《Eternal Love ✔》||28 I Am Happy||



Beautiful time passes in blink of eye...leaving beautiful memories, the one worth cherishing forever. It's been a week to the day Shehreyar and Irfa were tied together. And this one week was nothing but a bliss. From praying morning obligatory prayers together to endless talks before sleeping...it was all amazing.

All the guests had returned and now the family was alone. They were having their breakfast which was prepared by Irfa as the new bride...for the first time.

“Ma sha Allah you cook really nice. It's so delicious.” Mr Ahmed said tasting the kheer that she prepared. It was a ritual, the new bride makes something sweet and the family members give presents in return.

“Yes Irfa it's really tasty.” Shifa also added.

“So what do you want as your reward?” Mr Ahmed asked.

"Anything you wish baba.” she said with a smile making every one smile.

“You will get your gift.” He said patting her head.

“So what have you decided beta…will you join office?” Saba asked.

“Yes mamma, I was about to ask this. I want to continue my job if you all have no problem with it.” She said politely making them smile.

“Why would we have any problem?...so my assistant you will rejoin office from tomorrow.” Mr Ahmed said in a playful commanding tone.

“Yes boss.” she replied in the same tone and everyone laughed.

Shehreyar chuckled softly on his wife's antics. He glanced at his smiling and laughing family, what could he wish for more? This was all he ever wanted. His family happy and contented. Sending a silent prayer to his lord of thankfulness and asking him to keep things like this he continued eating his food.


“Shifa come here.” Saba called her daughter who was looking tensed and Saba clearly knew why.

“Yes mom.” she said and sat beside her mother.

“Listen to me very carefully bacha.”

“Is everything fine?” Shifa asked in a concerned voice, she glanced at her mother's face trying to decipher what was wrong.

“Yes everything's fine.” Saba said and made her lie on the bed and placed her head on her lap.

“Beta you are the youngest one in our family, we all love a lot.” Saba started speaking massaging Shifa's hair simultaneously.

“When you were born your grandfather was very happy...he knew that Zafar had a daughter but in his ego he didn't contact him, he also knew that Irfa's mother was no more he was helpless he wanted his son back, but he couldn't speak out his emotions.

Your birth was a moment of happiness in his life's last part. He was so happy that he organized a very big charity program too. You know why he fixed your marriage with Khizir? He wanted his granddaughters to be safe and happy for ever. He had so much guilt that he couldn't call Irfa to him... his guilt was killing him day by day. He got a promise from me that if I get one chance to get Irfa here I have to get her here.

He loved you all...very much. I know beta you and Khizir have differences but trust me you won't find anyone better than him. Our elders make many decisions of our life...sometimes we find them wrong and against us but dear remember every person wants better for his children.


Please promise me that you will give a chance to him I am not asking you to hurry but have patience and trust Allah…will you promise me?” Saba asked with hope making Shifa turn towards her.

“I promise.” she whispered and a tear escaped her eyes.

“Good girl now get up and go prepare for your university...you have to go tomorrow right?” Saba said caressing her cheeks.

“Yes mom.”she smiled and got up to leave but stopped on the door and turned around

“Mom... I love you.” She said and went out leaving a smile on her mother's lips. Her mother was right, but she knew it would take a lot of time...to adjust, to give chance.


Finishing her morning prayer Irfa was reading the holy Qur'an. The soft voice echoed in the room making a beautiful aura around.

Shehreyar when came back form Masjid found his wife reading the holy book in a soft voice. He couldn't stop the smile that formed on his lips. He silently came towards her and sat beside her, listening the beautiful recitation. She was so engrossed that she didn't notice him who was siting beside her.

“Ya Allah Shereyar you scared me...” she gasped finding him sitting just beside her.

“I am sorry. You recite beautifully.” he said, and she couldn't control the red that reached her cheeks.

“Thanks...ok tell me what will you wear today I will get it.” She said removing her hijab.

“What will you wear today?” He asked instead.

“Anything...”she shrugged her shoulders.

“Now tell me.”he insisted.

“Obviously it's one of my dresses.”she said rolling her eyes.

“Irfa color.” he was getting impatient.

“Purple I guess...but why did you ask?” She asked in a confused tone.

“Ok, so I will also wear purple today...like couples do.” He said and Irfa couldn't control her laugh. She couldn't believe he was the same Shehreyra Siddiqui whom she met a year ago.

“Sherey it's so childish...come on you are grown up man.” She said in between her laugh…but little did she know his mind was still stuck on her calling him with his nickname.

“Now stop laughing I said and I will.” he said in fake anger.

“Ok...ok as you wish little boy.” she said ruffling his hair and ran into the washroom making his eyes widen.

The ride to office was beautiful Irfa Shereyar and Mr Ahmed talked continuously throughout the ride. While Shehreyar and Irfa were glancing at each other now and then, exchanging small eye contacts and smiles.


