《Eternal Love ✔》||29 First Fight||



Silence is something mysterious. Hard to decipher, what for it is? The silence in the car was making things difficult, more than it was. Shifa and Khizir were staring at the road...both motionless, both speaking not a word. They didn't even know what to speak? The only sign of life remained their breathing which was audible in the cold silence.

Shifa's mind was clogged with all kinds of thoughts. Most likely of him and their recent engagement. Her mother had asked her to give a chance, but was it that easy? Or was it her ego that wasn't allowing her to open up? Everything was so confusing, but she needed to find out the answer.

Khizir had never imagined him and her being in such a situation where they would sit like this, without any teasing and fights. It was suffocating him, the silence. He knew the sudden news of their fixed marriage was nothing but a blast to them, but he also knew, there was something hidden beneath all this tensions. Yet he couldn't find out what?

The car stopped bringing Shifa out of her musings and look outside. It was a parking lot, she stepped out of the car followed by him and both proceeded towards the mall.

“Shifa...what should we buy?” Khizir asked hesitantly walking beside her.

“You haven't yet decided?” she asked with a bit of disbelief and irritation in her voice.

“We can decide it now, let's have coffee?” He asked trying to ease the uncontrollably growing tensions. Shifa nodded and followed him to the café.

“So what does Zainab like the most.?”Shifa asked taking a sip of coffee.

“K dramas.” he said the only thing he remembered making her nod at him.

“And?” she asked.

“Well I.chocolate... I don't know clearly.” Khizir said scratching his head, she shook her head in disbelief.

“I knew it.” Shifa whispered.

“Comfy clothes, chocolates, bracelet, books, Pokémon.” Shifa spoke making him shock. She had counted those things like it was on her tongue's tip.

Embarrassment filled him thinking that he himself didn't know about his sister's liking. He looked here and there and spoke,

“So let's start with finding the bracelet.” Shifa nodded and they went towards the jewelry shop. After searching for sometime she found a beautiful bracelet, a golden one with pearls and stars. She turned around only to bump straight in him. He took a step back and looked down and apologize.


“See this one is perfect.” Shifa showed him the bracelet making him nod and take it. Getting it packed they went to buy some Pokémon stuff toys for Zainab.

“Shifa do you really think she needs these stuff toys?” Khizir asked picking up a bulbasuar.

“No she doesn't need this but need is different from liking.” she said not facing him. A distant feeling showing in her voice making his heart clench a little.

“Like I needed to get married to you but I didn't like you.” she whispered thinking he went away, but he was there standing behind her…hearing every word.

It just felt like someone had slapped him across his face. He was stunned at what she had said, but then she wasn't even lying. That was the reality but somewhere it pained, hearing those words. Somewhere it felt like it shouldn't be like this, they shouldn't be so apart when they were about to start their new life.

There wasn't any progress, just things were getting worse than it was.


The day of Zainab's birthday arrived and Khizir was way more excited for it than he ever was. Reason was just unknown. His sister was someone who had given him hope to stay strong. His father's death was traumatizing, but he knew he needed to be strong and now here they were, happy with the grace of lord.

He had practically raised Zainab like a father.

Getting up early he went to her room. His sister was not a fan of huge parties and hanging out like most teens. She was just a shy but strong girl who had very confined desires. Her maturity was equally balanced with her adorable nature.

He entered the room and found her reading the holy Qur'an. Their mother had made sure they did so every morning. He smiled and went near her.

“Happy Birthday princess.” He whispered making her scared. She turned around and relaxed…

“Bhai you scared me.” she said

“Sorry...here your gift princess.” he said forwarding her the bracelet and the jiggly puff stuff toy making a full-blown smile plaster on her face. Her eyes got teared up just like him, he instantly embraced her in his arms and kissed her head. He knew she was missing their father.

“I miss him to baby.” He whispered making her hum and snuggle more.

“Thank you so much bhai for everything.” She said with a heavy voice and parted with a small smile playing on her lips. He patted her head, and they both went to their mother's room.


“Assalamoalaikum ammi.” Greetings in unison. Zubaida turned towards her children and smiled seeing them together. Gesturing them to come forward she stood from the bed. They went towards her and hugged her.

“May Allah keep you happy.” She whispered.


Shehreyar entered his room for getting ready for the small family gathering at Khizir's. The first thing he heard was Irfa's ringing cell phone.

“Where is this girl?” Shehreyar whispered to himself and went to pick up the call. It was from an unknown number. He picked up and a male voice spoke from the other side.

“I thought you were smart miss Irfa...told you not to marry that Shehreyar but alas!...you didn't listen. I have good news for you...you will regret it.” With this the call was cut, and he stood there shocked. He removed the cell from his ears and looked at the black screen, anger filled him as realization dawned upon him. She was being threatened and he was unaware.

“Shehreyar you are still not ready.”she said shaking her head as she entered the room. He looked up without any emotions on his face.

“Whose number is this?” He asked showing her the phone he was holding.

“What?” She was shocked to see her phone in his hand, and she knew about whom he was talking...she had last received the call on her mayun's function.

“Irfa this was the person who fed nonsense to your brain?” He said with a serious voice. She could feel her throat tighten.

“Shehrey let me explain.” Irfa said calmly.

“What explain?...you should have informed me about this...why didn't you?” He shouted making her cower back in fear. She looked at him in disbelief, it felt like he was the same Shehreyar who had insulted numerous times.

“Tell me why didn't you tell me? Irfa do you have the slightest idea how dangerous it could be?....you were getting threat calls and your stupid brain didn't have the thought to inform anyone.” He shouted again making her flinch.

“Shehreyar I was about to tell you...please listen to me first.” She said controlling the tears, not wanting to appear so weak.

“What listen?... I didn't know you could act this stupid.” He said and led out a dejected sigh.

“Explain...from when you were receiving these calls?” He said controlling his anger but her tears got out of control and ran down her cheeks.

“First I got roses and cards with warning that 'you are mine' on my desk.”she said in a low tone.

“What?” he shouted.

“And you didn't care to tell me?” He ran his hand in his hair in frustration and looked sideways.

“I am sorry.” she whispered controlling the sob that was bubbling in her throat.

“Then?” He didn't notice that she was crying, his anger had taken a good toll on him.

“Then the calls-” she didn't even complete her sentence when Shehreyar again shouted.

“Irfa how can you be so careless...you-”

“Stop it Shehreyar... I am saying that I was about to tell you the whole thing but couldn't...will you just please stop shouting and blaming me. I know I was stupid but…but that doesn't mean you…you will shout th...this much.” She said and sobbed leaving him stunned for a moment. He was about to say something, but she went outside wiping her tears.

This was their first fight, both didn't want to fight, but then they didn't know how to control. Being in such a relationship was new and learning always needs time.

They were silent after that, they didn't talk. In the get together to neither of them were too gloomy. Though they didn't let anyone know that they had fought He realized his mistake...he really went out of control but then what she had done was something really stupid.

Shehreyar when entered the room, darkness welcomed him. He switched on the lights and found her sleeping on the couch. Her small form was covered partially by the duvet. He shook his head and went near her.

'Is she really sleeping?' He thought and called her but got no response. Her face was stained of dried tears making him guilty.

'I am really a stupid... I hurt her again.' He thought and tried to wake her up, but she didn't budge. Releasing a dejected sigh he got up and laid on the bed.

“Irfa I am asking for the last time come here.”he said.

No response.

“Ok as you wish sleep on that couch I have no problem.” He said and switched off the lights.



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