《bite * lee know》Bite - 2


I knew that the grandma was only joking a while ago but there's something in her smile that makes shiver. she's giving me creeps.

It's already 5:00 PM and we are about to go home when the rain pours hard. Is there a typhoon? The weather is absolutely fine a while ago and now it's raining hard.

My dress will be in a total mess if I get wet, I can't help but to sigh heavily.

The bus that we are supposed to ride isn't working. They better sell it into a junkyards.

How are we able to go home now? Damn.

We are divided into two groups since we are going to take a one single van and what made it worse is, I'm on the 2nd batch.

Oh great! This is really frustrating. We waited inside the mansion for the van to go back here and fetch us. I sat in the couch feeling lifeless. I roamed my eyes around, this mansion is more than a century old that's why I'm wondering how did they preserved everything here, that really knocks off my curiosity.

I remembered the portrait in the third floor a while ago, What's his name again? Ahhhh! Minho and he's a vampire. I laughed at that thought, Vampires aren't real. They don't exist.

I feel like I'm gonna pee so I asked teacher If I can go to the comfort room.

I went comfort room and pee, do some retouch and I'm done! I was about to go out back I can't open the door.

Damn, Someone locked me here. I tried to kick the door to make noise but no one can hear me since the rain sound outside is really loud.

"HELP! HELP! SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME. I'M LOCKED HERE INSIDE!" I shouted while still kicking and smashing the door. Damn, I'm going to kill whoever bitch locked me here inside.

I looked for my phone but I didn't brought it here, It's on the couch a while ago. Gosh.


Later on, I heard a sound of an engine. Damn, The van was here already and I'm still locked here inside.

I shouted even more now.

No, You can't leave me here.

"I'M STILL HERE. NO! DON'T LEAVE ME. PLEASE HELP ME. I'M LOCKED HERE INSIDE. PLEASE! HELP! HELP! HELP ME!" Now, I sounded like poor baby, they are not going to look for me, they left me here alone.

I'm going to sue that school once I get out of this.

Tears starting to form in my eyes, I hate everyone! I cry in frustration. I cry in betreyal. This day is really unlucky day for me damn it.

I fixed my self in front of the mirror, I wipe all my tears and calmed my self. I closed my eyes trying to stop my tears from falling.

I slowly opened my eyes and to my surprise there's a man behind my back.

What the hell, He's that guy from the portrait in the third floor.

I instantly closed my eyes and pray. Lord please help me, Please keep me safe away from evil spirits. Upon my eyes are still close, I murmured our father who art in heaven, called out all the saints that I know.

Please just tell me that I'm hallucinating things, I opened my eyes and to my relief he's gone. I hold up chest and tried my self to calm down, I almost die because of shock.

I should stop over thinking things, I looked at every corner of comfort room to make sure that it was just my imagination.

"Are you looking for me?" A voice asked beside me, I looked at it slowly and it scares the shit out of me.

He's standing beside me.

That Minho guy is standing beside me and he's smiling showing his vampire fang.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!" I screamed with all my might and my eyesight went black and I passed out suddenly.


I wake up feeling the soft bed and cold surrounding, I want to sleep more.

I cover myself with the blanket and hug the pillow beside me.

Why is this pillow is kinda hard and cold? Neither way, I hug it even more tighter and to my shocked the pillow hug me back and pulled me closer. Wait, is the pillow is hugging me back?

Later on, the pillow start sniffing my neck and leaving tiny kisses.

What the hell! This is not a pillow!

I stood up immediately and push that someone hugging me.

Damn! I looked at the guy who's starting to form a scary smile at me now.

The fudge, I'm scared! What a pervert damn it.


He looked around and smirk

"This room is mine. Don't worry, this will be also yours soon."

I looked around and saw an unfamiliar place, Where am I? Wait.

I looked at this pervert and realized something, He is that man in the portrait and please don't tell me he's the same guy from the comfort room a while ago and I'm not imagining things? He's a vampire.


He might suck all my blood and kill me.

No, that can't be. No, I won't let that happened.

I started stepping backwards getting near to the door. Please someone save me now. Please.

"Yes, I was the man in the portrait and yeah, I'm a vampire but don't worry, I won't hurt you." He said and stand up. He started to step forward towards my direction.

I turned my back on him and run to the door. Please save me. Someone help me!

I rotate the doorknob but it's locked! Damn, He's now stand behind my back and said

"Don't try to escape, No one will save from here and no can. You will stay with me here in this mansion forever."

I looked at him and tears starting to in my eyes.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME? WHAT DO YOU WANT?!" I started shouting to set aside my fears.

"I don't want anything from you, I want you, the whole you. You and yourself only." He told me and grabbed my waist tightly getting me nearer to him.

"Because from now on, You will be my queen. You are mine. Mine alone." He said emphasizing each words that he owned me.

I pushed him but he's really strong. Damn it. I looked at him showing anger all over my face. I can't feel any fear right now. If I can't escape here, then I'll make sure he can't have me.

He looked at me straight to my eye as if he's reading my soul, he hugged my waist tighter and bend down his head to my neck. I tried to pushed him but he pulls me closer leaving no gaps between us.

He sniffed my neck and trailedown to my collar bone then back to my neck again up to my ear. He slightly bite my earlobe and leaves soft kisses to my soft spot.

I closed my eyes trying to fight the tension building inside me. He started to lick my neck's soft spot and kiss it aggressively sending me chills down to my spine.

Then he bite it.

Not the ordinary bite you were thinking. He bite me using his fang that made me winced in pain.

"I put my marked on you so now, you are my territory, you are mine. mine alone. Understand?" He told me and smirked as he let go out of his embrace.

I looked my mself in the mirror in my side view.

I saw a bite mark.

A vampire's bite mark.

Minho's claiming marked.


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