《Eternal Love ✔》||30 She Is Gone||



Shehreyar when woke up, the first thing he noticed was the empty couch. Irfa was nowhere to be seen. He exhaled deeply, he knew this fight would not end so easily. But then his reaction was understandable, the threat calls and messages could be more dangerous than it seemed.

The shower was running, so he decided to wait. He waited for 10 minutes, but she didn't come out. He was getting frustrated.

“Irfa I am going.” he called and went out of the room. She came out after he left. She looked around the room and sighed, it was really tough to forget the way he had scolded her. Back then it didn't matter much but now when they are tied in a bond, it was difficult.

She completed her fajir salah and took out Shehreyar's clothes and other things for the day. Taking her own clothes she decided to go to Shifa's room...after all she was angry.

He stepped inside the room and found it silent. Further, walking in the room he found his clothes for the day lying on the bed. Running a hand in his hair he sighed.

'She is still angry.' He thought and went to get ready.

Irfa was a simple person, if anyone loved her she would return it back in more but when she gets angry, which was of course rare...that meant a war. A silent war. That's what was going between Shehreyar and her, very cleverly she had been avoiding him from morning...didn't talk in the car, neither in the office.

His wife was really giving him hard times.

'Now how will she avoid me?'...he mentally whispered and smirked. Giving a call to someone he relaxed in his chair waiting for the much awaited person.

“Yes baba you called me?” Irfa asked entering Mr Ahmed's cabin.

“Beta this is very important file that Shehreyar wants can you give it to him?” Mr Ahmed asked.

“Um baba...actually-” she was speaking when Mr Ahmed cut her in between.

“You and him had a fight.” Mr Ahmed completed making her eyes go wide in shock. He smiled and shook his head. Her face had a confused look as of asking how did he know. Sensing her confusion Mr Ahmed spoke,

“I know, your behavior was clearly telling everything. I suggest you to solve it soon but,” Taking a small pause he spoke again.

“After a day or two.” he said and her head shot up. It seemed like someone had smacked her, she was standing like a statue. It was unbelievable yet amusing...her father-in-law giving her suggestions on fights.

“Yeah you have all the right to get angry on him...and take some time, Saba does the same with me.” He said smiling.


The door of his cabin opened making him sit up straight, he started pretending to work and didn't look up. A moment or two passed when he heard a manly voice speak, and he looked up only to find one of the employee standing there with the file.

His face fell...where was she.

“Zaid why did you come?... I asked the file from baba so Irfa should have come.” He asked impatiently.

“I am sorry sir but Mr Ahmed asked me to give this to you as Irfa mam was busy.” Zaid said and placed the file in front him.

“Ok you may go.” He said and Zaid nodded at him Politely and went out.

'She is so tough to handle.' he thought and closed his eyes.


Suddenly an idea crashed his mind and a smirk formed on his lips. He didn't know he was so smart in planning these things.

Whole day the battle continued...he tried to talk to her, but she ignored. The next day when they went to office he was ready to execute his plan.

“Good morning Sir.” one of the lady staff came to him when he and Irfa were going inside.

“Good morning Layla how are you?...oh you are looking beautiful today.” He said loud enough for her to listen, but she didn't pay any heed to him and continued walking. He mentally cursed himself and after getting rid of Layla he went to his cabin.

“Yes Mr Shergil, the number I sent you, get all the details of it...yes its emergency....thank you so much.” He talked with his private investigator about the unknown number from which Irfa used to get calls.

Though his anger had subsided he couldn't leave the matter of threat calls just like that. Their business was nothing but huge...and being in business field meant rivals and clashes. He didn't know who it was but ignoring it wouldn't do any good.

There was a meeting in which he jad she sat opposite to each other, giving him the perfect chance to execute his plan. His plan was simple, he had decided to make her jealous, so he started talking to some employee who was sitting beside him...well a girl.

She noticed him, but she was well aware that her husband was a poor actor...with much difficulty she controlled her laugh on his pathetic acting skills.

He looked at her and saw her not at all paying any attention to him...this was enough to frustrate him. He led out a dejected sigh.

“So gentlemen this meeting will continue tomorrow as I am not feeling well.” He said thinking that she might talk now hearing about him not being well,

But...she was MrsShehreyar Siddiqui as stubborn as Mr Shereyar Siddiqui.


Shifa was given the task to take Irfa on the terrace and so did she.

She was standing on the terrace with Shifa and the sun was almost to set. The beauty of the nature from that place was breathtaking.

“Shifa....did anyone drop your brother from terrace or did he injured his head when he was small? Why is he always in anger like an angry bird?” She asked not looking beside her.

Receiving no response from Shifa she ignored it thinking that she herself was not in a good mood.

