《Eternal Love ✔》||27 Married||


It's amusing that saying just few words a person gets tied to someone. In a bond that's one of the purest of all, the bond that stays forever...until death do that part. A bond of hearts, a relation of souls...marriage.

“I do.” he spoke in a clam voice and the whole house erupted with congratulations and cheers of happiness. Khizir came smiling to him and gave him a brotherly hug.

“Congrats bro...finally you got your love I am so happy for you.”he said and patted his back.

“All thanks to you.” Shehreyar said hugging him back tightly.

Sitting between women who were sharing greetings and congratulations she could feel her loudly beating heart. The new relationship she was stepping in was making her nervous and giddy. Suddenly the already loud room became louder, indicating the approval from the groom.

“Mom why are you crying?...she will stay here only.” Shifa said side hugging her mother, grabbing her attention. She looked up and unknowingly tears pooled her vision.

“This is tears of happiness... I am so happy for you my child may Allah SWT bless you both with every happiness you deserve.” She said and kissed Irfa's forehead making her close her eyes. A kind of contentment warming her heart, the one which a child gets in its mother's lap.

“So how are you feeling after becoming Mrs Irfa Shehreyar Siddiqui?” Alizeh asked playfully.

“Is this a question to ask Alizeh?...she is so happy...see her face has turned red, just the effect of bhai's name.” Shifa teased making everyone laugh, she just chuckled. Indeed, she was happy.

All the functions ended, and she could feel her body ache with the heavy dress's weight and sitting idly for hours. Finally, she was taken to his room. This was her first time entering his room. She remembered when last time she came at this room's door what had happened but now...she will live here forever, it was really astonishing.

Silently sitting on the bed she was thinking of all her childhood memories. She was missing her father, brother and nanu. She was missing them badly...only she knew how she wished they were here. The pain was there but the hope that now everything would turn out good was there. After sometimes she heard the door of the room opening and her heart beat increased.

''Assalamoalaikum...'' Shereyar said sitting in front of her. The red dress that was adoring her was making her look more beautiful in the dim light. Her eyes that were catsed down making him smile.

She replied in a low voice. Her shivering hands didn't go unnoticed by him. He sighed and spoke,

“Relax.” He then forwarded the pendant he showed her last night and another red box.

“Irfa... I am so happy that I can't tell you.” He whispered as if even the air around shouldn't hear a thing.

“Take all your time to adjust in this relation...remember you are not alone. I am with you... Allah has destined us to be together...we will be together In sha Allah in this world and after it too...till eternity.” His each words felt so true to her that she couldn't stop the smile that conquered her lips, the soft look in his eyes making her heart flutter...the way it never did before.


“Let's offer nafal salah.” he said, and she nodded. After freshening up and doing wudu they offered their Salah...he was standing in front...and she was on his back. The calmness and serenity that standing in front of their creator gave was incomparable.

Folding their prayer mats they turned around, facing each other as of both knew...some words were to be said

“Promise me Irfa, you will always stay beside me.” he said with a hundred of emotions in his eyes.

“I promise.” she said looking straight in his black eyes, drowning in the whirlpool of emotions

“And I promise to always keep you happy and safe.”he said and kissed her forehead for...getting lost in the time.


Morning was beautiful yet late as everyone was hell tired. But two members were up all night, thinking separately about the same thing. Their engagement the next day. Khizir was tensed...he was unable to understand why his heart said to go with the decision of elders. Shifa was tired of being tensed and thinking...now only one thing remained, that was anger...for him and for everyone.

“Assalamoalaikum everyone.” Shehreyar greeted entering the living room. The family was having morning tea and seeing him they all smiled.

“Walekumassalam, where is Irfa?” Zubaida asked.

“Here,” Irfa's voice came from behind followed by her. Clad in a beautiful black and golden dress she smiled at them.

“Ma sha Allah. Nazar na lage mere bachon ko (may all the evil eye stays away from my children.)” Saba said standing up.

“All of you can go for a meal. If you wish.” Arfa suggested.

“That's a great idea....” Zainab said dragging idea making them smile at her.

“Okay fine, let's go.” Shehreyar said.

“Mom, I don't want to go. I am not well.” Shifa spoke standing up from her place. Her face was emotionless yet everyone knew what was going inside her. Khizir glanced her and looked down knowing very well why she wasn't going, yet he didn't know what to say.

“It will be fun Shifi, please.” Shehreyar said softly.

“I am sorry bhai. I can't.” She spoke looking here and there making him nod.

“Shehreyar, I think I should stay.” Irfa whispered softly gesturing towards Shifa.

“She will be fine.” He whispered again making her raise her eyebrows.

“I hope so,”

“Okay now go...” Saba said and after few moments they all left including Khizir.

“Shifa, what's with you now? Didn't you see how upset they were at your behavior?” Saba asked in a stern voice.

“Mom, everyone gets upset with my behavior… It's nothing new.” She replied in a low voice and went towards her room, leaving her mother in guilt. Saba didn't think that this will go to such an extent.

