《bite * lee know》BITE 5 - S P E C I A L


Whenever I have a free or vacant time I always draw a portrait of a guy I only see in my dreams while listening to my favorite song.

Defined eyebrows, pointed nose, luscious lips, perfect jawline and a pair of expressive eyes.

He's very handsome, he looks so pure and kind hearted.

“It's him again?” My best friend asked me.

I just nodded and smiled at her as an answer.

“He's that guy from your dreams right? The one who protect you from from the bad guys, I'm just wondering, what will you do if you meet him?” She asked me.

I actually don't know this guy, I only see him in my dreams, those dreams were hunting me since my 18th birthday up until now.

I always dreamed about him, same place, same plots and same happenings, he saved me from the reapers but I end up dying and he killed himself using the same knife that end up my life, sounds cringy but he probably love me that much to kill himself just to be with me.

“I don't know, Well it is way too impossible to meet him since he looks like a Korean guy.” I told her and chuckle.

“Eyyy, just what if? What if you meet each other in the near future?” She said and smiled at me cutely with matching charming eyes. Gosh, this girl is really hard headed.

“Well, I'll greet him Annyeong Haseyo?” We both laughed at my silly joke and she hit me playfully.

Our Human Psychology teacher walked inside the room and started her lectures.

We tackled about Reincarnation and Afterlife, I'm not really into this subject but there's something into it which makes me want to listen.

“Our dreams actually gives us hints what kind of people we are in our previous lives, we can't tell, maybe one of you saved the country from their previous lives or maybe one of you is a killer from your previous lives, e really can't tell.” She said as her closing marks and bid her goodbye then left the room.


I checked my wrist watch and saw It's already 4:00PM.

“Hey, Seungmin is practicing for their drama piece. Let's go watch them in the theater room!” She said while dragging me.

Here we go again, she's still head over heels for that guy even he ignores her.

But I can't say no to her since she's my only best friend. Gosh, I want to spank her head for liking that guy.

We reached the theater room and saw them practicing, I looked at her and she semeed very inlove by just looking at Seungmin, I just rolled my eyes in disbelief.

I watched them and they were pretty good at acting.

“I promised you that I'll protect you right?” Seungmin said, her leading lady nodded as a response, they are doing an action scene.

A guy used the leading lady as her hostage and pointed a gun to her. Then later on he pulled the trigger and she acted like she's dead, she fell down on the floor and Seungmin run towards her.

I felt like my head is spinning around, why does it feels so familiar to me? I hold my head feeling dizzy.

The guy pointed the gun on Seungmin and pulled the trigger and he acted like he is wincing in pain.

He slowly made his way to get near to her leading lady and hold her hand.

“Let's meet again in our next lives my love.” He said and closed his eyes.

I was so shocked when I heard his line, I'm sure I heard it before. Someone said it to me before, I just don't know where or when.

I stand up and leave my best friend there, she didn't even noticed that I leave her behind.

I started walking home now, I really feel so dizzy, those lines keep running inside my head and later on tears were falling from my eyes.


Why I am crying? Why do I feel so broken hearted? Why I am sad?

I don't know damn it, am I weirdo?

I sat at a bench under a large tree and calmed myself, people will think I'm crazy.

“괜찮아요? (Gwenchanayo?)” I heard a voice talking to me.

I lift my head and saw a foreigner talking to me, Is he a Chinese? Japanese? Korean? I don't understand him.

I wiped my tears and adjust my eyesight so I can see him clearly.

And to my surprise, He looks like THAT GUY, the guy from my dreams. Wow, Just wow, my mouth were hang open and I was just there, staring at him.

He exists. He really do.

He waved his hand in my face which brought me back to reality.

“아가씨, 괜찮습니까 ? (Agassi, Gwenchansumnika?)” He asked me again.

“I'm sorry but I don't understand you, Do you know how to speak in English?” I asked him.

Amusement were visible through my voice, I just can't believe that he really exists.

“Ow, Yes I do, I said, Are you alright? But it seems like you don't.” He said and sit beside me.

I just smiled to him and nodded.

“What's your nationality? I'm not really familiar with languages.” I asked him.

“I'm Korean, We just move here in the Philippines last week. I thought you were a korean too that's why I approached and asked you using my language. I'm sorry for that.” He said smiled brightly to me.

He seems nice and kind.

“It's okay.” I said to him.

“Can we be friends? You know, I don't have any friends since we just move from here and you seems very nice and kind. Can we?” He asked me with full of hope in his voice.

I just chuckled at the way he asked me, he sounds so childish but I find it cute.

“Of course we can, What's you're name by the way?” I asked him.

“My name is Lee Min Ho. What's yours?” He asked me.

“My name is Love.” I said.

We just stayed there having chit chats and getting to know each others, he's very warm person, he's also funny.

I noticed that it's almost getting dark and I need to go home, I bid my goodbyes to him and so he did.

I went home and do my usual routines and sleep.

Morning came, but I didn't dreamed about 'that dream where I and the Minho looked a like died' last night.

I wonder why? But anyway, It's a relief that I'm not having nightmares anymore.

Hell week is approaching so this week is really a busy week for me, I need to finish all my requirements and review at the same time for the upcoming finals.

For the whole week I didn't had the chance to see Minho, maybe he is busy too.

I was sitting here in the same bench where I meet Minho for the first time.

I looked up to the sky and closed my eyes, I'm so tired and my energies were all drained.

“Hey, We meet again my Love. I missed you.” It's Minho.

I slowly opened my eyes and saw him smiling brightly to me, he looks very handsome today, so handsome that he makes my heart beats faster and brings butterflies in my stomach.

“Annyeong Haseyo?” I greet him as he sat beside me.

Why do I feel like we can be more than just friends? I just smiled at that thought.


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