The clouds started pouring down the uncontrollable drops who were fighting to fall on the land. For a minute or two it was just drizzle but all of a sudden the rain started getting heavy, so she decided to go down. When she turned back she gasped at the person standing there.

''I… I should go.” she said and tried to walk past the person but a strong hand grabbed her wrist making her stop. Her heart felt like it would leap out any moment.

“Well...no one dropped me I haven't injured my head too.”he said slowly.

He pulled her towards him. She bumped into him with her back touching his chest...he was holding both of her hands in his one hand. Her mouth seemed to get sealed as she tried to speak but failed. The rain was getting harder and harder. They were completely drenched and the coldness of it was making her shudder.

He gently removed his hand from her hands and taking the opportunity she tried to run, but he again grabbed her by her waist...snaking his arm around her small figure.


“How far will you run?” he asked kissing her earlobe making her shiver.

“Sh... Shereyar p…please le…leave me it…it's raining hard.” She uttered with great difficulty, but he had turned deaf ears. He kissed her earlobe again making her shudder at her place.

“Do you know... Mrs Shereyar Siddiqui how much you make me angry by running away from me, avoiding me and sleeping on the couch not near me? Do you know it?” His voice was as deep as ocean...her whole self was losing itself. If it was his fault then she was too on equal fault.

“And My dear wife I am really sorry for my behavior.” He said She stood silent she had no words to say. Sensing no answer he turned her around. There face were merely inches apart, his warm breath fanned her face.

“Angry bird...huh?” he whispered in her ears and kissed her wet temple. He was looking in her brown orbs, and she in his black ones drowning completely in it. He tugged her wet hair strands behind her ears and placed a kiss on her cheeks making her close her eyes.

“This for running away from me...”he said and kissed her another cheek.

“This for sleeping on couch...” He stared her closed eyes and kissed her wet eyelids. She shuddered and tried to control her rapidly beating heart but failed.

“This for not feeling jealous when I am with other girls...” he said and kissed her nose.

“This for not loving me like I love you...”he said and captured her lips.

Her eyes shot open on the sudden act he had done. She could feel her heart skipping a beat and butterfly in her stomach. The hand which was around her waist pulled her more towards its owner while other held her nape.

“Dare to run away again and trust me the punishment will be more cruel.” He whispered near her lips sending another set of electric current in her body.

“I am sorry Irfa... I know you got hurt but you should know that it could have been dangerous...there are many enemies of us...you are very precious to me I can't lose you. I love you...and will love you till eternity.” He said, and she couldn't control her tears which escaped. The emotions were overwhelming.

“I... I am..s…sorry She… Sherey.” she said in between her sobs making him engulf her in a tight hug.


Being in the arms of someone who loves you and adores you are nothing but beautiful. Her face was devoid of any worry and a peaceful smile etched on it. Shehreyar smiled seeing her sleeping soundly.

“Irfa... Irfa… Get up it's fajr time.” He slightly shook her, and she snuggled more in him making him smile more.

“Come on get up or I will kiss you.” He said and her eyes immediately shot open.

“No...”she yelled and jumped out of the bed. A full hearted laugh escaped his mouth making her frown.

“You should see your face.” he said in between his laughs.

“I hate you.” she said and hit him with a pillow stopping his laugh and glare replaced it.

“How dare you?” he growled.

“Like this.” she said again hitting him with pillow and ran in the washroom.

“Irfa come out.” he shouted.

“No, I am not stupid.” She replied.

“Come out or I come in.” He warned.

“Don't come in go to Masjid...fajir time babes.” She teased and giggled.

“Wait till I come back.” He said and went out.

Irfa completed her prayer and was taking out her clothes when a strong arm hooked her to the nearby wall. She gasped at the sudden jerk.

“Shehreyar...”she whispered looked into his dark orbs which was pulling with a hundred emotions.

“So...know what will you do.” He asked in a deep husky voice.

“Leave...please.” she whispered.

“Well... I remember something... Mr Collins looks handsome in his sky blue shirt.” He said and her eyes widened.

“You heard us?”she asked in a scared voice while he nodded innocently.

“He is a gentle man...he is so smart.”he said in a serious tone. She knew she was gone now.

“I…that... Sherey...wo bas...(oh that)...yes...han Josh sachme handsome hain(yes Josh really is very handsome).” She teased and suppress her smile seeing him getting jealous.

“Acha Josh handsome hain...aur main?” (oh… Josh is handsome…and me) he asked.

“Aap bhi hain par woh aur bhi zyada handsome hain(you too...but he is more than you).”she said playfully, but he was way too engrossed in his jealousy to hear anything else.

“Dare to take any man's name and I swear you will regret it.” He said and jealousy was dripping from his voice.