Shifa entered her room and silently laid down on the bed. Looking at the ceiling she sighed. What was going in her life was crazy, it felt like she would end up in something that she would regret. And without her knowledge tears started flowing down her cheeks...soaking the pillow.



Irfa was sitting idly on the bed after getting ready for the wedding reception. Her red embroidered dress complimenting her complexion. The white and red diamond jewelry adoring her. Her hair in a bun and loose strands cupping her face.


Shehreyar entered his room and found her sitting like a beautiful doll. He could feel the increase heart beats. He was unable to move his eyes away from his beautiful wife. Taking another step inside he cleared his throat grabbing her attention.

She looked up and found him looking straight in her eyes. Wearing a blue suit with red matching tie he looked nothing but perfect. His eyes shinning with a hundred of emotions.

“Let's go.” He spoke softly and forwarded his hand towards her. Placing her shivering hand in his she got up, and then they left for the venue.

Where the smiles of newly-weds were not leaving their face the two who were engaged few moments earlier were having hard time faking smile.

“I am sorry.” Khizir mumbled to Shifa who was sitting adjacent to him.

“Your sorry won't do anything” she said bitterly making hin clench his fist

“It's not my fault, is it?” Khizir asked.

“So it's mine,right.” she also replied.

“Leave this.”Khizir said and got up from his position.

The reception was nothing but grand. Various business persons and many more well known people were invited. It continued till late night and when they returned all were hell tired. Sitting in the lounge area they were talking and discussing various things.

“Irfa Shehreyar both of you go take rest you must be tired.” Saba said making them nod and leave.

In the kitchen Shifa was standing and preparing tea for everyone but her mind was not at its place. She was constantly thinking about today's event. How will she break this relation...her mind was jumbled up and it was giving her a severe headache.

“Shifa...careful.” Khizir came running and turned off the knob on which the hot tea was boiling.

His loud voice brought her back from her musings, and she glanced at the half burnt tea. She didn't reply to him and turned towards the stove.

“Can't you be a little careful... I don't know why are you so careless?” he semi yelled at her.

“Shut up just shut up who are you to shout at me?...you know what you are the only reason of my distraught...stay away from me.” She also shouted on him and went out of the kitchen.

Completing her fajr salah and her morning job she wore a simple white and pink colored attire and sat on the bed to wear her shoes. She heard the door open and knew that he had returned from the masjid. She stood up from the bed and faced him who was standing there with his jaws open.

She kept looking at him waiting for any reaction from him, but he stood there frozen, with wide eyes. He didn't say anything just looked at her. His intense gaze was making her nervous...but then he wasn't even able to remove his eyes from her.

“Um, Shehreyar... I need to go.” She spoke softly bringing him back from his trance.

“Huh?...yes go.” he said and gave her space to go.

It was almost noon when some guests, some partner of her mother's social works arrived. They couldn't attend the functions. Shehreyar when entered the living room, all were already there with Irfa silently sitting between on one of the couches.

“Saba whatever you say but new brides in our days never came to the guests like this...see she isn't even wearing any makeup...how plain and washed and above all she is wearing white.” One of the lady said scrunching her brows.

“It's fine, she already looks so beautiful without any makeup.” Saba said caressing her cheeks making the two ladies look at each other.

“Tell me one thing Saba how did Sherey agree to marry her?...what's so special in her?” Another guest asked eyeing her from top to bottom making her look up. This was enough he had controlled his anger but not it was getting too much.

“Assalamoalaikuk aunties.” Shehreyar said sitting beside Irfa. They all replied to him.

''Well aunty whatever she is mine and I accept her like this. I don't think because of such absurd reasons I won't accept her...she is my wife.” He said calmly but the word wife emphasized and this was enough to shut all of their mouths.

Irfa was feeling different kind of thing, a feeling of being worthless. She knew she was not that beautiful. He was perfect but she had many flaws.

Everyone had called it night so she entered her room. She went near the window and stared the moon which was in its crescent form. Shehreyar when entered his room found his wife standing near the window. He had noticed her gloomy mood after the morning's incident. He wanted to tell her that she was perfect for him…she was precious.

He went near her and stood behind her. She sensed his presence but kept silence.

“Shehreyar... I am sorry.” She said still looking outside.

“I am sorry I am not perfect for you... I... I know I am not that beautiful.I am sorry.” She said and gulped the lump forming in her throat. Her eyes were filled with tears she was trying not to shed.

He held her shoulder and turned her towards him. Her eyes were glassy, her emotions were clearly visible from her eyes...she was hurt. His wife was just like an open book.

“I am sorry.” he whispered, and she looked in his eyes which held love and care for her.

“You are perfect for me...you are the most beautiful person I have ever met. You are the best for me. My Allah has made you for me...you don't know how much I am thankful to him. He gave me everything and then you. Never think you are not my worth because I am not worthy of you. Irfa I love you...and will always do.” He said and embraced her in his arms making her close her eyes, a feeling of being in her haven surrounded like beautiful breeze.


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