《Eternal Love ✔》||33 The End Is Always A New Beginning ||



Life, a simple word yet holding thousand meanings. It's unpredictable, yet people crave to make it long. Their life was too like others, uncertain. They hadn't imagined being in a situation they were at that moment.

Khizir was stabbed. The injury was severe, the doctors had informed that one organ was damaged a little and it was something dangerous. He was fighting in there, for his life while on the other side Irfa was shot in her arm.

Everyone was shedding silent tears except one...he was so much broken that his tears were not coming out.

Standing in a corner he was continuously gazing the half moon...the same was his condition...he was half.without his wife...who was injured, without his best friend who was fighting with death.

His Shifa…the girl who was strong was crying, his father was half conscious, and he...he couldn't do anything.

“Mr Siddiqui” he heard someone and turned around to find the doctor.

“Yes doctor...are...are…they fine?” He asked with a lot of hopes.

“Mr Siddiqui your wife is fine now the bullet just touched her arm and it's a slight deep injury....but your brother is in serious condition.” The doctor said...he was relieved that his wife was safe but Khizir?

“What happened to him doctor...he will be fine right?” He asked in hope.

“We cannot say anything...the rod which hit his head has caused some minor brain injuries, a lot of bleeding has occurred and one of the organ is slightly damaged due to the stab.” The doctor said and as if the ground beneath his feet slipped. His mind wasn't ready to accept that Khizir was in such a condition.

“Doctor...please save him.”he merely whispered.

“We are trying...if he doesn't gain conscious after the surgery maybe he can enter coma....please pray for him.” The doctor said patting him on his shoulder and went away.

Ya Allah please...please save him... I… I am sorry if I had done any wrong...please don't punish my family...please I can't see them like that...please. He cried in his prayer.


It's been a day since Khizir's surgery, and he was still unconscious...while Irfa was fine but the mental trauma had made her numb, she was not talking to anyone... Shehreyar was not able to gather any courage to face her.

From the time the surgery had completed Shifa was with Khizir...all the time with him.

“Come one Khizir now this is too much...don't you think you are overreacting. You owl get up.....please.”she said and sobbed at the last part. Holding his hand she cried for god knows how much time.

“I am sorry... I won't fight with you know, I won't call you owl...never... I promise, but please get up...phupo is so tensed... Zainab is crying so much...don't you care about your mother and sister. Please na itni minnate na karwao mujhse…(don't make me request you).” She said in hope that he will listen to her. But he was silent. Crushing all her hopes, leaving her to cry more and more.


“Khizir Hussain get up or I kill you...can't you listen to me?...huh say something.” Her patience broke, and she shouted on him as loudly as she could and next moment broke into tears...crying hysterically near his hand, and she didn't know when she slept.


Intense pain and heaviness in his head was what Khizir felt as soon as he woke up. He felt as if he had bad slept for ages even the veil of his vision were not able to open due to so much light.

With great difficulty as if fighting a battle he opened his eyes...he tried to lift his hand but something soft and heavy was making his efforts of no use. His gaze went towards the soft thing and found his love's sleeping face on his hand. He smiled...but it took so much effort even to smile.

He slightly moved from his place carefully not a wake her up but the pain in his stomach made him wince in pain. Shifa instantly woke up from her sleep and found Khizir smiling sheepishly at her.

“You idiot...”she whispered.

“How dare you scare us? You are really a stupid person. Do you know what was the conditions of Zainab and phupo...you idiot everyone were so scared.” She shouted and hit him on his hand which made him groan in pain.

“I… I am so sorry...sorry I didn't mean to hurt you...is it hurting?” She started panicking and all her anger vanished while tears started to flow down her cheeks.

“Shifa please don't cry.” He said with great difficulty.

“You are such an idiot Khizir you...you don't even care about me?” She said and cried more.

“I am sorry...my love please forgive me.”he said holding his ears.

“You are not forgiven.” she huffed making him shake his head. She went outside and informed everyone and it didn't take them much time to come. Some were crying in happiness while some were pampering him.

“Man you scared me.” Shehreyar said and slightly hugged him.

“Where is Irfa?” He asked.

“She got injured…she is fine but in a trauma.” Shehreyar said and Khizir nodded his head.

Soon the day came when he would finally go home. His happiness knew no bound. The doctors had said that he shouldn't leave yet but Shehreyar had insisted, so he was discharging. His injuries hadn't healed yet. Mr Ahem had suggested getting a treatment from a well-known hospital of Canada.

“Come on let's go.” Shifa said and made him stand. He held her wrist and pulled her towards him. It was so new to him, the kind of love and pamper he was receiving from Shifa. Yet it felt beautiful and serine.

“I love you.” he whispered out of nowhere making her eyes widen in shock.