“I will take...” she said in a mocking tone still caged between him and wall

“Really?” he questioned making her nod. Within a blink he sealed her lips with his in a furious and fast kiss. He was kissing her furiously taking out his jealousy. She tried to push him, but he was holding her tight.

He stopped and looked at her close eyes and panting face. He smirked at the effect he had on her.

“One more time and you know I can do worse.” he whispered and her eyes shot open. The disbelief and shyness making it look more beautiful.

“You are so-”she didn't even complete when he again hushed her with his lips. This time it was. Gentle, passionate and screamed his love for her. She reciprocated the same intensity making him smile.

“I love you.”


Shifa had spent most of her time in the past week thinking about everything, her engagement to Khizir and her mother's suggestion. The only thing she could printout was that she should give this a chance...though it would take a lot of efforts.

It was Sunday and Khizir's mother had invited her for spending a day at their place. She was a bit hesitant but Irfa assured her that nothing would go wrong. Still, somewhere in her mind something kept repeating that something bad was to befall.

“Mmm...phupo this is so delicious.”she said with her mouth stuffed with food. Khizir too was on the breakfast table, but they hadn't had any conversation till then.

“Phupo will you teach me?...please.” she said.

“Of course beta why not.” Zubaida said and she smiled at her.

“Mom I am in study...have some work” Khizir said and went away. Shifa had noticed his gloomy mood, so she didn't find it wise to talk to him at that moment.

“So...do you want to learn it now or some other day?” Zubaida asked.

“Phupo now...Zainab you also join me...what say” She asked cheerfully.

“Why not api…let's go ammi.” Zainab said and all of them went to kitchen.

Khizir almost completed his work a sighed. He was tensed because of his work and so his mood was also not good. The new project that he wanted to have been really a big one and his construction company was not that big neither it was famous.

He got up and took his key to go to his office. He was walking in the lounge when suddenly from nowhere Shifa came, and they both collided. The file that was in his hand fell down and the bowl of turmeric paste also fell down from Shifa's hand which directly landed on his file.

He looked down and found his file's papers scattered all around and the paste she was carrying was all over it. Anger took it's best on him, and he turned around and found her standing still at the sudden impact.

“What the hell is your problem?...can't you see properly?” He shouted.

“Khizir I am so-”she didn't even complete when he again shouted.

“You are a stupid. Will your sorry fix this loss?...Shifa how can you be so stupid?...what do you think of your self?...you will do anything and nobody will say word to you? Are you seriously this stupid?...you are just a childish person...you don't even care about your responsibility? I don't know why Allah hanged you in my neck. Just get away from here and don't show me your face...damn you.” She felt like the ground slipping beneath her feet. It was a situation she had never faced, nobody had ever shouted on her like this. It felt like she was blazing with fire...her anger and hurt totally evident on her face but the person in front of her was blind by anger.

“I am so sorry Mr Khizir Hussain if I caused you any problem…but you won't face me ever” She said controlling her tears and ran towards the main door of the house. Zubaida and Zainab had already come in the lounge hearing him shout.

“Khizir is this the way to talk?” his mother spoke.

“Mom see what she did.” he showed her the file.

“I didn't expect this from you Khizir...go get her.” She said and went away.

On the other hand she was walking fast on the lonely road and tears were constantly flowing down her cheeks

He shouted on her for the first time. Though they fought but the matter didn't reach this level. This time it was not only his loud voice but the words had hurt her...each word was spinning in her head and her mind was a complete mess.

She was hurt but the thing which was affected the most was her heart. Her heart was broken...she felt an unknown pang in her heart.

She was walking when someone closed her nose with a cloth and black dots started to cover her vision until she slipped into oblivion

Khizir was still angry, more to say he was frustrated. He came out of his house and started searching her, but she was seen nowhere. He ran across all the streets around but couldn't find her.

He got worried and called her, but she wasn't picking up. He sighed in frustration, and then he knew what stupidity he had done. He immediately called Shereyar.

“Hello Sherey did Shifa reach?” He asked in a worried tone but the answer was negative.

“Sherry… Sherey… Shi… Shifa is missing.'' He said.

The silence in the house was deafening. It felt like all the dark clouds had surrounded them. Saba was crying for her daughter as it had been more than five hours and Shifa was still missing.

They tried to call her but her phone was switched off.

“Sherey I… I am sorry… Sh… Shifa-” Khizir couldn't even complete his sentence as guilt formed inside him.

“It's not your fault...but we need to find her.” Shehreyar said placing his hand on Khizir's shoulder. From the time Shfia went missing Irfa was receiving calls from an unknown number. She tried to ignore it but when it again buzzed for the nth time she picked it up.

“Want Shifa safe...come to the address I am sending you and dare to tell anyone…she will be killed.” Someone spoke from the other side and she heard a guns but before she could say anything the call was cut.


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