
Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu lovelies..

I request my precious readers to pray their salah if they haven't prayed yet before reading this chappy...



because Now it's not about me alone, it's about my zains happiness, I can live alone but I don't want Zain to long for a fatherly love in his life.

I always noticed Zain looking at another children playing in the park with their daddies and he'll just pout with longing in his eyes, most of the time Humza will play with him but still he keeps on looking at them while they play soccer.

I'm only doing this because of Zain, he comes before me, he's the only will to live my life happily.

"Alhamdulillah! thank you so much aala, my baby I'll promise you won't regret this! " momma said and hugged me tight and I buried my face in her neck not knowing how to control my overbearing emotions.

Then, I neared humza and cupped his face "I'll never talk to you! if you still blame yourself for that incident! " I warned him seriously and he just smiled at me while a tear slipped out of his eyes..

My softy lion!

I know he still blames himself for Dani's death, I never blamed him because it's not his fault, it was fate and we couldn't do anything about it.

I hugged him tight as he hid his face in my neck, like a child and I stroked his hair lovingly..

"I love you so much my strength!" Humza said, like a child...

"I love you too my baby brother! " I said, affectionately...

Another reason I agreed to this proposal because I don't want him to feel guilty anymore, I want to end his guilt and that's only possible if I married zaamin.

But it's easier said than done!

Everyone left the room with happy faces but I couldn't say the same, I sat on the foot of the bed with clutching my knees and hugging it to my chest, as all the memories began to flash on my mind, making me yearn for him.


I put my hair in a messy bun on the top of my head and continued cooking Dani's favorite dish chicken schezwan noodles with guacamole .

I felt a pair of hands wrapping around my waist as he put his head on my shoulder kissing my neck softly that made me smile and close my eyes in content.

" smells amazing darling! " he whispered in my ear as his hot breath fanned my ear making me shudder.

" Of course it will... it's you favorite dish after all! " I teased him to which his chest vibrated from his chuckles because I always give him my sassy remarks which only amuses him.

" Gosh darling you never cease to amaze me with that smart mouth of yours! " he smiled affectionately in my direction turning me around so that I can face him.


I wrapped my arms around his neck as he pulled me close to him if that was even possible, I looked at his chiseled face and that fierce greenish blue eyes looking at me like I'm the whole world to him " you shouldn't have cooked darling you should've wait for me, I don't want you to stress yourself! He said kissing my cheek that only made me smile against his cheek.

" No Dani you always cook for us and I wanted to cook for you and no I'm not stressing myself out, I'm just pregnant not invalid! " I hissed at him, I was getting irritated by his over possessive behavior because he was treating me like an invalid person always hot on my tails.

Darling don't stand for too long your feet will hurt..

Darling don't eat junk food it's not good for you and our munchkin..

Baby don't think too much you'll stress yourself out.

Baby can you walk ? Should I Carry you?..

Like seriously? He treats me like I'm some rare porcelain China ware that should be taken care with extra precautions.

" I'm sorry darling if I irritate you, I'm just concerned for you, when I'm at work I always keep on thinking about you and Zain, I want both of you to be healthy and happy! " he said looking into my eyes with so much love that again melted my heart.

" I know love, you're worried for us but we're fine Alhamdulillah! " I said rubbing his lightly stubbled jaw.

" I can't wait to hold my son in my arms, I want to watch him grow up with you, I want him to call me Pa, I want to see him take his first step, I want to teach him soccer, I will teach him Martial arts so that he can protect himself and his mommy when I'm not with you! " he said rubbing my lightly swollen belly and my heart swelled hearing his future plans with our munchkin.

" why are you saying like that you'll always be with me, we will watch our son grow up together! " I told him narrowing my eyes, I can never think of my life without him beside me.

" we never know what the future holds for us aal, but I'll live my life to the fullest with you every single day until Allah wills! " he said kissing my temple and I just hugged him tight burying my face in his chest basking the warmth radiating from him.

My happy place!

" promise me you Won't Leave me ever! " I mumbled against his chest while he rubbed my back soothingly, I felt protected being in his strong arms.