“I don't need any reaction...you are the only one for me, my little rat.” He said and kissed her forehead.

The act was so pure that it felt like her heart would leap out any moment. Overwhelmed by the tingling sensations she looked down, a small blush forming on her cheeks.



A week passed but Irfa's condition was still the same...she wouldn't talk much just yes and no, she would cry when Shehreyar would fall asleep.

Shehreyar was tensed...he couldn't see his wife like that...her one hand was injured so everyday it was his work to make her eat, but she would just eat a spoon or two. It was making him guilty, but he didn't insist, he knew she needed some time.

Like everyday he had helped her in eating and as he got up from the bed she held his hand.

“Stay”her voice was hoarse and her gaze was down. He sat in front of her.

“Shehreyar... I… I am a b…bad omen...why do you stay near me? You will also fall in any trouble...please stay away. Divorce me...it will be the best for you...please. Shereyar...please.” She said and started crying with loud sobs. He instantly engulfed her in a hug...she cried in his embrace which promised security to her, yet she knew it was better for him to leave her.

“Shh...you are not a bad omen for me, not for anyone. You are my lucky charm...you don't know how much you mean to me how lucky I am to get you? And never say that word divorce....never ever think that I will leave you.” He said and kissed her hair.

“No Shehreyar amma, baba nanu and bhai also left because of me…and now mamu. What was his fault? Shehreyar stay away...please.”she said pushing him with all her might yet the hold was strong enough for her efforts to fail.

“Whatever happened was not your fault...you know when Allah takes someone away from us it's better for us and them, and Shehreyar is nothing without Irfa...you complete me. I will never leave you in any condition.” He said hugging her more tightly.

She was still crying, but he didn't stop her...she needed that. She needed to cry, she needed to stay in his arms. She needed to know that he was there for her...no matter what. Their bond was not just a relation of names, it was the purest bond. The one in which their Lord had tied them.


Time flies, sometimes healing the scars and sometimes making new ones. No one has a hold on it. The day when Irfa had cries out loud was three back yet Shehreyar could hear the sobs.

Irfa was fine now, she had to attend a visit or two to a doctor for overcoming the trauma. Shehreyar had also taken her on a small holiday which was nothing but a blissful time for them.

It was Shehreyar's birthday the next day so with the help of her family Irfa organized a 12 a.m party for him and her only. All sorts of butterflies were erupting in her tummy thinking about the results of the preparations.

Mr Ahmed, Saba and Shifa had gone to Khizir's house for a stay, giving the couple a much-needed privacy. She was being too nervous. Checking everything time to time and fussing about her dress she finally got ready. It took her a lot of time in just wearing a simple saree. Impatiently she was walking on the terrace when she heard his cars screech.

“Oh my Allah! He is here.” She again started panicking.

Parking his car he noticed that his father's car was missing making him frown. It was almost midnight. He entered the house and found it empty, the lights were switched off increasing his worry. He directly went in his room and found it empty too.

All sorts of bad thoughts started coming to his mind making him panic. He was about to call his father when he saw a note lying on the side table. Picking it he read the message which was from his wife. He frowned as she had asked him to come at the terrace. Nevertheless, he went upstairs only to find a small corner of it decorated.

He was confused, he moved forward, and he saw his beautiful wife at a distance in a...black saree.

“Happy birthday hubby.” She said coming towards him and wrapped her hands around first he was shocked then surprised and then happy. He instantly hugged her back.

“Did you do this?” He asked still hugging her making her hmm in response. She didn't want to break the comforting hug, but she had too many plans to cancel.

“I have a gift for you.”she said moving back and took an envelope from the table. He raised his eyebrows and then opened the envelope, it was some medical report and a little card.

He looked at the card with widen eyes then looked at her then again at the card

“Is it.it true?” He asked stammering.

“Yes.” She whispered making him engulf her in a tight hug. He chuckled softly and kissed her head again.

“I am so happy...this is the best gift ever.”

“Does everyone know this?” He asked.

“No you are the first one.” she said.

''I love you...'' Irfa said looking deep in his eyes. The love and affection showing in her orbs were the same as him, the same intensity. He caressed her cheeks and placed his lips on her soft ones. The act reciprocated well by her.

The next day the rest of the family returned in the morning. They had their breakfast as usual in joy, exchanging laughs and words. Mr Ahmed, Saba and Shifa had completed their breakfast so Irfa handed them their coffee mug and waited for their reactions.

They didn't see what was inside making her exchange looks with Shehreyar.

“Um mom, dad,Shifa look at your mugs.” Shehreyar said and all three looked at it at the same time. The reaction was priceless. First they exchanged looks and then again looked at their mugs and then at Shehreyar and Irfa.

“What?” The three asked in unison making Irfa and Shehreyar smile and reply in unison,



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