartbreak, the studies and taking care of Zain kept me busy from my own broken feelings.

I liked to draw nature, the natural scenery gives a cooling sensation to the eyes, and I know that drawing or making portraits of human being, animals or animation is ...

I love to draw human eyes, it gave me a thrill to put life into an empty paper but when I came to know that it's Haram, I stopped drawing it immediately.

I also love to design jewellery, there's something about the sparkling gems and stones which is enchanting. I love to put them together and make an antique piece of jewellery.

No matter how I much I love designing jewellery On the contrary I hate to wear it, the sparkling gems and stones like my attention when they are in the raw form and 10 feet away from me.

I see them nothing but as sparkling things but I love to work with them, I put the pencil down and stared at my completed work and a small smile fitted my lips, it was an oval cut peridot Crystal ring with platinum band and small diamonds surrounding it.

" That's look pretty amazing sis! " I jumped on my seat hearing her voice, I put my hand on my loud beating heart and looked at her " you startled me asfu! "

She smiled sheepishly and took the drawing book in her hand " sorry sisto didn't meant to do that! " and I nodded at her smiling she looked beautiful, the honeymoon glow was evident on her face, she and Humza returned from their three weeks honeymoon in Finland, Paris and Makkah Two days ago and my lion immediately flew to Malaysia to take care of his business.

Such a workaholic brother of mine!

I went to wash my hands, as it were grey using the charcoal and graphite pencil.

" These designs are awesome sis, why don't you start your own jewelry line? " she asked me flipping the pages.

" Oh come on asfu it's not that amazing as you say, Humza also suggested me to open my own jewelry line but honestly I'm not tad bit interested !" I told her and shrugged my shoulder wiping my hands on the towel.


" but these are outstanding you're just being humble, just let bunny see these designs and he'll be amazed that what a hidden talent you're by the way let me tell you something no one can escape from his persuasions! " she said laughing and now that his name is mentioned I stiffened.

I was shocked when he accepted my condition.

My condition was simple!

I needed time & wanted a simple wedding, when I will be ready!

He's the sole heir of the yasin Corp, I knew that his family will be willing to hold a tremendous wedding ceremony for the cream of American society.

I thought he won't agree and will deny the proposal because I demanded space, it will be big blow to a man's ego! but he willingly accepted

I'm willingly ready to wait for her even if it take years for her to marry me!

It was the exact answer that he told them, when they told him about my condition.

I was left speechless by his confession!

" sis why are you in a daze, I'm talking to you! " asfa waved her hands in front of my eyes which broke my trance and I was about to say it's nothing when one of the maids knocked on the door, we both looked at her.

" aala and asfa sis, Aamina mam has requested your presence in the living room, you have visitors! " she said and left the room, we looked at each other quizzically.

We both made our way to the living room and as we neared them, my heartbeat skyrocketed as I took a proper look at them.

" Mum... Dad.. " a silent cry escaped my lips, my in laws Dani's parents were seated there talking to mama and as soon as mum saw me, she stilled but smiled at me with sad yet happy eyes.

" aala baby, it's been so long since I saw you !" mum said hugging me tightly and my eyes welled with tears as I hugged her back.

" I missed you mum! " I told her honestly while keeping my tears at bay and dad rubbed my head in an affectionate manner.

I smiled sadly In their direction, mum made me sit beside her and she wiped my tears which I didn't noticed had fallen already " how are you aal? " Dad asked me smiling at me as I looked at his tired face that face remembered me of someone whom I can never s-- I stopped my thoughts there itself.

" I'm good dad, how are you guys? I was thinking to visit you in the mansion! " I told them and mama looked at me with compassionate eyes.

" Granny! " Zain yelled running towards us from the play room with a plane toy in his hand excitedly seeing his grandparents after so long.

" come here my handsome little man! " Dad chuckled lifting and throwing him in air as he giggled loudly.

He was his grandparents life!

" Awe my baby is growing so fast! " mum cooed him as she kissed his cheeks and he was loving all the attention he was receiving while laughing.


I was tensed the whole time, I don't know why but I was feeling guilty and sad seeing them, I felt like I've betrayed them, I couldn't muster up the courage to look into their eyes.

