
Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu lovelies..

Hola lovelies...

Missed me????

I missed you guys too;)!!..

Though it's not even two days 😅

I'm back with a bang!!!!

Here's my new story for you guys ON READERS DEMAND! ..

It's a

Focussing on Aala and zaamin, they will be the main protagonist because it's their book obviously ! I didn't plan to write their story so soon but the demands for this book was increasing, so here I'm...

It will be a rollercoaster ride with so much fun, joy, pain, tears and especially love.

She was his sunshine and he was her strength.

He has a heart of a gold (pure and kind) and she was like a stardust soul ( a magical feeling ).

Join the journey of these two as you'll see how he will make her his forever despite so many struggles and obstacles in life as per her saying she doesn't need any man in her life.

Ps: I'm sure you'll like this new journey and you'll also get to see Humza and asfa too here 😉.

Until then see you soon sweethearts.

Take care 😇

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