" I promise I won't leave you Insha Allah! " he said and kissed my hair and I smiled against his chest not knowing that soon my life will take a huge U turn that will leave me bewildered.


Flashback ends....

I wiped my tears harshly but it kept falling from my eyes " you left me alone Dani you promised me you won't but you did! " I clutched my heart as it was paining. She knew she can't question Allah's decree, she never showed ungratefulness to her rabb but sometimes her bottled up emotions ruled out her logical thinking.

" I don't think I can marry anyone but I had to do.... I h-had to d-do! " I hiccuped inbetween as I wailed in a low voice.


The cool wind was hitting my face as I ran on the streets of Canada, the snow was falling lightly, the weather was cold but the heat radiating from my body was enough to keep me warm.

I love my morning runs, I never miss it at any cost I love to see the world waking up and readying themselves to face against the hurdles which is going to be thrown in their way.

I love to see the birds chirping in their nest, the fresh gush of wind, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee beans and freshly baked goods from the near coffee shops hitting my nostrils.

I entered the building as I took of my hood which was covering my face and entered my apartment which was on the 28th floor, I gulped the water in three sips according to the Sunnah saying Bismillah and sitting on the bar stool, the cook handed me my protein shake.

I drank it and thanked him then I hit the shower, while I was in the shower her misted eyes came into my mind which made me groan.

Why were there tears in her eyes?

I took a deep breath to calm myself because I was afraid of her answer, asfa told me that she rejected almost every proposal that came for her from the past three years, she never considered it even bit.

I don't know what's gonna happen today? I just hoped for the best!.

You know that moment when your heartbeat will be beating so fast like crazy that you'll think it'll burst any minute by the pressure and suspense when the results of your board exams will be coming out in a minute!

Yes that's exactly how I was feeling right this moment!

I entered the lawn where Humza and asfa was taking a walk with hands in hand and smiling at each other, I mumbled a quick Masha Allah under my breath because it's been so long since I saw my love so happy and carefree..

She was a chirpy kid when she was young but she changed totally since Laila mama and uncle died in a tragic accident, somewhere in my heart knew that incident changed her views on life but she never voiced out her thoughts.

I never pushed her to tell me what's on her mind nevertheless she was very close to me, our bond remained the same over years, and asfa caught my eye as I waved at her and she smiled at me.

" Assalamu alaikum my love! " I said smiling and Humza hugged me but he had a straight face, which I didn't liked a bit.

"Walaikum salam bunny! " asfa replied, but she too had a sad face!

I neared and hugged her tight then kissed her forehead but she smiled at me sadly...

"what happened why are you looking sad? " I asked worriedly and then I got the message, that it must be a no from her..

"she said no right! " I asked slowly, my heart clenched at the thought.

"Actually..... " she dragged, a little..

"what is it ? " I asked, impatiently, this was not the time for suspense.

" Actually it's a umm you know! " she shrugged her shoulder, to annoy me.

"Pls say it love! " I pleaded her, with puppy dog eyes! That was her weakness.

"you know when she told us, I was shocked and thought what'll be your reaction about this whole matter? and she said...... " she completed and I was shocked and dumbfounded but she was laughing hard at my face..

I was still unable to process that little piece of information which made me gawk at her like a fish out of water..

"Really really? " I asked her because it was unbelievable, if I was in a dream then I don't want to wake up.

"really bunny, I'm so happy for you! " she exclaimed in happiness...

"Alhamdulillah I'm so happy! I can't believe it it feels like a dream come true! " I exclaimed, twirling her around excitedly.

I can't believe she said yes!

Alhamdulillah Ya rabbi!

"congrats zaam! " Humza said and hugged me too he had a small smile playing on his lips.

"Thank you so much for entrusting your sis with me, I'm sure I'll take care of her! " I said to Humza sincerely.

"you better will! otherwise the consequences will not be good! " Humza said, glaring at me..

I raised my hands in surrender and asfa laughed at us

" But she has a condition! " asfa said and just like that my smile diminished! As I looked at them with not even a single clue of what her condition will be?

A condition?


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