《Eternal Love ✔》||31 You?||



It felt like an unending regret for Khizir. He regretted what he had done in the morning, he regretted everything he had done that had hurt. She was hurt and that's why she ran. And it wasn't in his hands or else he would erase everything that happened in the morning and bring her back.

It's rightly said, when someone loses a thing they get to know it's real meaning.

Shehreyar, Khizir and Mr Ahmed had tried to search at every place she could be. Being it any park, her friend's places...they didn't leave a single place they could think of...but they couldn't find her.

Mr Ahmed could hardly control his tears and sat on a bench. His face morphed into a one that held worry and remorse. He was helpless, he couldn't even find his daughter, and then he broke down. Tears started flowing down without any restrictions.

“Baba please have strength....please for us. Shifa needs us we need to be strong.” Shehreyar spoke trying to soothe his father.

Khizir could feel guilt clouding him. He had never seen Mr Ahmed cry, and when he was crying like this it felt piercing. He turned around and wiped the lone tear that has cascaded down his cheek.

“Shehreyar... I am sorry...meri wajah se Shifa...(because of me Shifa)”. He couldn't even complete because of the lump in his throat.

“It's okay Khizir it's not your fault.” Shehreyar said and placed his hand on his shoulder.

It was already late afternoon, and they had almost given up. Deciding to return and contact the police they sat in the car. Suddenly Shehreyar's phone rang.

“Hello Mr Shergil...any news?” He asked in a low voice.

'” Yes Mr Siddiqui the number belongs to your business partner Zawar.” the person on other side spoke and Shehreyar's eyes went wide. For a moment or two he remained silent as the information was way too shocking.

“Thank you.” he said controlling his furry and hanged up the call.

“What happened Shereyar?” Khizir asked seeing his hardened face.

“What happened Sherey?” He again asked.

“Khizir one moment.” he said, and they both went out of the car.

“Khizir listen to me very carefully...” Shehreyar said and explain Khazar everything that had happened with Irfa. Khizir was more shock than him.

“How dare he?...wait Sherey is this all his plan?” Khizir asked clenching his fist.

“I don't know...but let me first warn Irfa.” He said and took out his cell to call Irfa but stopped when he saw the message that she had sent an hour ago.

Shehreyar I am sorry...the reason behind Shifa's kidnap was me...the kidnapper wants me to go there, and then he will leave Shifa. I cannot throw Shifa in any danger. I am going...I am sorry...please forgive me...hope we will meet soon.

Yours Irfa.

“Khizir nothing is right now...see this.” He said and passed the cell to Khizir...his face paled. His mind clogging with all kind of thoughts. It felt like he was being stabbed and the pain was immense. First Shifa and then Irfa. It was all too much to handle.


“Sherey what now?” Khizir asked his own voice just a mere whisper.

“First let's go back...baba is not fine.” Shereyar pulled himself together. He couldn't just give up not now.

Khizir and Shehreyar were sitting in the study when again Shehreyar's phone beeped indicating some message. It was from Shifa's number making them frown.

Raza Shahid factory west Delhi lane 20

“Shehreyar this...this factory belongs to Raza Shahid... Rayyan's grandfather...are they involved in this?” Khizir asked.

“No I don't think so...let's contact them.” Shereyar said and called Rayyan, one of their business delegates from Lucknow and good friend.

“Assalamoalaikum Rayyan...there is one problem.” He spoke as soon as the phone was picked up.

“What happened Shehreyar?” On the other side the man became tensed.

“ Rayyan is there any factory of yours in west Delhi lane 20?” Shehreyar asked.

“Lane 20,west Delhi...yes there is one.”

“But it is abandoned...3 years ago a fire broke down there, so we had to shut it.” The man from the other side spoke.

“Is there any problem Shehreyar you can tell me?” Rayyan asked.

“My sister and wife got kidnapped and somehow they have sent the address where they are and that's your factory.” Sherman said trying to control the anger which was bubbling inside.

“What?” Rayan too was shocked making him relax a bit that they weren't involved in this.

“Shehreyar listen to me very carefully...that factory is abandoned and from a year there is some suspicious activities going there...we tried to get on it but failed each time... I think your wife and sister's kidnap has some connections with it.” He spoke and Khizir and Shehreyar's eyes went wide.

“Rayyan can you please tell me every detail about it.” Shehreyar requested.

“Shehreyar can you wait till I come there. It will take just two hours. I will be there soon.” Rayyan said and Shehreyar couldn't do anything but agree to him.


Irfa had never thought that because of her this much problem would arise. She didn't want any this to happen but what could she do. The message she received was of some factory's address. She didn't give any second thought and went out. All the way she just prayed everything would be better. She had messaged Shehreyar with shivering hands.

'Why Allah?why...why I cause so much problem?... I am really a bad omen... I don't know how Shifa is?...please Allah keep her safe.'