The canteen of Shifa's university was buzzing with students, some sitting around casually..some studying and some eating.She was sitting alone...she was a bubbly girl at home but outside she was a big introvert.Thinking about her mother's suggestion her mind was becoming all jumbeled up.Her heart said yes give it a chance but mind was still hesitant. It was way too tough to decide what to do.

Brushing off her thoughts when she got up to leave someone called her making her turne back only to find Khizir coming towards her. Her borws furrowed seeing him.


"Khizir what are you doing here?" She asked as soon as he came near her.

"Are you busy?"He asked hesitatingly.

"Why?" She asked.

"Umm...if you are not busy then can you please come with me I have some work and I need your help." He said scratching his neck

"What help?" She again asked, her face scrunched up in a confused one.

"It's Zainab's birthday on wednesday and I want to give her a surprise gift...so will you help me?" He asked.

"If you are free..then." he added.

"I am free let's go...but let me inform someone." She said and he nodded.

He was trying to give this relationship a chance and so was she, but slowly. They didn't know where everything would lead to, a beautiful start or a worst end.


“Shehreyar baba need your signature on this.” Irfa said entering his cabin.

He nodded and signed where it was needed. She turned around to go back but stopped as he had held her wrist. A quizzical look formed on her face making him smirk and speak,

“Mrs Shehreyar Siddiqui do you have spare five minutes in your busy schedule for your poor husband.” He said pulling her towards him.

“No Mr shereayar Siddiqui I am quite busy...there are many works left.”she said pretending to be busy and looking here and there.

“Oh really?” He asked and pulled her closer by snaking his arm on her waist. She could feel her heart beat's increasing speed, she opened her mouth to say something but couldn't. The proximity was making her mind haywire.

“Very busy...right?” He whispered, their faces merely inch apart. His strong gaze sending shivers down her spine.

“Sherey...baba must be looking for me.” she said in a hushed tone all her playfulness was long gone. Her eyes holding a glint in it, the same he had.

“Baba will understand.” he said making her eyed widen on his shamelessness.

“And my wife I love it when you call me Sherey.”he said in a husky tone. She could feel his hot breath fanning her face. The blackness of his black orbs looked just like a sea, a sea of emotions.

“Call me Shehry again.”he whispered

“No please let me go.” she wiggled under his grip, making him tightened his arms around her

“Take my name and get free.” he said with a smirk.

“You are...such a jerk.” She said making him chuckle and shake his head.

“Cursing is bad...so take my name.”he was stubborn, and she knew it would be impossible to get free without taking his name.

“Sherey.” His name rolled out of her mouth effortlessly, like she knew that the beholder was her and only her.

“Once more.” he said and joined their foreheads.


“Shehreyar...your phone is ringing.” She said a little loudly bringing him out of his trance.

“Damn this phone.”he released her and picked up the call.

“Okay bye.” she said jolted out of his room, the redness of her cheeks prominent. Walking towards Mr Ahmed's cabin she bumped into Zawaar and all file slipped from her hands.

“I am so sorry.” he said picking up the files and handed her. The red color of her cheeks was not hidden from him she just thanked him and went away.

Looking at her retreating form he couldn't control the anger that was surging through him. If it was under his control he would have taken her, making her his, but he was helpless.


Mr Ahmed had returned home a little earlier and had asked Shehreyar and Irfa to finish the whole work. The work was complete and it was still quite early evening. Shehreyar had offered a walk in the park nearby to have some fresh air.

“What happened?” He asked turning towards her after she had tucked his hand.

“Shehreyar...see.” she said excitedly pointing towards an ice cream parlor.

“Hmm so.?”he teased… he knew what she meant but teasing was a better option.

“Let's get one.” She said and started walking towards it but was held by him.

“Wait.” he said receiving a pointed look from her.

“What?” She asked in hurry.

“You want ice cream?” He asked.

“Yes.” She said impatiently.

“Okay so you have to give something.” He said making her groan in frustration.

“Ugh...come on Sherey please.” she whined.

“No...first give a kiss here.” He said pointing towards his cheek making her eyes widen.

“Shehreyar we are in the middle of a road.” She semi yelled at him still shocked at her husband's shameless approach.

“Fine...forget ice cream.” He said moving ahead only to be stopped by her small hand.

“Ugh, fine.” she said and gave a light peck on his cheek and ran towards the parlor.

“You!...it's not a kiss.” he shouted receiving strange looks from everyone on the road and a chuckle from his wife. Politely smiling at the people he gave towards Irfa. Getting their ice creams they started walking in the park. .

“So Mrs Siddiqui...how are you feeling?” He asked sounding like a reporter.

“Well I am feeling very good.” She replied and giggled. His eyes were on her laughing face, he hadn't seen her smiling and laughing like this...so free. And now that she was so free in front of him, he couldn't be thankful more.

“Irfa...”he called walking beside her making her hum in response.

“Are you happy?” He asked in a serious tone.

“I am happy.” she said and turned towards him.

“I am happy...more than I could ever be.” She said and a beautiful smile formed on their lips. Taking her hand in his he kissed the back of it and continued strolling around.


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