《Eternal Love ✔》||20 Heart Break||


“Alhamdulillah... I thought he would not let Irfa marry him.” Mr Ahmed said to Khizir who was on the line.

“Ok...walekum assalam beta jazak Allah.” He said and hanged up, a content smile on his face that finally he would be able to do something big for her.

“Saba... Saba...where are you?” he asked and went to the kitchen where Saba was doing something.

“What happened?...why were you shouting? She asked turning towards Mr Ahmed trying to find out the reason of his smile.

“Shehreyar's problem is solved, he won't interrupt now.” Mr Ahmed informed making Saba heave a sigh of relief. Her son was really weird, but she hoped he wouldn't do anything stupid.

“Saba did you talk to Irfa about the proposal?” Mr Ahmed asked her.

“Yeah…first she was shocked but I assured her that he is a really nice guy…he would keep her happy....and guess what? She agreed.” Saba said excitedly.

“Yeah he will be the right one for her.... Insha Allah everything will be good.” He said and both of them mumbled Ameen.


I was feeling lost, so lost that it was making my mind go frenzy. Why was this even happening? It was just frustrating... I only wanted to hit that guy, but then was it his fault? It was all my fault...why didn't I understand my feelings a bit earlier?

I just hoped that Khizir would be able to do something. I trusted him and my lord, he won't let anything go wrong with the person I like so much. But still it felt like something bad was about to befall.

Finally, home, it was a long tiring day and to say we were tired would be and understatement. The girl beside me was fast asleep oblivious to the havoc she had created in my life. I glanced her way and tried to wake her up.


“Irfa.... Irfa wake up.” I called.

I really didn't want to break her sleep. The peace her face was holding was something I could never fathom. It was unpredictable...her pain, the way she hides it underneath the smile is nothing but brave.

“Irfa, wakeup.” I once called her making her eyes shot open, she looked around and realized that she had slept.

“Oh sorry... I dozed off.” She said awkwardly, and we both stepped out of the car.

Thinking about the same thing I entered the house with her only to find my relatives in the living room. Everything was so sudden, my phupos stood up as they saw us entering.

I greeted them only to get ignored as the both of them came towards Irfa and hugged her one by one. Their faces were beaming with joy making me smile, but what was the reason.

I glanced at Irfa who was looking down and blushing, the scene was too adorable to look away. Fidgeting with her fingers she nodded at something Arfa phupo whispered.

I was still confused about everything, first the arrival of my aunts and their family, second all the congratulations and blessings she was getting and third why was she blushing?

“Mom...why is everyone so happy...is there something I am missing?” I asked going near mom who was standing at a distance smiling at Irfa who was surrounded by my cousins and sisters.

“Oh! You don't know?... Irfa is getting engaged to Zawaar next weekend.” She said looking at me with a quizzical look. I could feel the world spin around me.

“Why mom?... I thought dad rejected it, and did you ask Irfa about her consent?” I asked, controlling my self hoping some miracle to occur yet nothing happened.

“Your dad really liked this proposal, and we talked to Irfa...at first she was shocked but later she replied in positive.” Mom completed. I couldn't react, my body seemed to be frozen...cold and unresponsive.



My heart, it was clenching....it was shattered in pieces...like a fragile broken piece of crystal. I didn't know how to pick it up...my dreams wishes all came falling to my feet. She was going to be someone else, she was not mine...she won't be mine.

I silently went to my room. I was helpless, I couldn't do anything neither I had courage to face anyone.I am scared to face them...fearing that my anger, my grief and my helplessness would trouble them. They all are so happy, so was she. I don't know what to do.

It felt like everything was slipping from my hand, like the unruly sand. I had never imagined that it would turn out like this. The only girl I ever thought of won't be with me, she won't be mine. Maybe that's what Allah wanted, maybe she was not in my fate.

I was lost in my thoughts when the door opened and Khizir entered. I lifted my head up to find him giving me the apologetic look...it's not even his fault.

“I am sorry Shehreyar I couldn't do anything.” He apologized.

“It's alright Khizir… I think she was not destined to be mine.” I said fake laughing and controlling my tears. He gave me a meek smile and went out leaving me alone...with the silence I needed the most.


The excitement in the house was piercing his heart, making fresh wounds on it. He was feeling pathetic, how could he react like this on someone's happiness but then the heart break was new and it was expected.

He had been up for the whole night, trying to accept the reality. He had spent his time asking for guidance from his lord, asking him to erase the feelings but little did he know what was going to happen.

Allah SWT always has three answers for a prayer, No... Yes or I have a better thing for you. He knew his Lord would do the best so leaving everything on him he tried to stay unaffected...tried but failed.

“Irfa beta why don't you take a break from office for preparations?” Mr Ahmed asked.

“Fine.” she replied looking down.

She didn't have an idea that she will get engaged to him. Leaving everything on Allah's will she agreed to this proposal. At least for her family...she didn't know if it would turn out the best for her but then the only thing that happens to us is the best.

It was unexpected and shocking news, but all the assurance she got was making her at ease. Maybe she was wrong in judging him so soon.

Entering the dinning room he greeted everyone with a salam that was nothing but a mere whisper. He took the seat in front of her. Glancing her way for mere second he looked away, it was better not to look at her.

“Sherey how are you now?” Saba asked with concern in her eyes, she had asked the same thing last night. He had said that he was having headache and was tired.


He wanted to answer but gave a meek smile to his mother.

“Fine mom…just a little headache.”

“Mom, dad I am leaving for Budapest today.” He said taking a bite of the food.

“But Sherey it's Irfa's engagement next Sunday.” Saba said.

“Saba let him go...it's really important, and he will return till then.” Mr Ahmed said making her nod. Shehreyar glanced at everyone and got up to leave, the only thing in his mind was 'the day.'

Would that everything was a nightmare but it was reality...agonizing yet true


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