Praying silently she asked the driver of the cab to drop her a little back from the exact location. The area was abandoned and not a single human existence was there. With fearful steps she moved toward the factory which was as silent as the surrounding.

Entering the factory carefully she looked around, there were cartons everywhere and some doors. Silently she started to search Shifa. It felt really stupid to do this, but she was helpless she couldn't risk Shifa's life. Opening one of the door she gasped seeing the scene in front of her.


“Shifa...”a whisper escaped her mouth as she saw Shifa sitting in a corner with ropes tied all around and a tape on her mouth.

Hearing her name Shifa's head snapped towards the door where Ira was standing with tears filled eyes.

Irfa instantly went towards her and opened her ropes and removed the tape from her mouth.

“Irfa what are you doing here?...these people are very dangerous please go away.” Shifa pleaded.

“I am sorry Shifa this is because of me they wanted to kidnap me and you also got stuck here...please forgive me.” Irfa said with teary voice.

“IRA it's not your fault...ok give me my phone.” Shifa said gesturing towards her phone that was lying at a distance. As soon as she got the phone she messaged Shehreyar her location.

“What are you doing Shifa?” Irfa asked.

“I.-” Shifa didn't even complete her sentence when her phone was snatched by someone and in next few seconds it broke into a thousand pieces.

“You bitch.” Someone roared and a hard slap landed on her cheeks making her wince in pain.

“Calm down.” another voice boomed in the silent room.

“Oh...see we have another guest here.” the first voice said.

“Welcome...my darling cousin.” the man said and Irfa's eyes widened in shock. The next moment lights of the room flickered and the face of the two came into vision.

“Saadan bhai?” the words escaped her lips in a whisper.

“Yes my love...your Saadan bhai.” the other voice said and both of their head turned towards the voice again receiving a shock.

“You...how can you do this? You cheap bastard.” Shifa shouted as her blood boiled looking at Zawaar's face.

“Shut the fuck up...how dare you raise your voice on me?” Zawar came forward and gripped her neck.

“Leave her you a bastard.” Irfa shouted and moved forward.

“Ahan my little sister...why so fiery?” Saadan held her and pushed her on the floor making her fall hard.

“Why...why Saadan bhai...what did I do to you?” Irfa couldn't control the questions that were flooding her mind.

“No...no you are wrong you didn't do anything but my father did.” He said bitterly.

“Mamu?” Irfa whispered.

“Yes your mamu...you know how big fool he was and that old lady...my grand mom that bitch what did she do? Named everything to your mother....and your mother named everything to you.” He said. His face showing disgust and hatred. She could feel her head spinning.

“What...what are you talking about?” She was hell confused, she didn't know any of this.

“My father...your mamu had a golden chance to get all your property. That business of your father...the house everything but what did he do...gave everything even his own properties to your fucking mother.” He snapped on her and the sudden information was too much for her to digest.

“What?” She whispered.

“And my dear little sister your mother was too clever she named it to you and you will get it only if you got married...so now you got everything but-” he shouted.

“What did I get...nothing.when I planned to marry you my fool father sent you there and you...you got married to that bastard..? Shehreyar.”

“Don't you dare say anything to him.” Irfa snapped.

“You bitch.”he yelled and slapped her, she lost her count how many times. The pain was immense that it felt like she would faint. She could hear Shifa shouting but couldn't decipher what.

“Saadan leave my love...she will get hurt.” Zawaar came forward and caressed her cheeks on making her move her face away in disgust.

“So my love...now I will get you and he will get the property.” Zawaar said.

“Never...my bhai would never let that happen.” Shifa snapped in between receiving another slap making her fall on the floor.

“Shut your fucking mouth.” Saadan growled.

“Bhai...you could have asked me... I would have given it to you...why did you do this?” Irfa asked, tears of anger pulling her eyes.

“I tried my little sister...but that father of me, he stopped me...and you know what I did...killed that bloody man.” Saadan chuckled Bitterly making

making her eyes widen in shock

“You ki...killed ...mam...mamu?”

“Yes... I killed him like I will kill this girl...and her brother too.” He said and both Zawaar and him laughed.

“Please...please I beg you leave them... I will listen everything you say but please leave them...please.” she begged joining her hands.

“Aww so much love for your hubby.” Saadan said in a mocking tone.

“But alas!...he will die.” Zawaar completed his sentence.

“You morons my brother would never let that happen...he has Allah with him... Allah will help him and you bastards will rot in hell.” Shifa said in full rage.

“Shut up...shut your mouth now or I put the bullet in.” Zawaar said pointing the gun on her forehead. Then they went out leaving the two alone.

“Don't worry bhai will come.” Shifa whispered making her close her eyes. All the beautiful memories of her and him played in her mind. His words reverberating in her ears,

“I love you Irfa.”



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