I not only lost my husband but they lost their young son too, I couldn't think I'll handle the pain god forbid if I ever lose Zain, how much they've endured in old age ?

" aal we're not here to only visit you and our grandson but also to give our blessings to you child! " she said caressing my cheek and I stilled.

" you shouldn't feel guilty or anything about us, even it's our wish for you to remarry and live your life child ! " Dad said placing Zain in his lap with a sad smile on his face.

" your dad is right aal, you should concentrate on your new life, we are happy for you and you should concentrate on rebuilding your life again! We're so happy that finally you accepted this proposal! " mum said and I felt more uncomfortable what did I do to get such a loving and supportive family like them.

I know how hard it's for them to say this and this was so overwhelming for me, they always persuaded me to get married again but I strictly told them that I'm not interested.

" mum I'm sorry! " I don't know why I'm apologizing but my heart was hurting seeing their affection.

" Don't cry aal even if you get married remember that you're my daughter and Zain is my grandson no one can change that !" she said patting my head and I nodded silently while sniffing.

Mama and asfa remained silent the whole time looking at us with sad smiles. They left after having lunch and spoiling Zain with so much gifts and toys.

I moved out from their mansion after my iddat, because I couldn't stay there anymore as every corner of that house was filled with our happy memories, making me yearn for him and I was so Devasted at that time not only because I lose dani but also Humza was still in coma, his health was not at all showing any signs of improvement.

It was the most gloomiest days of my life, I never blamed him for anything it was not his mistake but I was worried for his life I didn't wanted to lose another dear one in my life.

Zaamin's pov :

I continued to lap deep in the pool, when I heard my name was being called continuously, I emerged out of the cool water with a splash as I wiped my face and took a breath.

I combed my jet black hair back with my fingers and looked at the source of disturbance and there she was standing on the deck wearing a pajama and both hands on her slender waist with a brow raised and glaring at me.

" I've been calling your name from the past five minutes, are you avoiding me ? " she glared while pouting cutely.

" chillax... Tigress I didn't hear your voice, I wouldn't dare to avoid you now can I? " I questioned climbing out of the pool and wore a fluffy white robe.

" yes.. You can't but will you care to enlighten me why are you swimming in the middle of the night it's 2:30 am for Allah's sake and that too in a cold water! "

" you didn't even change the settings to warm water, ugh! " she huffed and I chuckled loudly seeing her cute reactions.

" relax urwa darling, you know I love to swim in cold water and for your question you know the answer already! "

" is your insomnia getting worse again? " my baby questioned with concerned eyes sitting beside me, I sighed and threw the towel which I was using to dry my hair on the basket.

" it's not that bad but I'm sleeping a lot less lately I guess! " I flicked her nose playfully leaving the part where I sleep just three hours a day.

" Ahh... I wish I could help you if it were in my hands I'll pass on you my oversleeping habits so that we both could sleep like a normal people ! " she said while pouting sadly keeping her head on my chest hugging my waist and I chuckled softly.

" it's OK tigress, I don't mind if you sleep 14 hours a day like a cute little panda! "

" hey... I'm not a panda! " she whined hitting my chest playfully and I chuckled again kissing her forehead lovingly, her lucid jade eyes shooting daggers at me.

" OK..ok I won't tease you anymore! " I shook my head fast and she shrieked hitting my chest " no... Stop it! " because the water droplets from my drenched hair was hitting her face and her lucid jade eyes were closed pleading me. I was laughing loudly being amazed with her funny reactions.

My tigress!

I jerked woke up breathing hard while drenched in sweat completely, my heart was abnormally beating fast and I rubbed my sweaty face while trying to calm my erratic senses.

I removed the duvet from my body and drank water from the glass, my hands were shaking pretty bad but after sometime breathing in and out slowly I was able to calm myself down while gazing at the stars standing on the balcony of my room.

It was 2:38 am in the morning, When I thought I was over from the nightmares and her thoughts, again I was proven wrong.

I just couldn't forget her!

Her smiling face never left my eyes, she was a ball of energy spreading joy and happiness everywhere but now she's no more!

I don't want to dig up the past which will only make me more miserable! The sooner I accept the reality the better I'll be, but it's easier said than done.

Something's are hard to forget no matter what!


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